Who "also" hates Hip Hop???

I agree to a certain extent about the above hip hop groups being talented, but I don't think you could compare them to actual bands, who are writing and performing their music instead of using producers to write a simple beat or use samples and keyboards, imo. I do think their are some good forms of rap, although some of it is just mindless bullshit, which I have heard enough of it to judge, I guess you could say I hate certain forms of hip-hop.

Some rap groups which I would still listen to are Aesop Rock, A Tribe Called Quest, Eric B. and Rakim, Black Star/Mos Def, (early) Wu-Tang Clan, and a few others...

The roots are a band and they play and write their own stuff. Just like Andre from Outkast plays a bunch of instruments and writes their stuff. There are a lot of hip hop artists that are musically inclined, they just may not play instruments while performing. Also, Hip hop is a lyrical genre, so for people that don't like that sort of thing, obviously the appeal isn't going to be there. But a really good rapper can freestyle, or vocally improvise, which is comparable to a jazz musician improvising. It's definitely an underappreciated genre by music snobs (like alteredmindeath if he's serious).
^underappreciated genre by music snobs (like alteredmindeath if he's serious).[/quote]

The thread is titled who hates hip hop tard boy, and god damn right Im serious, death to hip hop!!! what did you expect, rap fan boys everywhere on Ultimatemetal.com.
The roots are a band and they play and write their own stuff. Just like Andre from Outkast plays a bunch of instruments and writes their stuff. There are a lot of hip hop artists that are musically inclined, they just may not play instruments while performing. Also, Hip hop is a lyrical genre, so for people that don't like that sort of thing, obviously the appeal isn't going to be there. But a really good rapper can freestyle, or vocally improvise, which is comparable to a jazz musician improvising. It's definitely an underappreciated genre by music snobs (like alteredmindeath if he's serious).

Yeah, I forgot about the Roots writing their own stuff and stuff, but they are a very rare hip hop group who actually have a full band... I don't particularly like them anyways, especially their later output...

ps. there are people here who love rap, like liquid_diamonds :Smug:
Most mainstream metal is complete shite, whereas actually a lot of fairly commercial hip hop is great.

Hip hop is actually a progressive genre, whereas metal/prog-metal/death,black,etc metal is merely drawing on past influences. This isn't to say it make it inherently better or anything, but hip hop is constantly evolving and progressing with the advent of new technologies and ideas, and with the help of the never-ending innovations possible with turntabling. Trust me, I like a ton of various genres, and there is a lot of pure shit that passes for "hip hop" these days (namely anything called crunk, and most radio rap), I'm just stating the obvious that hip hop is a very progressive genre and much more so than the form of rock you'll hear today.

Who cares whether it's technically a "band" or not? Most of the great hip hop groups have been actual groups of people (Public Enemy, Wu-Tang, NWA) and a lot of more recent talents are constantly collaberating with each other as if they were in a band together. (Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Kanye, Common, Nas) Anyone who dismisses an entire GENRE of music to be terrible is an idiot. I feel inclined to do such a thing with country music, but all I know about country music is some shitty mainstream current shit and Johnny Cash (who I'm sure has some good stuff I just haven't gotten into him)... so it's pretty much the same when you all dismiss hip hop as utter crap. Hip hop, or at least electronically inclined music, seems to be the future of music, whether you or I like it or not. I'm not saying I do. I love Opeth and a ton of metal and prog bands past and present, also noise-rock like Acid Mothers Temple, Boris, etc. which all rely on traditional instruments in most songs. But I'm just trying to reveal the pure ignorance many of you (and a lot of likeminded, closeminded "METALHEADS") seem to possess.
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Call me closed minded all you want whoever neg repped me, I don't like hip hop, and I don't even like the name HIP HOP it is just fucking retarded. Its not my style, I don't relate with it at all, I don't live it and I don't need it, It doesn't exist in my world.
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Most mainstream metal is complete shite, whereas actually a lot of fairly commercial hip hop is great.

Hip hop is actually a progressive genre, whereas metal/prog-metal/death,black,etc metal is merely drawing on past influences. This isn't to say it make it inherently better or anything, but hip hop is constantly evolving and progressing with the advent of new technologies and ideas, and with the help of the never-ending innovations possible with turntabling. Trust me, I like a ton of various genres, and there is a lot of pure shit that passes for "hip hop" these days (namely anything called crunk, and most radio rap), I'm just stating the obvious that hip hop is a very progressive genre and much more so than the form of rock you'll hear today.
There is nothing progressive about the state of hip-hop...
Who cares whether it's technically a "band" or not? Most of the great hip hop groups have been actual groups of people (Public Enemy, Wu-Tang, NWA) and a lot of more recent talents are constantly collaberating with each other as if they were in a band together. (Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Kanye, Common, Nas)
just because you have a bunch of people in a rap group doesn't make it a "band".
Anyone who dismisses an entire GENRE of music to be terrible is an idiot. I feel inclined to do such a thing with country music, but all I know about country music is some shitty mainstream current shit and Johnny Cash (who I'm sure has some good stuff I just haven't gotten into him)... so it's pretty much the same when you all dismiss hip hop as utter crap. Hip hop, or at least electronically inclined music, seems to be the future of music, whether you or I like it or not. I'm not saying I do. I love Opeth and a ton of metal and prog bands past and present, also noise-rock like Acid Mothers Temple, Boris, etc. which all rely on traditional instruments in most songs. But I'm just trying to reveal the pure ignorance many of you (and a lot of likeminded, closeminded "METALHEADS") seem to possess.
This is the most retarded post I have ever read. Btw, all the words in bold are ones which I know are absolutely wrong :Smug:

I think some people do actually have a bias against music which utilizes "traditional" instruments, because they favor the clean and synthetic sound of keyboards and electronic samplers or whatever, however that is a very unfortunate thing, it is similar to people only wanting to see animated films, because they have a more synthetic look, brighter colors, and they can make them on a computer etc... however some people would rather see a more genuine art which cannot be programmed on someones laptop at home and looped and layered a million times over...

I don't see rap as being part of the future, people are only following the hip hop movement because it is like easy listening, there is no complexity to the music and they can mind numbingly listen or dance to it, I think there is currently a lowering of the quality of alot of new hip hop, and not really any variety, I don't know what you mean by progression either, most rap bands aren't doing something that hasn't been done a million times, since the 80's... :rolleyes:
Oh man, this thread makes me lol.
I really don't listen to hip hop, but SOME of the artists in this genre have some actual talent and I appreciate them for that.
But Hip Hop just really isn't my style.
Rap and Hip hop will be popular until blacks invent another genre that will take over. I.e. The blues, jazz, soul/funk/motown, and now hip hop/rap
I hate rap/hip hop and emo punk bands you hear on the radio and see on TV.
Yeah, I forgot about the Roots writing their own stuff and stuff, but they are a very rare hip hop group who actually have a full band... I don't particularly like them anyways, especially their later output...

ps. there are people here who love rap, like liquid_diamonds :Smug:

neg rep: "maybe you don't belong here"

Hip Hop IS a progressive form of music because it is constantly evolving. Compare rap from the 80's to the 90's to now. It's changed completely, even if some core topics and lyrical ideas remain. Whereas most rock music is stuck in a time warp of copying old classic rock music made decades ago. Nothing about much of today's popular rock music is progressive, even if it is called "prog" or whatever. I'm just stating the facts, I'm not saying hip hop is better than everything else, I love all types of music... I don't give a fuck if this is a "metal" forum, I would expect you guys to be less closeminded... like Mikael said in the GR documentary, pure metalheads aren't right for Opeth because they're much too openminded to be bound by the label "metal", and their music shows it.