Why Do People Hate Deathcore And Metalcore??

People dislike Deathcore/Metalcore because it's just a watered down bastardization of already existing genres. It's a clusterfuck.
I'm probably not the best person to be commenting this because I like some of the gayest metalcore imaginable, but I agree with Sir Butt above me; some is good, some is not.
tbh i dont think shortening or spelling a few words worng will destroy humanity

I hate it because if you go to see a fucking NWOBHM band the opener will be some teenage faggots in a Brokencyde tribute band. The whole place will be flooded with hot sluts until the decent band start to play, when they suddenly all run away so as not to miss bed time.
In This Moment are pretty good. I think they would be metalcore. The Vocalist is a chick and she's hot and Can actually sing. And Unearth's first album "The Stings of Conscience" Is pretty cult and some of the first forms of metalcore, Album is just hard and technical for hardcore. To bad the later albums didn't match this and they sound kind of generic.
Haha, I opened this thread for some trollingero, but there are some clever comments after all. I agree w/ the "sucking out the manliness out of true metal" comment, that's quite a description. Also, the fact that grindcore doesn't suck and people need to realise it and stop throwing it into the same bag of gay shit with the gay stupid gay shit. Well, whatever. I really don't care if I sound like closeminded jerk to you and you guys know it, it's just that deathcore/metalcore is so gay.

EDIT: Also, I don't care :)
Haha, right, posting on this forum is like eating a soup and being surprised it's a soup. And I won't start an argument with a fucking soup.
The so-called metalcore trend has lasted longer than the initial thrash trend. The very fact that people are still dogging it proves its staying power.