NineFeetUnderground said:
theyre not doom, nor are they "black metal".

id actually call them dark metal over anything else...seeing as how they share more in common with other dark metal bands than just about any other sub genre.

and they dont have any "prog" influence to the guy who claimed they did.

you are funny.
i'd class agalloch as grind-influenced post-hardcore but i'm not really an expert on such matters.
Mumblefood said:

god you're a fucking cunt. "they're not doom, they're *insert rediculous subgenre classification which no one ever uses*!!! GET IT RIGHT"

You're obviously quite educated for someone sleeping next to a trash can every night, is that the kind of language you mother taught you? Post a more constructive response (if you can even pronounce constructive as opposed to your digusting language).

NineFeetUnderground said:
theyre not doom, nor are they "black metal".

id actually call them dark metal over anything else...seeing as how they share more in common with other dark metal bands than just about any other sub genre.

and they dont have any "prog" influence to the guy who claimed they did.

They're definitely hard to categorise, that's for sure. Each time I listen to them I notice something new.

Over the interviews I've read of their's they do cite black metal (eg earlier Ulver) and some proggier bands as influences (note though, I don't mean 70's Camel/Yes style prog, I probably should've been more clear about that in my earlier post).

"Dark Metal" is a good way to describe some aspects of them though, I agree:-)

Detric said:
The Hubster -> I dont have time to play games with you. Overall it is Doom Metal, I dont have time to put different genres into sub genres as post-hybrid cunt or whatever your saying. I honestly dont give a fuck, I listen to them because I like them. If we were all focusing on the on genres all the time, we would forget the music, remember that.

If you listen to them because you want to, well that's great. Some of us out there do like to be more technical about the music we listen to. As a forum for a place like Metal, I'd like to think I can talk about the music I love in the way I appreciate it and have cool discussions with people about it.

My explanation of what I felt about it not being Doom wasn't meant to put you down Detric, I was just "discussing music" dude, you don't have to be so aggressive.

For the record though, if you think they're Doom, check out the Doom bands I mentioned, you'll see how different Doom is. I don't mean this as a "you're wrong, I'm right" kind of thing, it's just a suggestion to someone in a place where there's a lot of other music lovers around.
I know what you mean Hubster, and Iam sorry if I sounded like a jerk. But it can be really hard to put bands into different genres, I just try not to focus on the genres, other than death,black,folk,grind and all the "main" genres. I know there is alot of sub genres too, but I try to avoid them, because id rather focus on the music than the genres, do you know what I mean? But its okay if you like to put bands into these sub genres, its just that alot of people arent that familiar with the genres your were naming :)
The Hubster said:
You're obviously quite educated for someone sleeping next to a trash can every night, is that the kind of language you mother taught you? Post a more constructive response (if you can even pronounce constructive as opposed to your digusting language).

bad words offend you (you're gay)

[/anal cunt]
Originally Posted by gr1m and tr00
Agalloch are better musicians....atleast from what ive heard. I enjoy them but Opeth write better songs

I bet Lopez can't play the beginning to I am the Wooden Doors.

okay.. agalloch are not better musicians, especially drums wise.. the drumming can be immensely scrappy.. martin lopez could shit over the drummer from all the songs i've heard. The drumming on the mantle altho good enough, left a lot to be desired - some really scrappy work there.
The Hubster said:
Agreed. (Akerfeldt is without a doubt a much better growler than anyone alive, but his clean vox are totally owned by Vintersorg of Borknagar).

Haughm's good overall though, and his style does fit Agalloch's music perfectly. He uses a different kind of emotion for his performance, and it works really well.

Vintersorg is terrible compared to Mikael. Just listen to Still Day Beneath the Sun, that's probably Mikael's best vocal preformance.

Vintersorg is good sometimes... like on God's of My World, but his voice is very irritating, especially how nasally he is. Plus, the way he sings high pitched now, is abolutely terrible.

Mikael's tone is warm, soothing, and absolutely beautiful. His voice rolls are 1000 times sexier than Vintersorg's.
I think the best way to categorize Agalloch is Black Metall/Neo-Folk/Post Rock (in order of how present each style is in their sound). There's really no way you can put them into a single genre without making it some rediculous mish-mash looking thing.

PS: Mike's clean vocals slay everyone's, especially Vintersorg's.
saut said:
I think the best way to categorize Agalloch is Black Metall/Neo-Folk/Post Rock (in order of how present each style is in their sound). There's really no way you can put them into a single genre without making it some rediculous mish-mash looking thing.

actually its quite simple. Dark Metal. that genre tag for them encompases any death/black/doom/folk/forest, whatever influence it might have. but they are a dark metal band. nor are they nearly as amazing or profound as half these twats are boasting.

agalloch is decent...but thats the end of the line people.
Botfly said:
The Hubster said:
Agreed. (Akerfeldt is without a doubt a much better growler than anyone alive, but his clean vox are totally owned by Vintersorg of Borknagar).

Vintersorg is terrible compared to Mikael. Just listen to Still Day Beneath the Sun, that's probably Mikael's best vocal preformance.

Vintersorg is good sometimes... like on God's of My World, but his voice is very irritating, especially how nasally he is. Plus, the way he sings high pitched now, is abolutely terrible.

Mikael's tone is warm, soothing, and absolutely beautiful. His voice rolls are 1000 times sexier than Vintersorg's.

You can't compare the two. That's like saying "James LaBrie is better than Paul Simon!" Sure, technically LaBrie has the better range over Simon, just as Vintersorg does over Mike. But which one do I like to listen more? I'll take Paul Simon and Mike - tone is more important to me than range.
NineFeetUnderground said:
nor are they nearly as amazing or profound as half these twats are boasting.

Of course they are, biatch! :yell:

Maybe if you possessed Thee Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities of Myself an other Agalloch Record Owners your opinion would be considered relevant.

But, since you do not and never will, you will roam Thee Earth as a lower level human being incapable of comprehending Actual Talent projected by Upper Level Humans through Thee Frequencies of Instrumentaion. You will rot and die in the filthy disgusting idiocy of the hole you call your life totally oblivious to Thee Heightened Awareness that Thee Upper Level Humans have developed in their Nervous Systems and have used to advance Thee Species.

When you are deceased your carcass will be eaten by various inscects, animals and other scavengers while the bodies of Thee Deceased Agalloch Record Owners and Thee Possessors of Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities will rise to Thee Heavens where they Will become Gods. They Will rule over humanity with Supreme Intelligence and revel in their Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities while the lesser organisms will suffer and never realize the inferiority sewn into the very fabric of their beings and the Realities they experience.

SunMontage said:
Of course they are, biatch! :yell:

Maybe if you possessed Thee Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities of Myself an other Agalloch Record Owners your opinion would be considered relevant.

But, since you do not and never will, you will roam Thee Earth as a lower level human being incapable of comprehending Actual Talent projected by Upper Level Humans through Thee Frequencies of Instrumentaion. You will rot and die in the filthy disgusting idiocy of the hole you call your life totally oblivious to Thee Heightened Awareness that Thee Upper Level Humans have developed in their Nervous Systems and have used to advance Thee Species.

When you are deceased your carcass will be eaten by various inscects, animals and other scavengers while the bodies of Thee Deceased Agalloch Record Owners and Thee Possessors of Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities will rise to Thee Heavens where they Will become Gods. They Will rule over humanity with Supreme Intelligence and revel in their Superior Intergalactic Music Listening Abilities while the lesser organisms will suffer and never realize the inferiority sewn into the very fabric of their beings and the Realities they experience.


congrats on the most retarded post and biggest waste of webspace ever.