Twilight first 3 parts, man I always got fucked to see them @ the cinema, karma's a bitch or sth.. idk, but with the obvious left aside
Hangover 2 from 2011 OMFG that was horrible.
2012 was pure crap
Ice Age: 2012 / a low budge movie with elements from A Day After Tomorrow and all the other end of the world movies but made into a new level of horrible
Sex and the City both parts - had to watch them because of a girl -.- still don't think it was worth it
Spider Man the trilogy - holy crap was that awful, huge fan of comics and animation
others can't remember but Hollywood has given us a butt load amount of shitty movies
Hangover 2 from 2011 OMFG that was horrible.
2012 was pure crap
Ice Age: 2012 / a low budge movie with elements from A Day After Tomorrow and all the other end of the world movies but made into a new level of horrible
Sex and the City both parts - had to watch them because of a girl -.- still don't think it was worth it
Spider Man the trilogy - holy crap was that awful, huge fan of comics and animation
others can't remember but Hollywood has given us a butt load amount of shitty movies