2013 - new and upcoming albums

please,don't touch me arjen,expecially in ayreon's project. I can't find bad works,the way he chooses singers and musicians,the way he write,he never let me down .in final experiment for example the voice of reason is Saviour machine's Eric Clayton,that gives an extraordinary performance (only in bonus tracks) of Bowie's "Space oddity" and L Zeppelin's "No quarter",then look how russell fits perfectly with him ,"Dawn of the million soul" is fantastic and what about "Star one" ? Just watch it on dvd when he duets with Damian Wilson in "Intergalactic space drusader" . I'm looking forward to this "theory of everything"and I'm sure it will be another masterpiece as the previous ones,if I have to choose his best work maybe "Final experiment" ,then "01001","Universal migrator"
The mix (or is it the mastering) on that Ayreon song sounds very subpar compared to his usual work. I'm interested in the album if only for Tommy Karevik.
The mix (or is it the mastering) on that Ayreon song sounds very subpar compared to his usual work. I'm interested in the album if only for Tommy Karevik.
The mix is generally flat and bitcrushed. Arjen loves the loudness war.
please,don't touch me arjen,expecially in ayreon's project. I can't find bad works,the way he chooses singers and musicians,the way he write,he never let me down .in final experiment for example the voice of reason is Saviour machine's Eric Clayton,that gives an extraordinary performance (only in bonus tracks) of Bowie's "Space oddity" and L Zeppelin's "No quarter",then look how russell fits perfectly with him ,"Dawn of the million soul" is fantastic and what about "Star one" ? Just watch it on dvd when he duets with Damian Wilson in "Intergalactic space drusader" . I'm looking forward to this "theory of everything"and I'm sure it will be another masterpiece as the previous ones,if I have to choose his best work maybe "Final experiment" ,then "01001","Universal migrator"
Lol. Of course someone named intergalactic would feel this way. I've never been a fan of Star One or Arjen's other stuff. There's definitely some good individual performances to be heard, but it's all way too much of a novelty thing for me.

I know them, I didn't know her. I know they're a shitty italian band like pretty much all metal from italy. I know from listening to the excerpt that she's not a talented vocalist.

If her voice is distinctive, it's distinctive in the same way Eilert Pilarm is distinctive.

Also, this speaks volumes:

Dude, please. She's certainly not much more than an average singer in terms of range or whatever, but she has a distinctive voice and vocal style that perfectly fits the gothic sort of music the band makes (or used to make).

And I fail to see what you posting that link speaks volumes about. If anything, maybe just about the reasons why the status of women in hard rock/metal is still what it is here in 2013. Okay. Almost 50% of the search results are images of her rather than of the band, but that's pretty much what you'll see with any band that doesn't have a big name guitarist or virtuoso musicians backing the lead singer. And there's maybe 3 pictures on that entire page where she's wearing something even semi-revealing. The only way for Lacuna Coil to have less sex appeal would be like for her to wear a bag over her head during all appearances and photoshoots.
These all have been getting a lot of playing time and worth checking out...
It's been a great month and a half for new releases!

Mirthkon - Snacks
Birds & Buildings - Multipurpose Trap
Unit Wail - Retort
Caillou - S/T
Thought Chamber - Psykerion
Dude, please. She's certainly not much more than an average singer in terms of range or whatever, but she has a distinctive voice and vocal style that perfectly fits the gothic sort of music the band makes (or used to make).
I disagree. Sounds like Average Jane from Music High school #3235325 to me.

And I fail to see what you posting that link speaks volumes about.
but that's pretty much what you'll see with any band that doesn't have a big name guitarist or virtuoso musicians backing the lead singer.
^that, kind of.
I regret using google image as a way to convey my message. I should just say I think they suck horribly, and that even though they use her as a centerpiece, she's horrendous too. You could say it's the same for Nightwish, Epica or Arch Enemy or whatever, but at least they've put out stuff that doesn't completely suck.

The band sucks and so does she.
The Universal Migrator albums are fantastic.
Dragon of the Sea, Dawn of a Million Souls, Into the Black Hole, The First Man on Earth, to name a few great songs.
I regret using google image as a way to convey my message. I should just say I think they suck horribly, and that even though they use her as a centerpiece, she's horrendous too. You could say it's the same for Nightwish, Epica or Arch Enemy or whatever, but at least they've put out stuff that doesn't completely suck.

The band sucks and so does she.

Well, that's fine. It was just the whole "it's a female singer so it's gotta be all because of the sex appeal" type of idea that's not cool. Oh, and trying to say that Epica has ever put out stuff that doesn't completely suck is not cool either. They're awful, imo. I'm not into the whole over the top, symphonic, operatic crap though.

Cristina sings in a more low key, almost distant sort of way that I think is unique compared to the other female vocalists that have gotten popular. Her voice creates a different kind of vibe that works well on songs like these (from the last good Lacuna Coil album).

The Universal Migrator albums are fantastic.

Great post. We are on the same page now.
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I've never listened to much Lacuna Coil and I'm not about to become a fan now, but as a singer, she seems... Ok. Doesn't invoke great passion one way or another in me. I'm not really a fan of many women vocalists in metal at all, so all things considered she might be just slightly above your average boring operatic wail.

Maybe it's just me, but women generally seem better at singing, you know, not metal music.
I'm sure Lacuna Coil's success is not solely based on sex appeal and image, but for someone to pick her over anybody else in a "super band" project, I must think that stuff played a disproportionate role in their mind. While I don't think she's good, I don't think she's attractive either (she's certainly no Simone, höhö), so I don't know what to think. Arjen sucks nowadays? I can leave it at that.

As for Epica, I kinda like The Phantom Agony because it's kinda like Therion. I don't care about the rest of their stuff.
I had a whole response written up, and the forum ate it. Won't type it again, but here were the main points:

-FWX tracks like Simple Human, Stranger, and Crawl are lame and have nothing of the band's sound other than the fact that they're better musicians than the bands they're imitating
-Said tracks are clearly influenced by Deftones, Tool, etc.
-Lighthouse is awesome, it does build, just doesn't climax, shares many sensibilities with APSoG and Disconnected, just taken to an extreme, very tense despite being so gloomy
-Ray sounds great on this album, IMO best he's sounded in his career so far
-And Yet It Moves is a miracle of prog metal engineering
-Afterglow is actually good, worst Fates track is Outside Looking In
-O Chloroform is super cool
I'd guess it was probably a combination of him wanting her type of vocals for that particular role and the fact that he'd already used just about every other well known female on the previous albums.

I do have hope for the quality of this one. It's an interesting mix of talent and there are some names on there that I wouldn't have expected. I'll probably be able to give it a listen tomorrow.
And Yet It Moves is a fine song.
I have yet to identify any other stand-out song.

As for Lighthouse, Sieges Even's Lighthouse is much better (but is also one of my favorite songs of all time ;))
Speaking of Sieges Even, has anyone heard the new Subsignal album Paraíso?
the same for me,another good record,they always had their own style so if you
enjoyed Sieges even and the other subsignal,this is another must
Sieges Even > the new FW


RE Lacuna Coil: She's unremarkable. Not bad, not good. Not memorable.

The Amaranthe singer has a killer voice, if only she weren't in a pseudo-nu-metal band.

For straight up chops, listen Mostly Autumn's Live 2009 album. Un.Touch.Able.
For straight up chops, listen Mostly Autumn's Live 2009 album. Un.Touch.Able.

Heather Findlay is amazing. And improved so much with age. It's remarkable considering she was pretty good to start with. And yes, live 2009 is a highlight.

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