About me leaving Bloodbath

that's too bad , we still want you in Bloodbath
you did good work with the band, please try to arrange, Bloodbath without Dan will never be the same one
Bloodbath is really going to have to make up for lost time seems they are really behind schedule, needing many members, tours promotions, and a very impressive album to keep this bands heart beating. I would like to hear another Diabolical Masquerade album, but that probably will never happen again especially now... anyway to Dan and Blackheim... stay inspired and stay fucking brutal!!!
This obviously divided the bloodbath fanbase in two camps a bit!
Guys like Cerulean who came from the Katatonia camp and dont really give a flying fart, and guys leaning back into EoS seeing less point with a Swanö-free bloodbath. I'd say Nyströms songs for Bloodbath absolutely kick-ass, they are on a kind of tie with Swanös (pherhaps I'm eaving leaning towards Nyström), but on the same time I think the next Bloodbath album is going to miss a hell lot of character, we'll see. One thing is for sure though, if Swanö does some own Death Metal project it will rip the third bloodbath full-length to shreds.

And about those "good luck in the future yaddayadda" - it says nothing about friendship really... I know bands frome around my area that have had member changes, and there is always this godamned future-good-luck-schemes, even after the worst break-up, it's just a code of behaviour
dude im so pissed off. dan swano you start the songs and make them good. bloodbath is now gonna suck balls because yoru not there. i was so pissed off. now bloodbath don't have an awesome guitarist and an awesome vocalist.
So who´s the members of Bloodbath now??

Mike, peter, axe and now Swanö, all gone. Maybe it´s time to say Bloodbath (1999 - 2005) RIP.
And how hard can it to release that DVD? we´ve been waitin more than a fucking year now. Does anyone who is halting this? It better not be Road Runner..
nobody knows anything. all we DO know is that right now, nothing is happening with bloodbath, and nothing will be happening unless they find a new guitarist, a new kickass vocalist, AND find time when these 5 people, including axe, find the time to rehearse for a tour or a new album. get the picture?
I'm not necessarily upset about Dan being out. I'm more upset about the way it was handled and the reasoning for it. Dan works on a ton of projects at once, so I understand if the band wanted someone who could be more dedicated. Maybe a big problem for Blakkheim was that Dan was MORE interested in developing his "pussy" stuff like Nightingale and Second Sky than he was in making Bloodbath type music. I don't think he wanted to take Bloodbath in a Moontower direction; maybe they think he did. I don't know. What I do know is, while Dan is a fan of metal and likes making metal, in his heart, he is a pomp rock/arena rock/symph rock guy.
what???? have you ever heard Ribspreader, Edge Of Sanity, Pan-Thy-Monium, Infestdead????... Yeah, that's the rock man making some death metal...
The Katatonia guys are dickheads for kicking the best songwriter out of the band. And they didn't even have the balls to call him up.
What a bunch of pussies.

Anyway, good things will come out of this. Dan has hinted that he'll start a new death metal band.
R.I.P. Bloodbath.
Lokasenna said:
The Katatonia guys are dickheads for kicking the best songwriter out of the band. And they didn't even have the balls to call him up.
What a bunch of pussies.

We don't have all the details, we just know what was posted on the internet.
I'm a big Swanö fan for 15 years, and so I'm a Katatonia fan. The way it was presented was not the luckiest, but I'm shure it wasn't a random "kick someone out of the band"
Swanö wasn't getting personal in his post, but the fans are getting personal, and that's ignorant, without knowing the details. That pisses me off.
You have the option to not buy the upcoming Bloodbath albums instead of bashing Jonas and Anders personally.
Dan, Anders, Jonas - Good luck
I had the same thought a few weeks ago, but Opeth takes alot more time for Mike than for Axe, Mike doing all the writing and stuff. So i doubt it will happen.
This is a real pity and probably could have been handled more professionaly by the current Bloodbath members.

I think they should have negotiated to keep Dan as producer/songwriter only not in the live/performing band. That approach could have been a win for both sides.
Unicorn said:
We don't have all the details, we just know what was posted on the internet.
I'm a big Swanö fan for 15 years, and so I'm a Katatonia fan. The way it was presented was not the luckiest, but I'm shure it wasn't a random "kick someone out of the band"
Swanö wasn't getting personal in his post, but the fans are getting personal, and that's ignorant, without knowing the details. That pisses me off.
You have the option to not buy the upcoming Bloodbath albums instead of bashing Jonas and Anders personally.
Dan, Anders, Jonas - Good luck

Well put.

I don't think people should go around saying " Yeah Bloodbath is dead now " even though it may not be the end. I can see the disapointment coming from the fans though, especially fans of Swano. But do you mean to say that you only listen to music that Swano is involved in? Bloodbath is a band, not a solo act by Swano.

Just wait for the next album before you say things are over or that Bloodbath wont be as good, they will probably be different but that doesn't mean they are going to do worse.

But good luck to him, he will end up in another great project \m/