Who "also" hates Hip Hop???

There's great rap songs!
Best ones are storytelling.

Immortal Technique - Dance with the Devil (greatest hip-hop lyrics ever.)
Eyedea - Dream Bottle (very emotional song)

... there's a lot of great stuff in hip-hop/rap other than the fucking crap like G-Unit, 50 Cent, Chamillionaire that's show on t.v. !!!
here are some common rap/hip-hop themes that have emerged, and then everyone latched onto them:
Life/hanging out (old school)
Gangster bullshit
more gangster bullshit
fucking bitches
food (laffy taffy/milkshake/etc.)
inserting guitar tracks from old songs into rap songs
gangster shit.
et al

First of all, that's a lot of topics, some of which are extremely broad, with endless possibilities of perspective, ideas, mood, setting, etc. to rhyme about. I mean, 'feelings'?? Are you kidding me?
Secondly, as if metal as a whole isn't repetitive and uninspired when it comes to lyrical themes? I'd say metal is actually even more derivative in that area. If you listen to strictly mainstream rap, you're going to think all rap is about a few select specific subjects, and the same if you listen to mainstream metal. But even with any subgenre of metal, the lyrics are always very likely to be limited in scope, originality and depth. (Just to make things clear, I'm not dissing metal as a complete whole; especially Mikael has a gift with words which surely beats most other metal songwriters)
Have you ever heard a metal song with lyrics not about:
Loneliness/Depression, anger
Tolkien-esque fantasies
Violence/gory murders
Vague anti-authoritarian angst
Satanism or Christianity
If any of you want to get into rap or check out some other stuff here's a few essential hip hop albums, mainstream and underground, old and new:

Immortal Technique- Revolutionary Vol. 2
Dalek- Absence
Public Enemy- Fear of a Black Planet
Talib Kweli- Quality
Mos Def- Black on Both Sides
Black Star- Mos Def & Talib Kweli are Black Star
Lupe Fiasco- Food & Liquor
Nas- Illmatic
Notorious B.I.G.- Ready to Die
Wu-Tang Clan- Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Clipse- Hell Hath no Fury
First of all, that's a lot of topics, some of which are extremely broad, with endless possibilities of perspective, ideas, mood, setting, etc. to rhyme about. I mean, 'feelings'?? Are you kidding me?
Secondly, as if metal as a whole isn't repetitive and uninspired when it comes to lyrical themes? I'd say metal is actually even more derivative in that area. If you listen to strictly mainstream rap, you're going to think all rap is about a few select specific subjects, and the same if you listen to mainstream metal. But even with any subgenre of metal, the lyrics are always very likely to be limited in scope, originality and depth. (Just to make things clear, I'm not dissing metal as a complete whole; especially Mikael has a gift with words which surely beats most other metal songwriters)
Have you ever heard a metal song with lyrics not about:
Loneliness/Depression, anger
Tolkien-esque fantasies
Violence/gory murders
Vague anti-authoritarian angst
Satanism or Christianity

For one, I know it was broad (that was the damned point - I'm not going to give a gigantic in depth timeline for something I honestly don't give a damn about). I was even just referring to the mainstream side of the lyrical scope (as mentioned). I don't know how in depth you want me to get about assgasming bitches, but I certainly don't need to be chastized by someone who misread what I wrote. And I have read lyrics NOT about your listed topics - hell, there are two bands alone in this very community that do so (Vintersorg & Borknagar); not to mention there are hundreds of doom, black, and death metal bands that write about various philosophical topics, sciences, archaology, medicinal topics, mathematical theory, etc.

Here was the main point of my earlier post:
My Point said:
Both rely on the same foundational structure that is inherent to each; if you were to change the base structure, it wouldn't be hip-hop or metal. It's the exact same style, it just has a few new elements incorporated into it.

I didn't say there was no such thing as 'good rap' in my first post, nor did I even hide the fact that much of mainstream rap has shitty lyrical themes (hence the uninspired list). My very point was that mainstream rap is composed of UTTER SHIT.

