what have you been doing today?

ok, so bastet is removing varnish, althea is applying varnish. Magus is sniffing the shit of I Daggius; there is evidence and magic to prove it.

alwin is working on his degeneracy paper while i, on the same hand, am working on a paper on bipolar disorder in relation to alwin.

Duncan is watching Ben's cousin in action.
lost my job
sorry to hear that MDG. no fun.

well, I have a paper to write in full. Shouldn't be too bad. It has limited page requirements.

AANNND, hehehe! I'm having a thought ...... that's cracking me up! Well, it's not exactly MY thoughts.
And my response is: YOU will never be me
what have i been doing today? hmmm...snorting coke, sucking cock, shitting cake...the usual :)
Strangelight said:
we used to have a game on Sundays called "Smell The Evidence"
eeeeh, how does that go?

shops are closed another day here,
have been sleeping and have been/am hungry.
am downloading from soulseek and wonder what else i could download
is there a better program existing than soulseek btw?

oh yeah heard for the first time roy harpers version from 'hope', nice cracky voice, though i'm still not sure it was the right version, as it says 'roy harper/jimmy page' in the title
nomana-nuniyan said:
alwin is working on his degeneracy paper while i, on the same hand, am working on a paper on bipolar disorder in relation to alwin.
send me a copy when it's finished, I'd like to know how you relate me to a bipolar disorder

(the one who makes a joke about this post receives my demo cd, that should do it)
Alwin said:
send me a copy when it's finished, I'd like to know how you relate me to a bipolar disorder

(the one who makes a joke about this post receives my demo cd, that should do it)
i'd really like to pull a joke now, but im bad at it. but send me that demo anyway, my intentions were good...;)
siderea said:
eeeeh, how does that go?

shops are closed another day here,
have been sleeping and have been/am hungry.
am downloading from soulseek and wonder what else i could download
is there a better program existing than soulseek btw?

oh yeah heard for the first time roy harpers version from 'hope', nice cracky voice, though i'm still not sure it was the right version, as it says 'roy harper/jimmy page' in the title
We'd go to different houses/rooms and take big deep sniffs to guess who has slept there.
As for Hope check this > http://www.royharper.co.uk/shop/product_info.php?products_id=16
and anyone who says the Anathema version is better is a complete and utter ballbag :wave:
Strangelight said:
We'd go to different houses/rooms and take big deep sniffs to guess who has slept there.
As for Hope check this > http://www.royharper.co.uk/shop/product_info.php?products_id=16
and anyone who says the Anathema version is better is a complete and utter ballbag :wave:
I finally got that Jugula album actually.

"I'm really stoned
I'm really stoned
Permanently out my bone"

Break out the rizlas
And roll up a place to unwind"