Worship Music - fave tunes? Least faves?

Got my Nuclear Blast vinyl edition today. 2 LP's orange + poster. Sweet!
Has anyone bought the Megaforce vinyl edition yet?

I'm waiting on the 'splatter' version to arrive from Nuclear Blast. I'm in the USA, so i'm not sure how long it will take.
I'm also picking up the vinyl from the local record store today.
Thought I'd start a thread now we've had the record out for about a week asking for what are people's current fave and least fave tunes on the new record????

Mine seem to change regularly which to me says it's a great all round collection of tunes.

Fave right now - Earth on Hell, The Giant.

Least - The Constant (although this has grown on me a fair bit of late too and it's a really well layered song!!)

I could not agree more with this post. Word for word. :rock:
I'm Alive is still my current favorite. I don't know, something about the line "Heaven lives in everyone" (Yes, I read the lyrics and I know I heard it wrong) really spoke to me. Made me see some light in the current sucky situation in my personal life.
My favorite song is The Constant. Fucking amazing song, Joey does vocals that make my hair stand on end, sounds like badass parts of State of Euphoria or POT.
Next is maybe Earth on Hell, yup THRASH! Just a ripping song. Next is The Giant, great song that has sections that remind me of STP, Alice in Chains, etc. Judas Priest is also badass, love the riffs, love the endpart too. Im Alive and In the End are pretty good if I am in the mood for it. Finally I do like what they did with Revolution Screams. Joey took that song up a level and I didn't like it with Don Nelsan but its much better now.

Don't like Crawl, Fight em, or the Devil you Know. Too poppy for my tastes.

All in all I am going to go buy this in an hour or two. The songs I Like... no I LOVE rip my fucking face off. Must give the boys some money so maybe they can make another Joey album.

I AM SOOOO HAPPY TO HAVE ANOTHER THRAX ALBUM I CAN BANG MY HEAD TO! I really really missed Joey. I forgot just how badass Anthrax sounds with him. I swear they are playing tighter and faster these days too. Also Rob is bringing it with the solos this time.

I find it interesting that nearly everyone has different favorites off this album. Its kind of refreshing honestly. Its also one of those albums that took me like 5-7 listenings to get into. Those ones are always the best over time. Albums I like instantly are usually boring after a few more listens.
...I'm giving it a good rest...will pick it up when next one comes out...just for comparison...
...seriously I got bored too...dunno why...is it because some of those songs have been around for quite some time and the rest of them aren't that interesting????

to be honest, i'm already a bit bored by WM, i've been listening to it for almost 2 weeks now, didn't listen to anything else.

pretty much, but I got easily annoyed with the vocals, not that they were not sung well technically, but they sound just too 80's-euro-power-metal to me, I really find it kind of annoying after a while.
to be honest, i'm already a bit bored by WM, i've been listening to it for almost 2 weeks now, didn't listen to anything else.

Wouldn't listening to ANYTHING without a break for something else for 2 weeks do that to you??

It would for me....