Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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Twitchyguitarist said:
Nah man, its from the Chaos Ridden Years topic, you can think Warheart for the link:
oh no sry, i meant the guitar world

EDIT: watched the video. Very cool. Also, I hated how it sounded like their was so much gain, not from the bad streaming, but you could tell it does. I also listened to the live version on the myspace, and it sounded wayy too gainy. I think the arch enemy live dvd got better sound.
Bodoms cool and every thing but nowa days thats ALL you hear about,in every ones myspace its i love melodic death metal! and then you ask what bands do you listen to? and they say bodom, and i ask you no any others? and they say well sinergy but i love bodom and i wonder how they can say they love melodic death metal if the only band they have to hold up to is bodom i loved these guys and i saw them a few times what really pissed me off was every one only new alexi laiho and no one else in the band, im in a band and i hope that never happens to us even though he writes all the music and so do ifor my band , i wouldnt want that to happen ever, i hate looking at these kids that also start bands and wear exactly what alexi wears and they go out and buy his guityar and pose as he does, its kinda like? is ths what it has come to? all i gatta say is find who YOU are when your writing music play music you make and stop covering other bands songs and godamnit bodom isnt THAT great anymore so yeah whatever just wanteds to say that even if it didnt make much sense
Ok thanks... I needed to scream.
ScottieFacewithMace said:
Bodoms cool and every thing but nowa days thats ALL you hear about,in every ones myspace its i love melodic death metal! and then you ask what bands do you listen to? and they say bodom, and i ask you no any others? and they say well sinergy but i love bodom and i wonder how they can say they love melodic death metal if the only band they have to hold up to is bodom i loved these guys and i saw them a few times what really pissed me off was every one only new alexi laiho and no one else in the band, im in a band and i hope that never happens to us even though he writes all the music and so do ifor my band , i wouldnt want that to happen ever, i hate looking at these kids that also start bands and wear exactly what alexi wears and they go out and buy his guityar and pose as he does, its kinda like? is ths what it has come to? all i gatta say is find who YOU are when your writing music play music you make and stop covering other bands songs and godamnit bodom isnt THAT great anymore so yeah whatever just wanteds to say that even if it didnt make much sense

I think, even Alexi has the same opinion...he hates such Kids :Smug:
HateCrewDeathroll said: These guys were my heros when Suicide By My Side was released, they were the best in the world. This was around the time that Follow The Reaper was released, Alexi was a god to me, an unreal music. Now, in the new GUITAR WORLD CD-ROM that I got in the mail today, Alexi and Roope TRY and teach how to play "Are You Dead Yet" and they both suck balls. I feel like crying. They both had showed me the light back in the day, Passage To The Reaper is unbelievable. but on this CD-ROM, Roope actually forgets one part of the verse and stumbles to find his way back! Alexi plays the solo like shit, it sounds nothing like the album. Roope and Alexi play so lazy. I feel like I'm watching some fuckin kids play some shitty riffs. What have we become? Hatebreeder, Follow The Reaper, To Hell and Back, Suicide By My Side, and now Are You Dead Yet? Alexi really sucks on this CD-ROM, but Roope sucks EVEN WORSE!! OH MY GOD I CAN'T WATCH THIS ANYMORE!

Bodom used to be larger than life...but now...I can play these riffs better than them. There IS NO POSSIBLE WAY THAT ALEXI AND ROOPE CAN HANDLE SINERGY ANYMORE. NO CHANCE IN HELL. THIS PROVES IT. The only thing that can save them in my mind now is the new DVD. If they actually nail everything, and Alexi nails his solos, I'll forgive them for this lazy CD-ROM. But this is so bad, I don't know what to do with myself. I think I'll go listen to Wintersun now, Jari actually cares about me, he nails everything!! He stays true to the Finland roots.

stop crying, emo child.
I don't want to get invovled in some meaningless arguement on a forum with some backwards fan, because I only just recently joined message board for the purpose of interacting with actual, intelligent fans after a LONG time of just primarily reading certain posts, but I feel I have to say this:

First off, a person with your opinions taking the name HCDR is just a disgrace to the album and the title track, both of which are excellent. Furthermore, DUDE ARE YOU NUTS?! Who the heck are you to say Alexi and Roope suck, just cause you you weren't impressed by some YouTube video. I've had the pleasure of seeing them live (and I will be doing so again on their upcoming tour with AMON AMARTH) and when I saw them they played flawlessly (And did a kickass set list I might add). So maybe you know, go out and buy some tickets and stop watching vids on the net and you might not have anything to grumble about.

Like c'mon now. DO YOU NOT KNOW how pathetic it is, bashing them on their OWN site? You do realize they're prolly having a wonderful time not giving a fuck about you or what you say as you tirelessly plug away at your keyboard professing you long-lost love and respect for COB. I think it's both sad and funny. Bottom line is they're a GREAT BAND, the best if you ask me. No other metal band I've heard can surpass them. Some come close, but the thing, to me, that makes COB so great is EVERY one of their songs is amazing and great to listen to, and features a unique, mind-blowing solo. There's apparently no such thing as a half-assed filler track to these boys. Show me another band you can say that about... But regardless, the main point is they are making the music they love and want to create, and they're gonna continue to do so whether you like it or not. So go get some tissues and buy some pink leather pants.

DON'T come here if you're gonna be hating on COB, go make a sandwich or do something productive with your time. You're allowed to express your opinion, but I think anyone who counts really doesn't care to hear your anti-Alexi and Roope agendas. I suggest if you DO have something negative to say about them, do it on your backstreet boys fansite where people will agree with your bullshit or do it in line at one of their concerts, and see what happens :lol:

And btw, you will prolly retort all angsty and offended, claiming to be some sort of master guitarist who knows all their solos and so on and so forth, and that I know nothing... but hear this; I know good music, I buy and download enough metal to consider myself an aficiando. COB is simply the best, hands down. So go elsewhere if you don't like them anymore, I'm sure the new From First to Last CD is out at HMV for you to pick up. And well, if you're so great where's your band? I'd like to see you TOUR FOR ALMOST A YEAR STRAIGHT and play night after night, venue after venue; flawlessly, drunk and dying from the immense heat given by the damned stagelights. I'm pretty sure you couldn't, so till you can, and have, don't dare say they suck... you tool. :heh:
^ I've almost expressed a similar opinion in the third page of this thread, but almost no one would read it...
By the way, I agree with many things you said about CoB...
Then here it's the official site of the band, it's not nice to bash on them right here.... but anyway, it's not nice to speak ill of a band which gave and still has a lot to give us...
That wasn't even bad guitar playing, in fact i was surprised they played it that well, but they are newer songs so they should be able to play them better anyway.
I agree, I apologise that was not my intention, Warheart. It just, pissed me off that there is all these effing posers posting on this board saying "OMG, WHAT HAS BECOME OF COB" and "THEY SUCK NOW"... like come on, get a life. If you don't like them, then just don't frequent here, or listen to there music, no one's forcing you. IT'S YOUR LOSS! Don't bash them though, specially when you're in no position to do so, that's just a sign of an angsty fan, be real. If you don't like COB, maybe Story of the Year or um, *thinks of some other dumb emo band* Taking back sunday might be more your style.. but just leave your garbage off the forum. Cheers!
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