Who "also" hates Hip Hop???

This is lyrical genious!


Chorus: (KRS One)

Suicide it's a suicide
Suicide it's a suicide

Verse One: Fruitkwan/Gatekeeper

So you wanna die commit suicide
Dial 1 800 Cyanide line
Far as life yo it ain't worth it
Put a rope around your neck and jerk it
The trick didn't work
Your life was fucked up from the first day of birth
After watching Jackie Gleason walk into a precinct
Gun down the captain for no fucking reason
And get some LSD or a drink from the bar
Get behind your wheel and crash the car
Like Desert Storm, got bombs for the war
confront an alligator, let it eat ya raw
Back to the function, riding the caboose to hell
BZZZZZT touched the third rail.
You fucked up chicken, now you just got fried
Cause it's a suicide


Verse Two: Too Poetic/Grym Reaper

Hey you little rich kid, what's your beef?
Come and tell the Grym Reaper all of your grief
You asked for a Benz and you only got a Jeep
Your pop's got endz, but yo he's mad cheap
Maybe you're a bastard child you think
Mom and dad are white and you're dark as ink
Maybe you're Sicilian with a tan
But you hate lasagna and the pizza man
Now you stand on the grave digga locked and
You're singing the blues about the rough life you've got
You don't wanna live no more
I guess you're really ready for the grave yard tour
When you get home just fill up your windows and you doors
Turn your oven on high for about four hours
Light you a blunt, kiss your ass goodbye
You gassed yourself 'cause it's a suicide


Interlude: Scott (the Moleman) Harding:

I've said it before and I'll say it again
Life moves pretty fast
If you don't stop and look around every once in a while
you could miss it

Verse Three: Prince Rakeem/Ryzarector

Six fucking devils stepped up playing brave God
Had the fucking nerve to try and enta my grave yard
I'm the Ryzarector, be my sacrafice
Commit suicide and I'll bring you back to life
The first was convinced
Stuck a water hose in his mouth at full blast so his head can explode
Second said hmmmm that's good but I can top it
Put an ax up to his head and then he chopped it
Blood shot out in every direction
The rest didn't know what to do, I made suggestions
Put a slug in your mug, overdose on a drug
Wet your hair stick a knife in the plug
Or be like Richard Pryor set your balls on fire
Better yet go hang yourself with a barbed wire
Three and Four fell deep into spell and
Ran to the zoo, locked themselves in a lion's den
Number Five said it ain't worth being alive
Smoked a dust suede, mixed it with cynaide
The only one to escape was number Six
He went home
Sat in the tub and slit his wrists
Yeah, more graves to dig. Goodbye
There's no need to cry...
... cause we all die
dude, I just can't justify "gangsta" rap i.e, (tupac). I must concede though, I do recall a few artists that I absolutely adored when I used to listen to rap in my high school dayz. They were:

Wu-Tang Clan
Hieroglyphics http://www.hieroglyphics.com/
and maybe a few others.

I strictly listened to the non-commercial bands as much as possible. When I heard 1-800-Suicide from the Gravediggaz I was floored, although I am not an advocate of suicide, I was thrown back by the lyrical genious in that song. Download it and take a listen, that song is something else!!

Since then I became dismayed to say the least of all the bubble gum Hip Hop artists that have flood the mainstream airwaves :Smug:

But I do feel that atleast 98% of rap is shite still


hieroglyphics is good, Wu-Tang and Gravediggaz are good too
The only thing those genres have in common is that they are guitar-based. Even the mention of various genres in metal denotes progression. Where are the different styles of rap music????


Just look at all the "subgenres" and "fusion genres" and so on down the right hand side. Wasn't hard.

And if you think that's all a load of trash, try explaining to the regular joe in the street that there's a real difference between the doom subgenres (death, funeral, sludge, trad, gothic, etc). Most people have no idea that metal's progressed beyond tight black pants and hi-tops, in the same way that most metalheads aren't aware of the progression of other genres with a strong underground scene.

Aside from all this, a lot of people don't give a shit whether there's progression in a musical genre or not. Some people will only want old school thrash, some people will only want raw black, etc etc. Some classical musicians are the most stubborn of all (not all... many are very open-minded too), and they won't stand for any progression or crossover at all, but no one would accuse classical music of becoming stale.

Top marks to whoever mentioned Dälek earlier on.
All hip hop is horrible, shit genre, scratching sucks, rapping is monotone talentless bullshit, i think it is all terrible and it is not music, yeah i'm ignorant but whatever, it is stupid, gangsta or not, in da house or not, etc.

Just look at all the "subgenres" and "fusion genres" and so on down the right hand side. Wasn't hard.

And if you think that's all a load of trash, try explaining to the regular joe in the street that there's a real difference between the doom subgenres (death, funeral, sludge, trad, gothic, etc). Most people have no idea that metal's progressed beyond tight black pants and hi-tops, in the same way that most metalheads aren't aware of the progression of other genres with a strong underground scene.

