Who "also" hates Hip Hop???

Probably with not sufficient information, ill give my opinion:
here is what would you see when switching to MTV Base; probably a girl, with minimal clothes, rubbing herself against the dude, who's rich, and have a reallllly big american car, with a 22" wheels, or an imported japanese with those same wheels.
and, of course, he'll be singing about his gun, and how he would eliminate everyone in his way, and how cool he is (himself and the gun..), and what a poor childhood he had. And than we go back to the girl, now in a position which should probably be categorized as an explicit matter.

imagine this as a background for a beat which is insulting to any drummer who respect himself. (or the other way around, the music as the background for this pornography shit.)

where is the punch line? where's the kick in the ass of governments\associations\what ever?

sure.. everyone seen "8 miles" and know how cool you are. can we go home now? :\

ill tell you one thing. i dont like those wanna be's, a little shit think hes a rapper. dude! youre fucking white! you cant call yourself a my pals!
and when he sees me, suddenly im a "freak". sure... im only wearing black and have a long hair. i am what i like. but you go, and call your friends "dogs". sure man... im the weird one... whatever...

nice post. I know, and the chicks in the video are most likely gonna be light complected mixed black girls with huge asses and long curly hair!!
Don't get me wrong, I like the chicks! but it's the pussy wiggers that irritate me
the thing with the chicks is that they are so...... unconnected to anything.
and after all of this chauvinism, you get those girls on the street singing it!

PS thanks :)
wow stop dissing hip hop because of all the morons out there in shitty pop rap

hip hop fans hate pop rap (what you see on tv/radio) as much, if not more, than anybody else
wow stop dissing hip hop because of all the morons out there in shitty pop rap

hip hop fans hate pop rap (what you see on tv/radio) as much, if not more, than anybody else

bubblegum hip hop is all relative....what do you call Vanilla Ice and K-Fed? are they not wiggers? what about p-diddy and ludachrist.They to me are a disgrace to any form of musical genre!
bubblegum hip hop is all relative....what do you call Vanilla Ice and K-Fed? are they not wiggers? what about p-diddy and ludachrist.They to me are a disgrace to any form of musical genre!

all that shit is bubblegum hip pop

what you see on TV is to hip hop what limp bizkit and korn are to metal :puke: :puke: :puke:

hip hop (well the pop stuff) has become exactly what it was originally born to oppose (hip hop was originally born as a voice for the poor and insignficant black people to have a voice in the society to spread a positive message of change, equally, empowerment, etc...)

somewhere along the line, the corporations took control of hip hip and have exploited it to create as much money as possible with one talentless moron after moron mumbling on a mic

that's capitalism for ya :puke: :puke:

the hip hop today is an abomination, it represents NOTHING of what hip hop represents. Hip hop is NOT about mindless materialism, shallowness, ignorance, etc...
This is a very hard argument to have. Some people will refuse to accept whatever point is made. In the end, it's the closed minded people that miss out.
I refuse to call hip hop a form of music because technicaly its not music, and I have even heard black blues players say this.

Yeah. And those very same "black blues players" (if you did infact not make them up which I'm guessing you did) would probably not call death metal or black metal music either (or any extreme metal genre for that matter). Great argument there.

I really love the irony of some of the claims that you idiots make on a metal forum of all places. It's priceless.
I believe there's much worse things...like dumbasses taking this thread seriously/ getting angry because people are ridiculing what they consider to be bad music
I get annoyed because people make completely ignorant statements. I don't fucking care if you like hiphop or not. I only have like a dozen hiphop albums myself (which makes it like 1% of my music collection). I'm just here to point out the idiocy of metal elitism and people with arguments that make no sense (like comparing mainstream MTV hiphop to underground metal).

You can argue until kingdom come about which genre is better or if either genre is even any good at all and no one would ever be "right", but you cannot with a straight face try to claim that hiphop is somehow excluded from the definition of music (which is what exactly anyway?) and extreme metal isn't. There are just too many people here who somehow see themselves as enlightened because they discovered metal and that metal is somehow a higher artform than <insert genre here> (in this case hiphop). It's especially funny on an Opeth forum, where a sizable chunk of the community didn't even listen to extreme metal at all until they heard Opeth and then decided to suddenly renounce all that isn't metal.

But you've already said you are proud to be a fucking idiot so I don't know why I even bother responding to you. Boredom apparently.
I get annoyed because people make completely ignorant statements. I don't fucking care if you like hiphop or not. I only have like a dozen hiphop albums myself (which makes it like 1% of my music collection). I'm just here to point out the idiocy of metal elitism and people with arguments that make no sense (like comparing mainstream MTV hiphop to underground metal).

You can argue until kingdom come about which genre is better or if either genre is even any good at all and no one would ever be "right", but you cannot with a straight face try to claim that hiphop is somehow excluded from the definition of music (which is what exactly anyway?) and extreme metal isn't. There are just too many people here who somehow see themselves as enlightened because they discovered metal and that metal is somehow a higher artform than <insert genre here> (in this case hiphop). It's especially funny on an Opeth forum, where a sizable chunk of the community didn't even listen to extreme metal at all until they heard Opeth and then decided to suddenly renounce all that isn't metal.

But you've already said you are proud to be a fucking idiot so I don't know why I even bother responding to you. Boredom apparently.

great post

you can pretty much end this thread by saying 90% of mainstream music is absolutely awful. There's nothing we (hip hop fans and hip hop community) can do to make this shit disappear. We hate it even more than you do, but as long as the tools and the sluts enjoy hearing about "Twenty Fo inch rims", you are going to keep hearing this shit on TV/radio
Another Opeth forum jewel. An absolutely epic thread. Well done. The best part is how you make a broad and most likely baseless generalization and then not back it up with any kind of food for discussion whatsoever. Infact, let's all make sweeping generalizations about about genres that we think "suck" and then make a thread asking who else agrees. Surely this cannot result in anything less than extremely exciting and thought-provoking discussions.

ps- get hit by a truck or something equally funny (say, a schoolbus full of laughing children).
lol bravo :lol:
Go listen to Pete Rock & CL Smooth, OutKast (they started in 1994), MC Solaar, EPMD, NWA, Nas (1994 also) and A Tribe Called Quest. There is more musicality in these rap artists than in 95 &#37; of metal acts.
tupac? are you serious?

2Pac is an incredible rapper. Two of his albums, Me Against the World and All Eyez on Me are full-fledged classics, even outside the rap genre. He had a total mastery of flow and intonation. Musically speaking, the songs on these albums are much more interesting than mindless and meandering death metal or black metal progressions.