In The Nightside Eclipse's production is way more tolerable than the piece of shit production of Nattens Madrigal. Making production really raw to 'fit the music,' while gay, is all fine and dandy, however, the extent to which Nattens Madrigal's production sucks is mind blowing, and it's hilarious that everyone loves the production because somebody else made fun of you the first time you heard the album and you said "Well, the music's not bad, but I don't like the production..." even though you know even the music isn't that good, but you just don't want to get belittled by elitists and those who 'get it.' Wake up and stop listening to what others say that you should like, and maybe you'll realize that Ulver sucks as a whole, and Nattens Madrigal sucks both musically and in terms of production. It's not 'fitting,' it's crap. There's a fucking difference, 'even in Black Metal.