Who on the forum have you met?

No one. I want to meet Leandro, he reminds me of Hervé Villechaize, except he points up to a white board with a dry erase marker. I want him to teach me math.
I tried to meet some people in Phillie and in Quebec but it never worked out.
You don't live near anyone, or anything.

And I sorta met Joe a few times. I was either really drunk, or muttering incoherently from exhaustion. Also Bryan and Jack, aka Spirit Crusher and The Technogoat, but they don't post here anymore.

There are alot of people between here and montreal, a pretty big meetup could get planned, but I'm not going to do that because it would be gay, and I'd probably get my ass kicked.

No one. You're all gay...and young.

p.s.- Bryan who spells his name incorrectly is gone? *gasp* This place is useless now.