Worst thread ever, heheh

today is a bad day: it's the third day of heavy rain, the sky is sick yellow/orange and i have an awful headache :mad:

@lumitalvi: you have my support for the move, it sucks big time, i know too well: had to move all by myself twice and i'll do that again soon :cry:

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) nay, sorry
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? nope, never worn one and i don't really like them

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? a narrow stone ladder fading into darkness and a dim light somewhere in the distance
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? actually, i'm quite fond of knives, so i go for the big bat

105. Long skirts or short ones? long skirts are more stylish
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? watching a dvd

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? as for life-threatening situations, probably the night i almost died for an anaphylactic shock due to a bad injection made by a @%#!!doctor... i think i survived because i somehow managed to breathe through my ears. as for painful ones, a terrible ulcer attack i had while alone at home and unable to move without risking to faint because i had been operated a few days earlier and i had this big bad cut on the belly that hurt so much... in both cases i remember thinking i was going to die and not wanting to
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. unfortunately yes, more than once, both people already dead and dying. the last one was my mother

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? possibly having sent a boy to hospital with injuries to his shinbones, knees and back after having hit him
110. Math or languages? maths is more challenging but languages are more fascinating, yet my fave subject was and still is chemistry

111. Blonds or brunettes? blonde hair makes you look more innocent and angelic but a dark haired girl is way more intriguing, in my opinion
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? ah, you got me here, i'm a well known ice cream lover, it's too hard to choose just one flavor... well, maybe walnut, when you're so lucky to find it *yummy*

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? nope, but i fell asleep once
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? i'm usually very careful with my money, the only time i wasted some was when i offered to purchase some items in advance for a person that still has to reimburse me

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? i usually try to
116. Have you kept a diary? i did for a period while i was younger, but i got bored pretty soon

117. What magazines you like to read? mostly interior design/architecture, cooking and alternative medicine magazines, but also computer related ones
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? yes, it definitely is and i share your worries about raising a kid in this environment

119. Are you bi-sexual? i think every woman is, while most technically aren't
120. Enough yet? :p [de niro mode] you talkin' to me? [/de niro mode]
101. do you like nine inch nails?

they're ok


102. have you ever worn a beret? do you like them in general?

i have, but can't say i like 'em


103. you run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. what do you see when you open the hatch?

nothing: it's pitch dark down there


104. what weapon is scarier? a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

a dirty knife


105. long skirts or short ones?

short skirts


106. how do you usually spend your saturday nights?

once i used to go out with friends and drink, now i tend to either stay in and drink or stay in and study/work


107. what is the worst illness you've had?

none of the acute kind. i've been recently diagnosed with an incoming hernia, but aside from that i've never had anything more serious than the common cold


108. seen a dead person? in real life, i mean

two actually, one dead, one dying


109. the most stupid thing you did during your childhood?

didn't get off the ski-lift at the end of the track: ended up bumping my head hard against a stone pillar


110. math or languages?



111. blondes or brunettes?

*shrugs* brunettes, i suppose


112. the best ice cream tastes like...?



113. have you ever walked out of a movie theatre in the middle of the show 'cause the movie sucked so hard?



114. what thing you did buy, paid lots for, and didn't even like?

my education


115. are you able to see things often from another person's angle?

i don't really think so


116. have you ever kept a diary?



117. what magazines do you like to read?

humour stuff online


118. is the world now a scarier place than it was when you grew up?

quite the opposite


119. are you bisexual?

yuk, no


120. enough yet?

no way

fine :bah: I´ll just cry infront of my pc, staring the MSN-buddies list that only has two persons... but that fake butt thingie went right pass me :confused:

And Rusty.. I never seem to notice signatures, but now as I did.. I have no idea on what song that is. But then again Pretty Hate Machine is the one I know best.
I prolly know the song, just can´t get it now into my head.

AAAAAAHHH..*thinks more questions*
lumitalvi said:
fine :bah: I´ll just cry infront of my pc, staring the MSN-buddies list that only has two persons...
awww... you can always install icq and look for one rahvin whose number starts with 111. i'll add you and pretend i'm not invisible for a while. ;)
lumitalvi said:
I don´t even know what exactly icq is, so let´s forget about the installment. I´ll get back to you..let´s say in the year 2070...
So I´ll just continue asking questions in here. *sigh*
but i'm sure by the year 2070, when i'll be 93 years old, a new release will have come out. :p

ok, so let's stick to questions: less talk, more rock. ;)
lumitalvi said:
fine :bah: I´ll just cry infront of my pc, staring the MSN-buddies list that only has two persons... but that fake butt thingie went right pass me :confused:

And Rusty.. I never seem to notice signatures, but now as I did.. I have no idea on what song that is. But then again Pretty Hate Machine is the one I know best.
I prolly know the song, just can´t get it now into my head.

AAAAAAHHH..*thinks more questions*
Well I've added you, you could have three now. And my sig is from the song And All That Could Have Been, which is from the Still album, which appears on the 2CD special edition of the And All That Could Have Been live album. :D
121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?
122. Why are we still here?

