Who "also" hates Hip Hop???

Another Opeth forum jewel. An absolutely epic thread. Well done. The best part is how you make a broad and most likely baseless generalization and then not back it up with any kind of food for discussion whatsoever. Infact, let's all make sweeping generalizations about about genres that we think "suck" and then make a thread asking who else agrees. Surely this cannot result in anything less than extremely exciting and thought-provoking discussions.

ps- get hit by a truck or something equally funny (say, a schoolbus full of laughing children).
hate is such a powerful word. I wouldn't go so far to say i hate anything... except what commercialism and human ignorance has done to our beautiful planet. www.climatecrisis.net

As for hip hop, i dont have an interest in it therefore i dont listen to it. But I dont hate it just b/c it isn't metal or b/c Mike hates it.. thats just silly
either you guys have all missed the fact that this thread was originally a joke to begin with or i've missed the fact that the author was intending for it to be real and not just a use of a famous mikael comment :erk:
lol...hip hop. I dont think anyone would disagree with "I hate Hip Hop". But I think that Opeth should do a live show with snoop dawg LOL :p jk.
Hip hop is actually quite incredible. I'd take hip hop over grind or black metal any day.

I'm sure you're al going to be closed minded and just deny that hip hop can ever be good, but take a listen to Blackstar, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common or The Roots. They're all incredibly talented.
Hip hop is actually quite incredible. I'd take hip hop over grind or black metal any day.

I'm sure you're al going to be closed minded and just deny that hip hop can ever be good, but take a listen to Blackstar, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common or The Roots. They're all incredibly talented.

I agree to a certain extent about the above hip hop groups being talented, but I don't think you could compare them to actual bands, who are writing and performing their music instead of using producers to write a simple beat or use samples and keyboards, imo. I do think their are some good forms of rap, although some of it is just mindless bullshit, which I have heard enough of it to judge, I guess you could say I hate certain forms of hip-hop.

Some rap groups which I would still listen to are Aesop Rock, A Tribe Called Quest, Eric B. and Rakim, Black Star/Mos Def, (early) Wu-Tang Clan, and a few others...