What's your favorite sub-genre(s) of metal?

What's your favorite sub-genre of metal?

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Grindcore is not easy to digest for even many metal fans, just like Emperor is impossible to digest for nearly all pop music fans. By saying it is just noise without giving it a decent amount of time to soak in (which you cannot have done and still retain an uneducated opinion on the matter) you are being no different than the very people who say metal is noise and classical is boring, yet cannot seem to get enough simplistic radio music.

No offense intended, you just don't understand grindcore. Change that; it is an amazing form of metal.

I don't want to understand grindcore. Black metal rules and on the topic of Emperor, they rule too!
Stylistically I like black metal the most... but as far as material itself goes most of my favorite stuff is heavy or thrash from the eighties.
Overall my favourite genre is easily black metal, but the ideal favourite of mine is gothic metal. Dark, vampyric gothic as in early Cradle of Filth, Theatres des Vampires, Lord Vampyr, Notre Dame etc. and not those symphonic pop-metal bands with female singers.
Here's a summary of what I listen/don't listen to:

Favourites: Black, Doom, Drone, Death, Gothic, 'Dark,' Industrial and Ambient.

Don't mind but don't care for: Progressive, Thrash, Speed, Traditional, Grindcore, Melodic Death, Gothic (pop-metal type) and Folk (but I do enjoy the odd folk influenced black metal).

Dislike: Power, "Nu-metal," anything-core.
I listen to pretty much all sorts of Metal, I am a fan of things that are a bit progressive or a bit experimental though as well as more sobre or dark music. So Progressive Metal (Death in particular partially due to my metal roots being in Thrash), Doom Metal (to a lesser extent Symphonic, Ambient and Gothic Metal)and Black Metal are my choices but I like a lot of Industrial and a large portion of my favourite bands are Thrash bands...
For me, it's really always been Thrash and later Death Metal. These two have forever been my runaway favourite Metal music genres and I never seem to get enough of thrash and DM. A mighty majority of my all-time greatest metal heroes belong to thrash ( of the hard-driving, intensely aggressive variety that I love and admire most) and DM (Brutal/tech, Florida/NY bands) and I listen to these bands and records daily cos it gives me such a tremendous buzz like no other music does. Grindcore (and goregrind) are other styles that I have lately been seriously delving into and mostly loving and enjoying what I have heard so far.

I don't care much about most other brands of Metal. Power metal, nu-metal, Glam/hair metal are perennial major turn-offs for me, personally. And I only like a handful of Black Metal bands and only fragments of BM music. Overall, I'm usually a total non-fan of melodic and progressive metal styles. I do sometimes enjoy progressive/melodic elements in Metal albums, but I have got a rather low threshold for it where I can only stomach a certain amount of it and anything more throughout a particular record just loses me big-time as a real fan.
Black metal, grindcore, and brutal death metal, although I've been known to be rather fond of folk/power metal at times. Also, brutal death metal really should not be grouped with melodic death metal. Brodequin=/=Opeth.
:Smokin: old thrash - metallica,slayer,testament
black metal - dimmu borgir, emperor, dimmu borgir,ceremonial castings
grindcore - inhume,regurgitate,preschool tea party massacre
doom - candlemass
death - death, cannibal corpse, satyricon
viking - amon amarth,enslaved,bathory
I'm sure I've already rehashed my opinions several times, but since they tend to change a lot, here you go again! :)

Black and death tend to be interchangeable as my top favorites, but black (especially Norwegian) tends to be at the top most of the time. As for death, my favorites are brutal death (Floridian or NYDM being on top) and grind-flavored stuff like Carcass and Napalm Death. I also enjoy a bit of melodeath, a small portion of power metal, and some underground thrash.

That's right, I like grind, what of it? :u-huh: