Worst Opeth Song Moment

Originally posted by Aborted Fetus
I'll probably get shit for this, but I think the clean vocals on Orchid and Morningrise are pretty bad/corny. Everytime I hear the, "It is you" part of Nectar, I get third person embarassment. The rest of the song dominates though.
Uhm.. Don't know what to think about this fact, but what would Opeth be without the clean vox? (btw, it's me that dislikes Wreath(at least the intro)) The clean vox in Opeth offers some kind of relaxation that can't be found at any other place.

I also crossed the thought what Opeth would be like without the death vox? We've seen examples in all their mellow songs, but their songs with death vox still are the best songs they've ever done.

I don't understand why you should get embarassed. If you like it, that's nothing to be embarassed of.

I'd say bits and pieces of Orchid and Morningrise.

Apostle in .... - The requiem intro kinda hurts the feel of the song.

Basically everything on Morningrise had a throw together feel ,but Nectar and Night and the Silent Water just dont turn me on at all. Overall the album is kickass ... but in my opinon very overated.

My Arms, Your Hearse is just fucking awesome.. Possibly the best metal album ever.

Still Life - Awesome as well ,but not a fan of the repetitve Benighted.

BWP - Great Album ,but Harvest is eh..... to strumy (for the guitar players....)

Delieverance - Another gem. Just the circus part on BTPISIO.
Originally posted by Birgith
Uhm.. Don't know what to think about this fact, but what would Opeth be without the clean vox? (btw, it's me that dislikes Wreath(at least the intro)) The clean vox in Opeth offers some kind of relaxation that can't be found at any other place.

I also crossed the thought what Opeth would be like without the death vox? We've seen examples in all their mellow songs, but their songs with death vox still are the best songs they've ever done.

I don't understand why you should get embarassed. If you like it, that's nothing to be embarassed of.

I think you misunderstood what I was getting at.

When talking about Morningrise, I meant that the clean vox aren't up to par with those on everything after said album (IMO, of course). They need to be there (never said they shouldn't), but they're not that good.

By the embarassement comment, I meant that some parts sound so damn corny/cheesy. It's not that I'm embarassed to listen to the music; it's just that it reminds me of the 80's cheese rock/metal.
Well, I've got one not mentioned so far. Actually, it's a bitch about production. The guitar sound on Still-Life. Yes, that's right. Read it again if necessary. I know the much vaunted production on Still-Life is one of the most liked things about the album but honestly, I just do not understand why. The distorted guitars at so many points just remind me of sand paper being ripped across my face again and again. To me, it just sounds like an irritating buzz through most of the album.

Which really pisses me off a lot, too, because I know how awesome the musicianship on the album is. I love the music and lyrics and everything. I just wish to God the guitars had a little more crunch or something to them. The acoustic parts are all the more awesome on that album because it's a break from the distortion.

Well, maybe I just need a better stereo....I don't know.
Originally posted by PeeWee1473
Well, I've got one not mentioned so far. Actually, it's a bitch about production. The guitar sound on Still-Life. Yes, that's right. Read it again if necessary. I know the much vaunted production on Still-Life is one of the most liked things about the album but honestly, I just do not understand why. The distorted guitars at so many points just remind me of sand paper being ripped across my face again and again. To me, it just sounds like an irritating buzz through most of the album.

Which really pisses me off a lot, too, because I know how awesome the musicianship on the album is. I love the music and lyrics and everything. I just wish to God the guitars had a little more crunch or something to them. The acoustic parts are all the more awesome on that album because it's a break from the distortion.

Well, maybe I just need a better stereo....I don't know.

Try fucking around with your EQ when you play the album... do the metal 'V' setting and hopefully that will help the guitar sound a bit.
Definetely the "Outside in the park..." part of By The Pain I See In Others! the lyrics are just bad (grammar too (I'm not saying that my english is better, but before I put some lines on a CD I'd better have them checked by some native speaker or so, IMO)).
Most of Orchid... or all of it :) The part where he sings "Serenity Painted Death" and that awful pinch harmonic... hmmm the abrupt ending in the same song and the intros of both Master's Apprentices and By The Pain I See in Others.... oh and the bonus "outro" thingy in Deliverance... what's that all about???

PS - Anyone speaking ill of Bleak should die an awful death :)
Apostle in .... - The requiem intro kinda hurts the feel of the song.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

The worst moment for me is without a doubt "Harvest".
Check out the similar thread I'm gonna start right now about the cheesiest Opeth moment(s).
Originally posted by Aborted Fetus
I think you misunderstood what I was getting at.

When talking about Morningrise, I meant that the clean vox aren't up to par with those on everything after said album (IMO, of course). They need to be there (never said they shouldn't), but they're not that good.

By the embarassement comment, I meant that some parts sound so damn corny/cheesy. It's not that I'm embarassed to listen to the music; it's just that it reminds me of the 80's cheese rock/metal.

Ah yes, I've heard better clean vox at many places and so on, so I now understand what you're saying.

And please, don't remind me of Twisted Sisters. ? ;)
The first 5 minutes of Master's Apprentices piss me off! :mad:
They could've put in some nice Opeth'ish heavy riff instead of that morbid-angel-wannabe crap... and the lyrics are pretty bad there as well... especially to that type of riff.... could've been good on bloodbath, but this is NOT bloodbath, this is Opeth...
:lol: But it's only like 4 seconds! no patience... :lol:

The early cut off, the end of bleak, the circus bit...all those things are Opeth experimenting and I love it. It's funny to read threads that ask this. Everyone gets all defensive and are at each other’s throats about their opinions. Moonlapse...you startin' trouble? AGAIN? :p

What don't I like? When the lyrics get too repetitive (lines repeated more than twice). I know how odd he can make them. I know he can't all the time, but when it gets to be too much, I hear myself thinking "Come on. I know you can do better." (Yep, another demanding fan. haha) Clean vocals though...they can repeat more. Love that velvety voice!
I get a bit annoyed when I hear the lyrics in the beginning of "Master's apprentices". You know, "There is...."
I find those lyrics quite easy and boring, but the song gets better later on
Originally posted by MadTinus

That part just sums MAYH up for me, that magic lacks for me on that album. The only really good track is the Epilogue imo and then the final melody of it.


I've seen some puzzling quotes on this thread, but I'm afraid this takes the inflatable chicken...
Andromeda - Extension of the Wish
Planet X - Moonbabies
Angel Dust - Of Human Bondage
Lacuna Coil - Comalies
Agalloch - The Mantle
Spock's Beard - Snow
Dream Theater - Live at the Marquee
Evergrey - In Search of Truth
Devin Townsend - Terria