Why Do People Hate Deathcore And Metalcore??

Yeah, for most parts thats the truth. And I guess the music is not too compelling either. Im not a hater of it, but I think most of the bands in the genres are shitty copycats. But there are also good bands\albums, as there are in all genres.
There's a lot less dignity in metalcore and deathcore. It's fun music for sure, but it's so much hokier than death, black, thrash, doom, trad. I'm sure somebody will just say "lawl metal is teh joke alreadyz" but I don't see it that way. Sue me, I guess. I still spin some deathcore. It's fun, but it just doesn't have the weight and substance of other forms of metal. Is the weight and substance of death, black, thrash, doom, trad all in my head? Sure, maybe, but in what sense would that change my opinion on deathcore and metalcore?

Plus they just seem a lot more bland and samey, in general. There are bands of these genres I like, but for the most part I find them much less inventive and enjoyable. There's also the fact that metalcore made its rise in the 00s, the era of over-production. I dislike slicked-back modern DM and BM almost as much as I dislike your average slicked-back deathcore and metalcore band. Also there's the issue of the vocals. It's like they decided to exchange demonic, evil, inhumane vocals for whiny whine-whine vocals. Why they made that decision, I cannot comprehend.
Because it's formulaic watered-down bullshit designed for commercial purposes. The guitar riffs always follow the exact same repetitive pattern, the drumming is obnoxious, the vocals sound like either a bro or a pig, and to my knowledge the bassist is just there to bang his head and jump around on stage like a dick.
It's super poppy compared to extreme metal. I like some metalcore bands better than others. About half the bands in the genre sound like they're angry at everything, but are really just screaming about how much they love Jesus.

Also, a good metalcore band needs to have good clean vocals. Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Trivium, and The Agonist have good clean vocals. As I Lay Dying, Demon Hunter, Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, and Becoming The Archetype have very bland clean vocals.
Because it's formulaic watered-down bullshit designed for commercial purposes. The guitar riffs always follow the exact same repetitive pattern, the drumming is obnoxious, the vocals sound like either a bro or a pig, and to my knowledge the bassist is just there to bang his head and jump around on stage like a dick.

Parkway Drive is the best metalcore band. No clean vocals there. (I dont consider Raunchy or Mnemic metalcore. More crossover metalcore bands) Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying are also one of the best in the genre.
Why don't you just listen to it instead of enhancing your inferiority complex by making threads like this?
Metalcore is alright really.

It's not my favourite thing in the world, but for the most part I enjoy listening to it. Being a guitarist, the main thing that draws me in is the lead playing. The riffs are pretty samey, granted (although Killswitch Engage come up with some sweet ones, like in My Curse or Daylight Dies).

But lots of metalcore lead players are absolutely brilliant and don't get enough credit because of the bands they're in. Oli Herbert from All That Remains is a sick guitarist, just listen to the solos in Two Weeks or A Song For The Hopeless and you'll get where I'm coming from.

The vocals? The general pattern is that the singers are quite good and then suck at screaming. Alex Whatsisface from Atreyu sounds like a drowning Alsatian when he tries to scream, but he's not a bad singer. Same applies to Howard Jones from Killswitch Engage, really awesome singing voice but pretty crap at screaming if we're honest. There's a new band called Mutiny Within and they get it spot-on, by having a fantastic singer who mostly sings. And he's actually quite good at screaming. And their guitarists are fuck-off brilliant too. Great band.

The songs? Some are good, some are bad, like with any genre. The lyrics are pretty crap though, you could quite easily write a book of metalcore lyrical clichés. I swear the lyrics are interchangeable between songs and possibly even bands.

And the bass? Dunno. Can't hear it.
Everything about that scene sucks but the music itself is easily the worst thing about it. Utterly atrocious.
Plus millions. I try not to let fans obstruct the purity of my opinions on music genres, but it's damned impossible in a scene where entering the floor means getting roundhouse kicked to the face by some shirtless wing wong with a shaved head.

Those assholes ruined local shows for me.