Worst Vocalists In Metal

I can't stand Vintersorg, but he's another that you would never, ever call "the worst" unless you were trying to be annoying. Not to say he's greatly talented. But at least he can like, sing in pitch and stuff.
Monika from Atrox needs to be at the top of this list....

She's one of the best singers I've ever heard. She's irritating on "Contentum" fairly frequently, but probably 95% of the vocals are normal (and great) on their last album, "Orgasm." If you listen to that whole thing and still think she's even a bad singer, you're just plain deaf. And she's definitely still clearly talented on "Contentum" regardless of whether she goes off on poltergeist girl kicks. She's much more powerful and creative than most of the female singers you hear praised in metal bands (Anneke, Madder Mortem chick, Tarja, Cristina Scabbia, etc).
Why would I buy Orgasm after being subjected to Contentum?

She admits to singing in ways that are annoying and that's enough to classify her as "one of the worst"... If not that then it's one of the dumbest!
Why would I buy Orgasm after being subjected to Contentum?

She admits to singing in ways that are annoying and that's enough to classify her as "one of the worst"... If not that then it's one of the dumbest!

I didn't tell you to buy it, I said to listen to it. It's completely different. Contentum is some annoying Arcturus ripoff with bizarre vocals, while Orgasm is heavily influenced by Meshuggah and has a lot of really quite pretty vocals and not very many lapses into weirdness. The album between those two is between them stylistically, so you'd probably still hate that. And the rest of what I said still holds true.

Also - what kind of conclusion is that? Mike Patton tries to be annoying ALL THE TIME and frequently makes absolutely godawful sounds and is proud of it, do you think he's the second worst singer ever?
I like Patten from his Faith no More days but don't really care for the other stuff that I've heard since then... I would rank some of that stuff as the worst also....

I'll take you word that Monika sounded better on their last disc... That still doesn't change my mind....
Atrox... that reminds me of an old review thread on Royal Carnage where "Orgasm" was given a scathing review and a big flamewar erupted with people coming over from other forums, then a rumor that Monika had committed suicide I think... weird. The consensus was that she was a pretty horrible vocalist though.
I think Monika herself ended up posting in the thread too.

Atrox... that reminds me of an old review thread on Royal Carnage where "Orgasm" was given a scathing review and a big flamewar erupted with people coming over from other forums, then a rumor that Monika had committed suicide I think... weird. The consensus was that she was a pretty horrible vocalist though.
I think Monika herself ended up posting in the thread too.


She's awesome. She has one of the best senses of humor in metal, interviews with her are always entertaining. She's definitely still alive and wouldn't have committed suicide over a negative reception of her vocal performance. Once again, everyone who whines about her vocals isn't whining about a lack of talent, it's whining about them not being normal woman vocals, so they should just stick to their Lacuna Coil. And even those that like normal ones shouldn't hate orgasm, since most of them are normal and really good (her album with her sister, who was in 3rd and the Mortal, is also mostly really gorgeous vocally too, unfortunately most of the music is boring electronica stuff). Though evidently even if she's the best singer ever on later albums people like Liquid Tension would still say she's the worst singer in metal history because their poor ears were offended by earlier work. I don't hold the thin, off-key warblings of Akerfeldt on Orchid against him still, since he's gotten a million times better since then, but maybe you clowns do. Though I think it's more comparable to whathisname the dude who used to be in Borknagar and Dimmu Borgir and Arcturus, his vocals on "La Masquerade Infernal" are frequently earsplittingly awful in a very similar way to monika's on early atrox (see: the chaos path). But he was definitely trying to do that and most people are smart enough to identify that he's pretty good when he sings normally.

Also: Liquid Tension - since you have the name of a dream theater side project, is it safe to assume you don't think James Labrie sounds terrible?
I'm not a big fan of James Labrie either....

My username has nothing to do with the band called Liquid Tension Experiement so your assumption is incorrect there...

It's from a Bruce Lee quote using the properties of water...
Atrox... that reminds me of an old review thread on Royal Carnage where "Orgasm" was given a scathing review and a big flamewar erupted with people coming over from other forums, then a rumor that Monika had committed suicide I think... weird. The consensus was that she was a pretty horrible vocalist though.
I think Monika herself ended up posting in the thread too.


She did post in the thread and there were MANY people who felt that she sucks.... It's too bad that wankerness wasn't around to explain to them that they need to get over her terrible moments!