What Opeth song do you think is the most epic?

I would say Black Rose Immortal, because that's a pretty obvious 'most epic' track.

But I'm also going to throw in 'Blackwater Park' from the new album, because it seems like the culmination of all or most of Mike's lyrical ideas from 'Still Life' and the Blackwater album. It's one big allegory of humanity's fall, it seems like Mike just wanted to fuckin' pull out ALL the stops with it, musically and lyrically.

Hopefully writing the song has been theraputic to him and he can kind of see himself and that way of thinking in the past...
Black Rose Immortal is, I must say, the most obvious answer to this question.

However, I would also give strong consideration to Advent - in a lot of ways it's Opeth's masterpiece track... it really does touch all Opeth bases (up 'till that time, anyways) and provides many memorable instances without being 20 minutes long like BRI. Also, Forest of October and The Twilight is My Robe rank as well.

I think it would have to come from the first two records... MAYH is epic as an album, not as individual songs, and nothing on Still Life or Blackwater Park really reaches that high point of the epic scale, with the exception of perhaps "The Moor".

So with much needless rambling, I basically concur: Black Rose Immortal.
I have to go with The Apostle in Triumph. The interplay and musical depth to the song is fantastic. That said, BRI will easily hold as the most regarded "epic," if only because of its length.

Despite that, and because I don't like being too obvious, though, I'd nominate either Advent or TAiT. Both have the musicianship that BRI has, and only lack the epic length. Plus, I sometimes feel that Advent is written ten times more personally than BRI, which elevates the song above the latter. Same reason I listen to The Night and the Silent Water almost every day; its personalness :grin: weighs me down more than the epicness of Black Rose Immortal. That is, after all, the key to any good song.
considering BRI's length, it would be hard to deny it epic status. but I think every album has cohesive epic feel to it. the most obvious would be MAYH which is IMO Opeth's magnum opus to date, but any opeth album can be listened to straight thruough without the feeling of disorentation experienced as some other bands stumble through their track listings. if you were to pcik one song off each album I'd have to say

Forest of October
Serenity Painted Death
Blackwater Park

I feel that all of these songs maange to incorporate as a whole the strengths and variations contained wtihin their respective albums. Morningrise is probably the most difficult to choose from though.
arrrrgggh!! You guys are forgetting In Mist She was Standing. It gets my vote for most epic track next to BRI. Also, it's the second longest song, it figures.
I'm also surprised that no one has mentioned The Leper Affinity yet...I know I'm in the minority in preferring the last two albums, but I really feel that they have grown with each album. Not taht I don't think early Opeth is fucking awesome and Morningrise is easily the most epic album (Advent would be another obvious choice.)