What is your reason for long hair?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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My reason is because my ears are uber big, and if the hair is short, I think it looks funny.

I also do it to be different from the norm up here

Plus girls seem to like it (at least all of the ones I have met)

If your hair is long and looks like James LaBrie - you should cut it, i think that just looks so ugly and stupid. personally.

If you got a mullet, MORE POWER TO YOU! I dont have the balls to sport a mullet. lol

whats your reasons/opinions
Well, don't know if you guys would consider it long, but at least that's the way it's heading.. (I can post a pic if wanted by the masses)

Reason one: I look like a complete idiot with short hair.
Reason two: I look a little less like a complete idiot with long hair.
Reason three: Standing out of the norm, I guess \m/ :D
Reason four: No idea, it just looks nice with four reasons instead of three.

EDIT: Reason four: Long hair looks better when headbanging.. :D
There's only one reason for that, I look extremely stupid with short hair! I had my hair cut quite short many years ago and I hated it, 'cause it just didn't feel like my hair anymore.
And my husband prefers it to be long too, even he's got a long hair :)
I can't grow nice looking STRAIGHT long hair... my hair is too thick.

Dude, whats wrong with LaBrie''s hair?, he looks really good with long hair imo..
My hair is just more fun to idly play with when it's long. It's also curly and members of the opposite sex tend to enjoy it when they can just pull it way out and let it snap back.
I had long hair when I was 9 and 10 but then I had to cut it 'coz of three reasons.

1. I was sometimes getting teased by some faggots
2. I went to a new school where boys have to have short hair.
3. People mistaked me as a girl!!!!!! evem though I looked nothing like a girl!!! Stupid Australian Hic's!
I had very long hair in high school (in the 70's!) but LOTS of guys did.
My 17 year old son has very long hair now and he's one of the few in school who does. He gets harrassed, but he just does not care (anymore) because he's into prog metal and "that's just the way it is."

I said to my wife "Sharon, check out this cool kid from Denmark!" She said "Cute dimples" :oops:

.......You gotta let your hair get REALLY long...you're SyX-Fan..
and "that's just the way it is."!!!! :headbang:

Now seriously...IMO, I like to see long hair, but....we are who we are. It's the person that matters. Eyes are the first thing I notice about anyone, because eyes are the key to the soul. :)
i have long hair because long hair is badass. Also, i used to be into nu-metal, now i am not so i have to show my support. It's a bit passed my shoulders. If i can get a pic i will post it.

by the way, long hair sucks when you are still in school because if you don't tie it back it gets in your eyes and is a pain in the ass. But it looks killer!! so WOO HOO!!
I have (in the process of growing) long hair cause all the bands that I like have long hair and I like the look of it. You NEED longhair to headbang, you look like a total fool if you don't have longhair while swinging, most people who listen to metal have long hair, so those are my reasons for it. Against, its a pain in the ass when its not long enough to tie back, and alot of people think you look stupid, but I enjoy not looking the same as other people. So there, those are my f*ckin reasons.
I'd say I have long hair due to laziness. Plus I save a few bucks and a few hair clippings!
Pharoah said:
I had very long hair in high school (in the 70's!) but LOTS of guys did.
My 17 year old son has very long hair now and he's the only one in school who does. He gets harrassed constantly but he just does not care (anymore) because he's into prog metal and "that's just the way it is."

I said to my wife "Sharon, check out this cool kid from Denmark!" She said "Cute dimples" :oops:

.......You gotta let your hair get REALLY long...you're SyX-Fan..
and "that's just the way it is."!!!! :headbang:

Now seriously...IMO, I like to see long hair, but....we are who we are. It's the person that matters. Eyes are the first thing I notice about anyone, because eyes are the key to the soul. :)

:oops: thanks :oops: lol, well.. you're right... That's just the way it is :)
I'll keep you updated on the length... :p :D