Worst metal you've ever heard?

Authentic Metalhead said:
Indeed. Any band who is THAT angry about the slaughter of cows for meat needs therapy.

agreed, that's like having a band called "Chicken Genocide".
Authentic Metalhead said:
Indeed. Any band who is THAT angry about the slaughter of cows for meat needs therapy.

I love grindcore and all, but Cattle Decapitation is just lame. so are the Locust.
ohiogrinder said:
add twister sister to that list, and you've got yourself a deal.

however, all other hair metal blows monkey chunks.

haha true! i forgot twisted sister......

(were not gonna take it......)
Mike27 said:
cattle decapitaion

cattle decapitation

cattle decapitation


and most other goregrind as well....

i really can't stand grind... i tried to listen to napalm death a few times and it just... no thanks ill pass
Montu Sekhmet said:
^dont forget Pig Destroyer

they are tolerable. I'm not a huge fan but I can tolerate them.

if you want good grind, listen to Assuck or Cripple Bastards.
lamb of god... i dont like there new album like i did for (as the palaces burn) and it sucks cuz they promised a great album

It is a great album. I love how they changed.

And amen to the Anal Cunt comment. They are by far the worst band in metal history. A poor excuse for metal. If bands like this comes out we might as well just say screw metal.
I reckon Dying Fetus are pretty gay. Then again, I've only heard one song, it was Vomiting the Fetal Embryo. But still, I can't understand jackshit on the vocals, most of the song was just growling but it just sounded like breathing into a microphone or something.
Mr Genvin said:
I reckon Dying Fetus are pretty gay. Then again, I've only heard one song, it was Vomiting the Fetal Embryo. But still, I can't understand jackshit on the vocals, most of the song was just growling but it just sounded like breathing into a microphone or something.

whats wrong with death metal?