Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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Heartless_Name said:
I agree, I apologise that was not my intention, Warheart. It just, pissed me off that there is all these effing posers posting on this board saying "OMG, WHAT HAS BECOME OF COB" and "THEY SUCK NOW"... l

Its all because they want to show that they have a bigger dick--erm.. that they've been a fan longer. Its not really about CoB's music. They just want to be leet or whatever the fuck it is with the 7s and 3's and shit.

'I joined 3 months ago, but i'm not an emo noob!! i hate their new stuff too! like me please!!"
-[chop]- said:
What does it smell like?

hmm, you know when you take a rotten egg and mix it with some puke and then add some warm beer and let it stand in the sun for a while? Well, it smells nothing like that, it smells more like the piece of sausage i had under my bed, which for the record isn't there anymore :(
HateCrewDeathroll said:
Let me just say that Children Of Bodom was my favorite band in the world and Roope and Alexi were my favorite guitarists' team.

If you saw what I saw just now, you'd understand what I'm saying. I have plenty of credibility to be saying this, I've seen them 11 times and loved every show! I know everything there is to know about them, they are the best live act ever, but these new songs don't show half of what they can do, and this CD-ROM puts Children Of Bodom to shame.

I'm embarrassed to show any of my friends this footage. Bottom line, cherish Passage To The Reaper and all Sinergy, because it's the last time they will ever sound that good. It kills me to bash them so hard, but they just let me down so badly, I'm hurt, my heros...what happened to them?
then stop coming back...?
this didnt seem very organized and scheduled. the sounds quality is bad and you can hear the door opening sometimes and jaska walking in. it feels like guitar world just entered the room and said "could you make some riffs in our magazine" and they said " ok then what will we do? huh lets say we do are you dead yet"

apart from that i think that they played it really well and did not miss any little details in riffs or in the solo. maybe roope fucked up once or twice but that happens to every1.

and dont say that the music in AYDY is less hard to play. songs like everytime i die or lake bodom and others are easier than living dead beat or TLS. it may appear simpler but it is not really. its really hard to do tight playing with 2 guitars on AYDY(the album in general).
Well, i definately must say. You are completely and utterly wrong about them starting to suck live and not even know how to play. I saw them right after "Are You Dead Yet?" was released. Here in Salt Lake City, Utah. And i gotta say they played a good two hour show that was unfuckingbelievable. There were absolutely no flaws at all, the soloing was perfect, every note was spot on.

So now tell me, your pissed off because the Sinergy album got delayed. I for one am not really, i do like Sinergy quite a bit. But i think it's better that they focus on Bodom for now. They have finally reached the peak of their career, and it only seems that things are getting better for them.

No it's not because the style is slightly different or any other completely stupid reason you have listed before. You really need to get a fucking live, Alexi is a guitar god. And one of my biggest musical influences. My band isn't some shitty band either. Some people say we sound alot like Wintersun, but with Warmann like keyboards.

So all i need to say is, little kiddie stop crying, your getting nowhere. As for the most of the rest of us who have been long time Bodom fans and still highly appreciate them. Why don't you just leave this forum if they are so bad? Kids on the internet with nothing to do these days or what? Seriously get a life and grow up.
LOL... looks like everyone is against HCDR on this one! Maybe he should stop hating on the hatecrew before he's put to death and rolled into a shallow, early grave... lmao I'm so lame...

anyways, on a random note I JUST realized something. I've known about IneartheD for the longest time but didn't know you could actually download anything by them. Then when I torrented to see what was available, wtf, Homeland is by them?!?! I didn't know that! Homeland is a fucking amazing song, bad quality but it's fucking incredible none-the-less. They definately should redo at least that song.

