Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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j0tun said:
I'm sorry but Jari Maenpaa kicks the shit out of Alexi Laiho. I have nothing against Alexi, I think he is an amazing song writer and guitar player, but I think Jari is a better guitar player. I'm not sure who's compositions I like more. I don't know if you know this, but Jari wrote and recorded the entire Wintersun album by himself, guitars, keyboards, bass, vocals. He just had someone else play the drums for him. And that album is a masterpiece. Can't wait for "Time' :D

And that someone is Kai Hahto.
Heartless_Name said:
Dude, skill level and talent of Alexi can be challenged, and possibly overcome, sure. But I never said HE ALONE was amazing. I SAID CoB is amazing, and no other band surpasses them IN MY OPINION. To me, Wintersun is a great band, HELL there's lotsa great bands. I own a lot of CD's and what my broke ass can't afford I download either on KaZaa, Limewire or Torrent. So I think I got the spread pretty much covered. I'm constantly being exposed to new bands everyday.

And OF ALL THE BANDS AND SONGS I LISTEN TO, none compare to CoB in the sense that EVERYONE of CoB's songs are amazing, catchy, fun to listen to, unique and features a solo that reaches in your pants and gives you a happy ending. Show me another band that EVERY SONG is like that... Some come CLOSE but none match of surpass. At least, to, me, and I feel I have a good opinion on the matter. BUT HELL show me a band that is equal or better and I won't complain I'll be happy! Till then, CoB pwns the throne!

BUT I can't wait for that CD 2007... I am so fucking ready for it, I know all their currents songs off by heart, I need something fresh! But they're still great. If I was saying there's no band that writes/plays as good as CoB, or there's no individual songs as good as or better than CoB's, I'd be a dumbass. I SAID NO band I know of, can say EVERY song of theirs is amazing. See the difference?

Impressive. Most Impressive... But you are not a Jedi yet!

Some other bands, whose all songs are just simply masterpieces:

Shape Of Despair
Latvala Bros.
Max On The Rox

And there are lots of bands that have almost all songs super good. You can't really say that COB is the only band that doesn't have bad songs. That's just not true.
MasqueReaper said:
I definitely thought that Trashed, Lost and Strungout was the future of music, instead, it may have caused Alexi to quit trying so hard (he won't play T,L &S, Kissing the Shadow, Warheart, Knuckleduster, etc) anymore.

TLAS doesn't work live (keys?), they play KTS and WH every now and then, Knuckleduster is an experimental track and kinda like a "filler" on an EP but they still played it many times last summer.
HateCrew, you're just another one of the many imbeciles I hear from everyday on the net. Just because they're not shredding their asses off doesn't mean they suck. I've seen the video you posted, and honestly, I find nothing flawed at all with Roope and Alexi's sound or playing, you're just an idiot who can't let go of the past and let COB do their own thing. Just because they're not neoclassical anymore, that means they suck? I honestly agree with Alexi's comment that there's too many people trying to be Yngwie. Alexi was guilty of this, but then he released Are You Dead Yet? and proved you can kick major ass at guitar and not wank your balls off. So shut the fuck up and stuff it
MiracleMan said:
Alexi was guilty of this, but then he released Are You Dead Yet? and proved you can kick major ass at guitar and not wank your balls off. So shut the fuck up and stuff it
DUDE! Have you not heard of BB King, Jake E. Lee, Mark Knopfler, or Nuno Buttencourt? They have proved it before Alexi.
Well, that's your opinion, and I simply stated mine. and I'll do so again:

Those bands ARE FUCKING GREAT!! but not like, EVERY SONG IS AMAZINGLY GREAT, like CoB somehow managed to pull off. *dances to Red light in my eyes, part I*

Sorry for what? Him liking Trivium?? They're pretty good.. but.. I heard they suck live... And I'll admit their master of Puppets cover is fucking atrocious... the 'for whom the bells tolls' cover makes up for it.. but still...
I have mostly all their songs, they don't suck period.. they're pretty good.. Fugue (A revelation), My hatred, Pull harder on the strings of your Matyr, A Gunshot to the head of Trepidation, Rain, dying iny our arms, Like light to the flies, ascendancy = all pretty solid songs, try giving thema chance they DID tour with CoB, but my friend who went told me they sucked live.
Conti said:
I'm sorry.

This is where I would normaly become upset and try to bash you or whatever, but becuase yout star wars signature is sooooo cool, I don't think I will.

Darth Vader is tr00!!!

Your a bitch.
Conti said:
yea,they really cant play their solos live

Okay, now you're retarded.

That was what people spoon fed you about a year ago. If you've listened to then recently, or bothered to listen to them at all in the first place and ignore all the bullshit people say about them, you'd realize that they are really a good band.. and their new music is not at all bad.
In Your Face said:
Okay, now you're retarded.

That was what people spoon fed you about a year ago. If you've listened to then recently, or bothered to listen to them at all in the first place and ignore all the bullshit people say about them, you'd realize that they are really a good band.. and their new music is not at all bad.
Except for the fact that I went to the show and saw them screw up their solos?:u-huh:
Dude chill, he's allowed to have an opinion... Trivium is like Lamb of God, or Cradle od Filth.. GREAT bands but they just fucking SUCK live.. well LoG ain't so great to begin with.. 11th hour is a good song though..
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