Would you call Opeth a mainstream band?

Mr. Niel said:
Would you mind finding that?

I don't remember that, and I find it hard to believe.

It's called being humble. He also doesn't consider himself a good lyricist. Thank God it's us the fans who say how good he is! Ahahaha. If it was up to mikael he'd be playing in coffeehouses. :p
I think people's interperetations of 'mainstream' is being a bit clouded. Opeth are quite popular as far as the 'extreme metal' genre is concerned, but you certainly wont find many people outside of that listening spectrum getting into them. They certainly arent obscure, everyone who listens to decent metal knows of them.
Good stuff. Considering music is probably the most subjective human experience ever, I would think it would be up to the band to declare themselves mainstream or whatever they want. It's so difficult to say whether this band sold out or that band sold out. What parameters are involved and how can they apply, consistently, across the board? Impossible. I agree though on the *feeling* that some bands have "sold out" but my feeling doesn't make it so unless the band says, "yeah, we sold out. thanks for buying our shit."
Back to the question: I would doubt that Opeth consider themselves mainstream. We'd have to ask them. I also don't *personally* think they are mainstream. When I told my wife, who is constantly exposed to "mainstream" crap that I've never even heard of, I was going to see Opeth in concert, she asked me if I would be the only one there. Her jibe meant, to me, that Opeth is obviously not a mainstream band. I simply don't think the majority of music-listeners want to hear death metal.
I would guess that all of us here could compile a dynamic list of mainstreamness. At the top would be "acts" like Britney, Christina, Outkast, Etc. and near the bottom, with a low mainstream quotient would be Opeth, Rotting Christ, Etc. followed by garage bands no one can possible know. I think the middle is where it would get kinda gray.
ShroudofDusk has a good point too.....
AllWithinMyMonster said:
It's called being humble. He also doesn't consider himself a good lyricist. Thank God it's us the fans who say how good he is! Ahahaha. If it was up to mikael he'd be playing in coffeehouses. :p
Humility and self-assurance are not mutually exclusive. I guarantee you that he know's he's the shit compared to most nu-metal guitarists. He likes to show humility with sarcasm.
I haven't read through all of these replies, but I'll put my 2 cents in this debate. Opeth is mainstream in the sense that they are probably the most well known underground metal band. This "main stream idea" only applies to underground metal fans because nobody else knows or cares anything about Opeth. Metal fans who like to tag bands as mainstream, ussually are super critical of any band getting attention and drawing in more fans. These "true metal fans" really like these bands to be their own thing so, for instance with Opeth, they are going to be pissed off that there really isn't anyone to introduce them to because just about every metal fan already is a fan already or knows of them. They just can't show off anymore, real bummer.
estimate said:
Windowpane has been on Headbangers Ball on MTV.
Oh, I wouldn't know, I don't lower myself to watch such pap.

When I was younger my ex-step-dad deleted MTV from our list of stations so I wouldn't watch that crap, but my mom put it back for me.

Now I've deleted it from my own list of stations, kind of ironic.

Anyway, they don't appear on TRL so no, they're not mainstream. :)
GreatPhoenix said:
Oh, I wouldn't know, I don't lower myself to watch such pap.
Eat shit, Ass! Metal fans can be the most retarded people you will ever communicate to.
No they're not well known (out of the metal scene), no they are not mainstream.

Not even all metalheads know Opeth. At least not in Holland, even though their fanbase is rather large (for an underground band).

Well known/ mainstream metal/hardrock bands are; Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer, Cradle of Filth, Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, etc. Allthough not all of them are metal, but these bands are what I call mainstream. Like when they enter an album-chart in the top twenty they can be called mainstream. Opeth is DEFINATELY not mainstream.
Mayh said:
Eat shit, Ass! Metal fans can be the most retarded people you will ever communicate to.


While that's true, I fail to see why you're saying that to Phoenix when he says that MTV (or Headbanger's Ball (or Windowpane)) is "pap."
Kinda funny undertone in your post that I'm sure you didn't think of.
I find no relations between In Flames and Korn... Opeth are definatley not a mainstream band. They say they arnt in the dvd but thats not why i say they arnt. There not mainstream.
1) Opeth are not mainstream.
2) You can "feel" when a band becomes mainstream.
3) The way I "feel" it is by means of my cousin: if she knows the band, then it is mainstream; if she doesn't, then it is not. She doesn't know Opeth. She does know Metallica, Eminem, Nickelback, In Flames, Within Temptation, Alanis Morissette, Nirvana, Enrique Iglesias and his father, and other bullshit. ;-)
AbsentFriend said:
Like when they enter an album-chart in the top twenty they can be called mainstream.

I disagree. Take a look at this:

full-strength.com said:
Aussie metallers Lynchmada and Blood Duster are currently on the AIR Charts (Australian Independent Charts). Blood Dusters latest album 'Blood Duster' is currently at 14 on the top 20 albums chart while Lynchmada's recently released EP 'The Biggest Disappointment Is You' is currently 15 on the Top 20 EP Chart.

Blood Duster and Lynchmada are definitly NOT mainstream. Blood Duster play extreme death/grind, and Lynchmada play melodic death metal. But here in Aus, they're popular for doing something different, and something original.
My cousin doesn't know black sabbath and led zeppelin. Mozart and Beethoven didn't deal with bloody record companies to sell.