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester?
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come?

125. George W. Bush?
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies?

127. You like getting a tan?
128. You got tattoos/piercings?

129. ...shit...
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman?

131. When is your birthday?
132. Getting or giving gifts?

133. Do you boicot something?
134. Could somebody else please take over? :p

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...

137. How often do you wash your hair?
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower?

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?
140. Speaking or listening?

Seariously guys... now that I leave from work (within 45minutes) I will be able to use a pc next time on Monday again at work. So be sparing with the questions so they´ll last over the weekend.
I´ll go carrying boxes. Today is the first night in our new place. I wonder how the cats will take it :ill:
Oh yeah..and a funny thing. We took our "furniture" for a loan in our flat from the storage (a student flat) and now we were gonna take them back.
a) the person who had the key is not in town.
b) that person doesn´t even have the key now, the janitor has it.
c) but the storage doesn´t excist anymore! it´s been shut down over 2 years ago!

so... we´re stuck with ugly crappy furniture. We´ll get hold of the janitor next week and see what we´ll do.
Had to share, muahahaha :p
Rusty said:
Well I've added you, you could have three now. And my sig is from the song And All That Could Have Been, which is from the Still album, which appears on the 2CD special edition of the And All That Could Have Been live album. :D

Aaayeaaah... my boyfriend has the 2CD, we haven´t listened that much.
I will add you too as soon as I have the chance. My quess is that my home pc is out of order right now and I don´t know how soon the internet connection will be running in our new place, but I will surely bug you the minute I have the chance :heh:
Oh... good??


You really should listen to Still, if only for And All That Could Have Been. It's a corking song, lovely-ly ( :err: ) hopeless. Have a good move, if there is such a thing.

I'll be a good boy and save these questions for later, maybe even tomorrow.
121. what do you prefer: science fiction or horror?

in books, sci-fi. in movies, horror is usually funnier


122. why are we still here?

because it's hard to reconcile ourselves with the knowledge that the good times will never come


123. is arnold tougher than sylvester?

is summer warmer than winter?


124. have you completely forsaken vhs now that dvd's have come?

almost completely, yes


125. george w. bush?

not the most competent man during hard times


126. do you have snail-mail buddies?

not at all. i refuse to even talk to people who are not online most of their time


127. you like getting a tan?

i hate it, and yet it happens to me so very easily


128. you got tattoos/piercings?

nope. my body's a temple (of disgrace), not a fashion gallery


129. ...shit...

indeed. and caviar


130. when is the last time you've built a snowman?



131. when is your birthday?

on the 12th of may


132. getting or giving gifts?

both. i like giving better but choosing is an annoying activity


133. do you boycot something?

lots of things. the church of scientology is at #1 though


134. could somebody else please take over?

i vote for hearse, or rusty. not someone dull please


135. who's going to wacken?

not me, not this year. tuska, though


136. have you travelled by airplane? what is it like?

countless times. i really like it, it's a bit like being on a rollercoaster, during landing and take-off, only much more relaxing. it's the only place where i can manage to get some proper sleep, btw, and i really wish i could live on an ever-flying plane


137. how often do you wash your hair?

when i'm almost shaven (like now) i just do it a couple of times a week - there's nothing much to wash. in other circumstances i can get to three times


138. how long does it take for you to take a shower?

about fifteen minutes


139. could you go in a plastic surgery? what would you fix?

nothing i might want to fix can be reached through surgery, and i don't really mind whether my outside is appealing or not since the inside stays repulsive enough anyway


140. speaking or listening?

speaking. other people have hardly ever any interesting things to say

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? - Must be science fiction, but I'm not a great fan of either.
122. Why are we still here? - It's Sunday and I'm bored, that's my excuse. What's yours??

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? - I don't know, I think I've only seen one film with Arnie in it and none with Sylvester.
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? - No, the only DVD-players in the house are on computers, not connected to a telly. So we still use VHS a lot. And never rent films anyway.

125. George W. Bush? - Unfortunately.
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? - No.

127. You like getting a tan? - It doesn't bother me either way.
128. You got tattoos/piercings? - No, and I don't like them and won't get any. I don't see the point in them and they look ugly.

129. ...shit... - I'll try, but I only just went half an hour ago.
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? - Blimey... probably when I was about 8 or 9 or something like that, so about 10 years ago.

131. When is your birthday? - 17th of April. What a magnificent day. ;)
132. Getting or giving gifts? - Giving. Getting always makes me feel guilty.

133. Do you boicot something? - The Connect 5 bus, which is completely pointless and it's just as quick to walk.
134. Could somebody else please take over? - I vote for no. You are the question-master (mistress??).

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) - Not me, possibly Tuska though. Dunno yet.
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... - Yes. The sensation of taking off is corking, landing usually is too but one time we had a crap pilot who was all over the shop and it made me throw up. The in-between bits are completely boring though, although looking down on mountains is always good, and we flew through a thunderstorm once which was amazing.