I had Homeland listed as CoB when I downloaded it a WHIIIIIIILE back, eventhough I knew it couldn't be, I just assumed it was another internet P2P misnomer, like Final Countdown, which is actually by a band called DISPATCHED, not CoB. Aw well, live and learn, and then get luvs!
Dude I'm listening to Wintersun RIGHT now, that's so fuckign weird!! I'm 4:17 and ctounting into "Winter Madness" and no man they're not that good, they're great, but CoB holds them down and slaps the fuck outta them, hardcore! But good try.. another band perhaps, but I know many and in my opinion, NONE have that unique quality I mentioned in my earlier post that CoB possesses. But I did say some come close, wintersun could be counted as one of those bands.. but they don't surpass.. and btw, now in the time it's taken me to type this, the song that's playing now is "Beautiful death" and I'm 3:10 into that! cheers!
I'm not saying they don't kick ass... cause the do, so does Norther, Kalmah, Skyfire, Imperanon, Ablaze my Sorrow... Borknagar the list goes on and on.. just not every one of their songs is 'fuckmymom' amazing, like CoB! That's what sets CoB apart, EVERY one of their songs, in my opinion, is an amazing song. Some are less great than others but they're all pretty godamn amazing, those unique solos to each song make them a treat all on their own, everything else aside.

PS, Beyond the Dark Sun, OMG it played before winter madness, it is a great, short song!!
I'm sorry but Jari Maenpaa kicks the shit out of Alexi Laiho. I have nothing against Alexi, I think he is an amazing song writer and guitar player, but I think Jari is a better guitar player. I'm not sure who's compositions I like more. I don't know if you know this, but Jari wrote and recorded the entire Wintersun album by himself, guitars, keyboards, bass, vocals. He just had someone else play the drums for him. And that album is a masterpiece. Can't wait for "Time' :D
Dude, skill level and talent of Alexi can be challenged, and possibly overcome, sure. But I never said HE ALONE was amazing. I SAID CoB is amazing, and no other band surpasses them IN MY OPINION. To me, Wintersun is a great band, HELL there's lotsa great bands. I own a lot of CD's and what my broke ass can't afford I download either on KaZaa, Limewire or Torrent. So I think I got the spread pretty much covered. I'm constantly being exposed to new bands everyday.

And OF ALL THE BANDS AND SONGS I LISTEN TO, none compare to CoB in the sense that EVERYONE of CoB's songs are amazing, catchy, fun to listen to, unique and features a solo that reaches in your pants and gives you a happy ending. Show me another band that EVERY SONG is like that... Some come CLOSE but none match of surpass. At least, to, me, and I feel I have a good opinion on the matter. BUT HELL show me a band that is equal or better and I won't complain I'll be happy! Till then, CoB pwns the throne!

BUT I can't wait for that CD 2007... I am so fucking ready for it, I know all their currents songs off by heart, I need something fresh! But they're still great. If I was saying there's no band that writes/plays as good as CoB, or there's no individual songs as good as or better than CoB's, I'd be a dumbass. I SAID NO band I know of, can say EVERY song of theirs is amazing. See the difference?

Impressive. Most Impressive... But you are not a Jedi yet!
Norther DOES kickass: Mirror of Madness, Unleash Hell, Smash, Of Darkness and Light, Vain, Nothing left, Blackhearted.. the list goes on and on.. all amazing songs, but then there's not so great ones... the youth gone wild cover, and the tornado of souls cover, a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. Which means they're a great band, just not sharing that same quality CoB has, is all I'm saying...

Kalmah is pretty great too! Bird of Ill-Omen, Hollowheart, Cloned insanity, Heroes to us, Alteration, Hades, Principle hero, ALL GREAT SONGS! But some Kalmah songs aren't so amazing, get my point? I could go on and on, there's TONNES of amazing bands, Some better than others, but none can boast of having EVERY song amazing like CoB. It's a matter of opinion you could say but, I'm seriously unbiased, saying this. If there was a better band I could admit it, I don't work for CoB, they don't pay me. And I love music. So yeh, till someone takes their place, CoB are the Gods of my World.......

Borknagar!!! ^_^; I love vintersorg (the guy and the band) LMAO
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