Hell, the amateur rapper I posted was decent and didn't rely on any of those topics I listed (I could have even listed religion - somehow Tupac & other co. loved that bullshit). I posted it because I thought it was genuinely good (until his repetition halfway through slowed it down).
And to possibly nip a future argument in the bud - the difference between Tupac (thug angel? makes me want to shit a brick) and that guy is - as far as I know - that guy isn't talking about fucking other peoples wives while proclaiming to be a christian.

Fuck it, my sister is in labor in Oklahoma and I'm agitated and seriously fucking pissed off.

true, but considering the media is full of unpredecentedlyerkworthy amounts of hip/hop and rap, it's not difficult to see where the generalization comes from. not to say that the modern metal scene isn't terrible either...

That's true but there is no excuse for ignorance like that. It always annoys the hell out of me when people base their entire judgement of a genre like hiphop purely on what they've seen on MTV (ie. "50 Cent sucks so all hiphop sucks"), yet when someone equally ignorant says that metal sucks because it's just a bunch longhaired freaks randomly bashing their instruments and screaming about how they hate their dads when the only metal they've actually been exposed to also stems from watching too much MTV (ie. Korn, Slipknot, or any one of the million generic nu-metal bands that has been in the charts at some point or another) they get all offended.

(I like run-on sentences. Fuck yes.)

It certainly is possible that hiphop just isn't your thing (I can think of a few genres of which I think it is unlikely I'll ever own any albums), but that doesn't make it any less artistically valid than a genre you do enjoy. I especially think comments like that are funny coming from metalheads, as if metal is such a high-brow and artistically complex genre in general (hint: it isn't. It really isn't.)

Metalhead elitism makes me gag. If you're one of them then here's an idea: grow the fuck up.
I hate hip-hop. I admit i haven't heard anything but the mainstream stuff, so until someone manages to convince me otherwise i hate it. I also dislike the majority of mainstream rock, metal and a lot of bad metal and grindcore.
But don't anybody dare call me close-minded and that i limit myself to just metal. I like music from all different genres, in fact i can't think of a genre other than hip-hop from which i don't like any songs/compositions.

Music is like candy. You throw out the rappers.
I don't think there is anything wrong with any type of music, it is just a personal choice really. But me personaly, wouln't pay for it. Its a personal thing ey?
I think hip-hop, RnB or rap is fine for its own fans, nothing wrong with it, but i hate people taking a piss on metal by mixing two completely different genres of music just to sound different or something. I'm taking about rap-metal n stuff. But in fact its sometimes usefull, like when you pop into a metal club, obviousely not everyone likes death/black metal. Anyway, i'm kinda against the idea. At the same time, i hate people being affensive to different type of music, it just music man, chill out. If you dont like it (like me) dont listen to it.
Never payed for hip-hop and as far as i'm concerned will never do it.
^ Probably not the best first post or impression you can make. :erk:

Yea sorry, but i have a big problem with hip hop, or rather hip hop (and pop) fans. Here in new zealand im surrounded by them. Anytime you play anything that isn't hip-hop or in the top 40 charts you get called a fag. I suppose i've just had bad experiences.
I just find hip hop boring and i don't understand what all the fuss is about. Maybe i wouldn't hate it so much if all the hip hop fans i knew weren't such assholes.
white people like hard rock music while blacks find time to say fuck the world with rhyming words and artificial beats, but culturally its significant in order to be able to differenciate between white people and blacks
Yea sorry, but i have a big problem with hip hop, or rather hip hop (and pop) fans. Here in new zealand im surrounded by them. Anytime you play anything that isn't hip-hop or in the top 40 charts you get called a fag. I suppose i've just had bad experiences.
I just find hip hop boring and i don't understand what all the fuss is about. Maybe i wouldn't hate it so much if all the hip hop fans i knew weren't such assholes.
0h, 0k. :Smokin:
white people like hard rock music while blacks find time to say fuck the world with rhyming words and artificial beats, but culturally its significant in order to be able to differenciate between white people and blacks

I don't like you.