137. How often do you wash your hair? - I'm not one of these people who insists on a thorough cleansing every single day, so probably once every two days or something like that. Less if I'm lazy or if I know I'm not going out anywhere.
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? - I like to spend a long time just standing there and thinking. I'll spend an hour altogether, including drying myself and stuff.

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? - Much better things to spend my money on. If I HAD to do something I'd probably get my nose set straight.
140. Speaking or listening? - Listening, my voice annoys me and I never have anything worth saying anyway.

rahvin said:
134. could somebody else please take over?

i vote for hearse, or rusty. not someone dull please
Now now, don't contradict yourself.

Everyone knows Hearse is dull. ;)

@rusty: think about it: he's gonna throw up a bunch of questions involving sex, sex, and possibly more about sex later on. it will be extremely entertaining just to see everyone get all prudish about it. ;)
23. The worst band you know? insane clown posse

24. Best season? summer

25. Who is your best friend? my right hand :erk:

26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) johnny depp/monica belucci

28. Best in Christmas? huh?

29. Do you like sleeping? yes

30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? fred durst

31. Best author? i'm not really a book reader

32. Your favourite book? ^

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? probably UM

34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? sex

35. For what are you fanatic for? depends(no, not the diapers for old people:lol: )

36. Support McDonald´s? :puke:

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? death

38. Darkness or light? darkness

39. Like Lord of the Rings? yes

40. Who´s the best charachter in it? gimli

41. Rain or shine? rain

42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? gay sex

43. the colour of your toothbrush? blue

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? nope

45. g-strings: yes or no? yep :D

46. name 3 favorite band of yours Children of Bodom, Machine Head, Finntroll

47. Do you have pets? 1 cat named 'tang

48. Do you have siblings? i have a step-brother

49. Can you sing? no

50. Puppies or kitties? puppies

51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) no

52. do you believe in love from the first sight? not really

53. Are you religious? agnostic

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation goes up and down depending on my mood

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? nope, not right now

56. Do you dye your hair? i did a few years back

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? me :devil:

58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? blue jeans and whatever

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? mute

60. Are goths gay? ;) yes :devil:

61. What is your favourite tree? eh, i dunno

62. Do you wear socks? yes

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? couch

64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? :lol: no

65. Your opinion on marijuana? legalize it

66. Leatherpants or jeans? jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? no

68. What language would you wanna learn? suomi and svenska

69. Do you wear glasses? nope, only sunglasses

70. Studying or working? working

71. What festivals have you been to? never been to one :erk:

72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do? [horza]Ask if anyone remembered to bring some booze.[/horza] works for me :lol:

73. Will you one day have kids? :ill:

74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they?

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
uhhhh, i dunno

76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? :lol: the first one

77. What do you parents do for a living? mom - project manager/dad - district service engineer

78. Did you have a happy childhood? yes and no

79. Roof or floor? huh?

80. Do you often picture people naked? :lol: yeah

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? no

82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? holmes

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) no. it's jammed isn't it :lol:

84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? don't ride the bus

85. Skating or skiing? skating

86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? me? once it gets long enough, pony tail

87. Gymnastics or dancing? gymnastics

88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? offer him a tic tac

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? yes

90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? better than most people around here

91. How tall are you? about 205cm

92. Would you wanna build your own house? sure, why not

93. Do you like being photographed? depends on how i look

94. Have you ever posed nude? no

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! i'm a lazy ass

96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? no, why should i?

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) curse

98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? that guy is tall

99. What animal would you wanna be? shark

100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? i watch it less and less, there is no such thing as unbiased news here

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) i liked pretty hate machine

102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? no and no

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? stairs

104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? neither

105. Long skirts or short ones? short :D

106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? at work :cry:

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? mononucleosis

108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. yes

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? lemme think about it

110. Math or languages? languages

111. Blonds or brunettes? don't care

112. The best ice cream tastes like...? ice cream

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? yes

114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? lots of things

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? yes

116. Have you kept a diary? no

117. What magazines you like to read? cars, guitars, rich people

118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? yes

119. Are you bi-sexual? no :yuk:

120. Enough yet? :p no, we should go to 1000 :heh:
121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? horror

122. Why are we still here? i dunno

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? yes

124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? yeah, pretty much

125. George W. Bush? my crappy leader

126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? no

127. You like getting a tan? i need one

128. You got tattoos/piercings? used to have my ears pierced, other than that, no

129. ...shit... stinky

130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? over 10 years ago, it never snows here :cry:

131. When is your birthday? 20 july

132. Getting or giving gifts? both

133. Do you boicot something? not right now

134. Could somebody else please take over? :p :lol:

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
i want to

136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... yes, economy class sucks when you're 200cm or more tall

137. How often do you wash your hair? every day

138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? a while

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? uhhh, make my nose a little smaller, i guess

140. Speaking or listening? listening