Why is it that everyone hates In Flames so much?

I seriously dont see whats wrong with Dark Tranquillity really, not even their more electronic sounding albums are that bad. Of course Haven and Damage Done are pretty generic, but at least they aren't cheesy and numetalish like In Flames.
blast tyrant said:
you're a fag
So, he's a student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class now is he? :err:

Seriously, why do people even try to insult each other when they don't even know what the "insults" they are using actually mean.
~Nailbomb~ said:
So, he's a student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class now is he? :err:

Seriously, why do people even try to insult each other when they don't even know what the "insults" they are using actually mean.

yes because meanings of words can't ever change oh my you genius :)
Erik said:
OH, SO WE ARE "persons of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers" ARE WE?
I wouldn't be suprised by the amount of intelligence I've seen here.

By the way, that's not it's only definition.

"A foolish or stupid person" is another, which isn't a butchered version of the word like "fag" and "gay" is used nowadays to mean an insult.
Oh I'm sorry, can you not think of a good enough reply so you think large red flashing letters spelling "get out" then changing to "you faggot" are going to work? :err:
Sorry man, but using a word for purpose undocumented by dictionaries isn't "butchering the English language." How do you think alternate definitions end up in the dictionary initially? Idiot.
Because so many people use the butchered word till people accept it as a norm, so I guess it could be considered a legit word, though initially it actually had meaning compared to the insult these words have become nowadays.
If a word is considered an insult, it evidently carries some meaning, if not one that is easily definable. So many words have had multiple meanings applied to them by what you call "butchering" that it's ridiculous to complain about it.
I dunno. Kind of like Metallica, IF's new stuff sucks so much that it makes everyone hate the band in general. Also, it seems like it has become trendy to hate Gothenburg, which is kind of dumb. Admittedly, a lot of newer Gothenburg stuff is crap, but overall I enjoy the genre. In fact, I like the Gothenburg genre better in general than I like power metal.
Lunar Strain and The Jester Race are in my top 10 albums of all time... supreme pieces of musical art. As for any other In Flames albums... I don't really mind them, but I choose not to listen to them. Besides Colony, the rest pretty much bore me.

And in a general sense- Dark Tranquillity > In Flames.

DT have never put out a bad release, which I think is impressive. One of the strongest bands in existence.

Something interesting I just noticed is how In Flames and Dark Tranquillity have been COMPLETELY parallel in their years of being bands (in releases).

Skydancer / Lunar Strain
Of Chaos and Eternal Nights (Ep) / Subterranean (Ep)
The Gallery / The Jester Race
Enter Suicidal Angels (Ep) / Black Ash Inheritance (Ep)
The Mind's I / Whoracle
Projector / Colony
Haven / Clayman
Damage Done / Reroute to Remain
New Album / Soundtrack to Your Escape
Also, In Flames is a good newbie band. IF was one of the first if not the first "more extreme" bands that a lot of people heard, myself included. When the n00bs come in here and say that In Flames, Korn, and Disturbed are their favorite metal bands, I think a lot of people will shy away from saying that they like In Flames. People move on to other bands over time, and tend to forget about the ones they used to like a lot more. In Flames also falls into that category.
People hate In Flames because it is becoming another one of those poseur bands like slipknot, marilyn manson, korn, and shit like that. But i dont see that as a real reason to hate a band, especially if they have released "good metal" before.

I agree. I think they've just soiled their reputation to the point where it's hard to claim being a fan of them. Then you just move on to other bands. I've sort of noticed certain trends at UM where it's not cool to like certain bands and if you admit to being a fan of those bands you get flamed mercilessly. The herd mentality here really is a shame. Of course, that doesn't apply to everyone at UM, just the douchebags.

thats exactly how this forum is run. I will probably get flamed for liking new In Flames, which seems really uncool nowadays. I like their old stuff a little more, but i still like the new stuff.

Dark Tranquility is a little better than In Flames, but sometimes i want to listen to In Flames over some Dark Tranquility.
welkin97 said:
I've sort of noticed certain trends at UM where it's not cool to like certain bands and if you admit to being a fan of those bands you get flamed mercilessly
welkin97 said:
Anyway, I'm done cuz I don't think I need to justify my points to someone who listens to Death and Pantera.
In Flames have gave out some of the best albums I've ever heard, or in metal in general. My opinion ofcourse.

I also loved Reroute to Remain, I really enjoyed it, but I can't really get into Soundtrack, it's decent but it doesn't even FEEL like In Flames anymore.

Still a top band in my opinion.
While not reading any other post in this thread, I can honestly say that everything this band ever released is worthless feces. There may be A FEW good moments in songs like "Artifacts Of The Black Rain", "Behind Space", "Dead Eternity", and "In Flames" (this is after being through their entire catalogue numerous times), but it's not worth sifting through ENDLESS SHIT for a few good moments.

And no, I don't hate them because it's "trendy to call them a poseur band", obviously.

EDIT: After reading through the posts here, I have to say that I'm astounded that some people actually have the gall to compare their early work to numerous Metal classics. What the fuck, Batman? And yes, they're a good newbie band if you want to your "newbie friend" to listen to bands like Dark Tranquillity, Kalmah, At The Gates, and other musical expressions of severe penile lust. :rolleyes: