Worst metal you've ever heard?

Life Sucks said:
Anal Cunt isn't metal. They play noisecore. Personally, I don't even consider it music, but that's just my opinion.

I like noisecore. lots of it.
Killbot said:
And songs about dragon slaying are the epitome of cool.

What "stuff"? Dragon slaying? Yes, Death did shit loads of it. That's why I said I can bear a lot, I don't care much about the lyrics. Want to hear something profound? Go to a fucking poetry reading. :)
Montu Sekhmet said:
Read the last few pages, before trying to flame "me".

Didn't have to "try", and I've obviously read them, I've been active in the conversation. Your reponse was vague and you know it. Don't try to back out now.
Vacant_Planets said:
Didn't have to "try", and I've obviously read them, I've been active in the conversation. Your reponse was vague and you know it. Don't try to back out now.

Vague if you can't read.....but this conversation is stupid anyway.