What's your favorite sub-genre(s) of metal?

What's your favorite sub-genre of metal?

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Progressive Metal. Then Power Metal.

I listen to a bit of Thrash, Death and Black Metal too, but haven't really covered as much ground in those genres as I have in the first two. I think I am compatible with all styles though.
I'll start out by saying that my favorite genre right now is Power Metal. Mainly for its great riffs and solos and high-powered clean vocals. These days it's Primal Fear, Grave Digger, Freedom Call, DragonForce, Brainstorm, and eventually bands like Gamma Ray, Stratovarius, Rhapsody, and Blind Guardian.

I also like Progressive Metal a bit, of bands like Pagan's Mind and possibly Threshold in the future. Of course, Iron Maiden's an old favorite, but they'd fall under NWOBHM.

I like a little Death Metal these days, with bands like Dark Tranquillity, but that's it. I ust find the growling vocals to be a bit silly most of the time. The only thing that saves DT for me is their melodic musicianship. Bands like Cannibal Corpse I just find extremely ridiculous. Ironically, back in the '90s, I was big into Death metal, with bands like Obituary, Morbid Angel, Death, and Deicide.

The only Black Metal band that I'm interested in getting into is Dimmu Borgir. Only because of their symphonic backing parts.

I also like most of the old school thrash bands from the '80s, Megadeth, Overkill, Testament and so forth.

Oh, I forgot...the one metalcore band I like is Trivium. Despite the haters, they're a pretty good band for as young as they are.
How 'bout you?

Wow. First new poster i've seen for a while on this forum that isn't a dumbass. HIGH FIVE

I don't know if I can really pick one genre. I guess the genres with the most band I like are death and black, but I like a fair few power, classic and thrash.
I actually think this thread is a good idea, since we're made to just pick one. The last one wall full of posts like "well, my favorites are *25 different subgeneres that includes everything but one of the main ones*.

I voted Power Metal, though I've been wanting to listen to heavier stuff latley. I generally don't listen to Death Metal, but I think I'm going to remedy that soon.
Death, Melodeath, Doom and Death/doom. Win.

What are Opeth though? Isn't it just death metal with mellow bits? Bah, who cares. Can't beat something slow and depressing when you're in a bad mood, I <3 my doom and deathdooms.

But damn, it's hard to pick, I quite like some black metal when I'm in a bit of a mood for something more...'atmospheric', but that's not very often. And I guess newer soilwork is more metalcore or something, but whatever (I think Figure Number Five owns face, so meh).
Doom should have been split into Traditional and Extreme because they're very different and I know some people (myself included) only enjoy one style.

Also NWOBHM should just have been Heavy Metal.

Enough should haves, I voted for Black, Death, Doom, Grindcore, NWOBHM and Thrash.
Well, let me explain where I got my categories. I got them from BNRmetal.com's genre explanation page. I just picked the ones that would mostly typically fit into this board's overall interests. I didn't include hair or glam metal, because let's face it...it's gay! :D No, not really...I like my share of glam metal, but with today's influx of "Millenium Metal" I figured that very few people would even bother listing glam metal as their fave.

Also, I didn't list Viking Metal because that kind of falls into the Death metal category, does it not? It's just the theme of the music (and thus lyrics) that are different.

Oh, to the poster who said that you could only pick one favorite, you're incorrect. I allowed as many choices as you want, because in my own case, I like several genres, but not others so much. I think it's like having a favorite movie or TV show. It's hard to pick just one, so I tend to have several favorite genres of each.