Aside from all this, a lot of people don't give a shit whether there's progression in a musical genre or not. Some people will only want old school thrash, some people will only want raw black, etc etc. Some classical musicians are the most stubborn of all (not all... many are very open-minded too), and they won't stand for any progression or crossover at all, but no one would accuse classical music of becoming stale.

Top marks to whoever mentioned Dälek earlier on.
Looking at that list of subgenres, most of them are either basically the same thing in a slightly different style (Chopped and screwed, Crunk, Gangsta, G-funk) or aren't even worth mentioning (Country rap, Electro hop, Hip house, Ghettotech, Rapcore, Reggaeton). There are only a few actual subgenres there that are actually a "progression" or a truly unique style of "rap". Most of those genres are actually just regional styles of rap, such as East coast and West Coast rap, and some of those subgenres are identical except for having different lyrical themes.

Also, it is not neccessary to list "freestyle" or "instrumental" as subgenres :Smug:
And if you think that's all a load of trash, try explaining to the regular joe in the street that there's a real difference between the doom subgenres (death, funeral, sludge, trad, gothic, etc). Most people have no idea that metal's progressed beyond tight black pants and hi-tops, in the same way that most metalheads aren't aware of the progression of other genres with a strong underground scene.
I agree. Although I don't know any specific artists I believe that are interesting hip hop/techno/whatever records that are way beyond the popular stuff

Just look at all the "subgenres" and "fusion genres" and so on down the right hand side. Wasn't hard.

And if you think that's all a load of trash, try explaining to the regular joe in the street that there's a real difference between the doom subgenres (death, funeral, sludge, trad, gothic, etc). Most people have no idea that metal's progressed beyond tight black pants and hi-tops, in the same way that most metalheads aren't aware of the progression of other genres with a strong underground scene.

Aside from all this, a lot of people don't give a shit whether there's progression in a musical genre or not. Some people will only want old school thrash, some people will only want raw black, etc etc. Some classical musicians are the most stubborn of all (not all... many are very open-minded too), and they won't stand for any progression or crossover at all, but no one would accuse classical music of becoming stale.

Top marks to whoever mentioned Dälek earlier on.

that crap isn't progression, it's "digression."
same thing is happening with hip hop that happened with glam metal in the 1980s

corporations bastardizing and exploiting the genre to make as much money as possible.

there's still plenty of great underground/old school hip hop

listen to the good stuff and ignore the bullshit
Rap is to Hip Hop as Sex is to True Love.

I forgot who said that... Probably Common. But most of these people who down talk the Hip Hop genre have heard no further than this radio garbage. But really, I supose there's nothing I can do. For a long time I down talked hip hop. I missed out on a lot of music that I could have enjoyed for years rather than missing out for most of my life. Always keep an open mind, you'll find many wonderful things. But don't keep your head too open or your brain might fall out.
neg rep: "maybe you don't belong here"


What ignorant, sad, pussy gave me negative rep with the reason "Fuck off this is a metal forum dumbass" ? You're fucking incredible.

Oh, and if someone wants to leave me rep, negative or positive - don't be a pussy. Leave your name please. :err:

lol, maybe the same faggot that gave me negative rep calling me "hip hop's bitch boy"?

and this is why the reputation system is fucking retarded. as if people didn't have a hard enough time staying on topic before.

so I went and positive repped all the people who got negative repped, just because. I'm bored. so all the people who don't like that can negative rep this post of mine, and the people who do like it can positive rep it, and I don't really care. maybe now I'll go negative rep the people I think were negative repping everyone else. isn't this a fun forum dynamic?

damn, there ain't shit to do on a sunday
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Awesome thread. To answer your question, yes I feel that most hip-hop today is garbage. Just a bunch of dudes bragging on how many bitches thay bang, or the bling blig they have. Now old school hip-hop like Grand Master Flash is good. Their was actually a message back then.
Probably with not sufficient information, ill give my opinion:
here is what would you see when switching to MTV Base; probably a girl, with minimal clothes, rubbing herself against the dude, who's rich, and have a reallllly big american car, with a 22" wheels, or an imported japanese with those same wheels.
and, of course, he'll be singing about his gun, and how he would eliminate everyone in his way, and how cool he is (himself and the gun..), and what a poor childhood he had. And than we go back to the girl, now in a position which should probably be categorized as an explicit matter.

imagine this as a background for a beat which is insulting to any drummer who respect himself. (or the other way around, the music as the background for this pornography shit.)

where is the punch line? where's the kick in the ass of governments\associations\what ever?

sure.. everyone seen "8 miles" and know how cool you are. can we go home now? :\

ill tell you one thing. i dont like those wanna be's, a little shit think hes a rapper. dude! youre fucking white! you cant call yourself a my pals!
and when he sees me, suddenly im a "freak". sure... im only wearing black and have a long hair. i am what i like. but you go, and call your friends "dogs". sure man... im the weird one... whatever...