Alexi and Roope both suck now...really bad

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Heartless_Name said:
Yeh, I'm not contesting that, never seen them live.. but the live version of their master of puppets cover is ghey as shit.. it's truly terrible..

The recorded version is actually very impressive.

And LoG seriously pwns.
I can see why people wouldn't like them, they're not like Bodom at all but I love them. But then again, I listen to stuff "tr00 metalheads" wouldn't so whatever.
Well, LoG is a good studio band, but not even that. I like 11th hour.. Blood of the scribe, a few other tracks.. but yeh, as far as them live goes, I heard they suck.. from all my friends who went to Unholy Alliance.. they're the reason I didn't go.. cause they suck live (that and I knew Bodom would only play 6 tracks tops), I saw them on the TV show 'Road to Ozzfest' and omg were they bad.. I think they were better under the name "Burn the Priest" and a great song by them is Ruiner... LoG drumming does rock though..
LOL Lamb of God are fucking incredible live. They play everything perfectly, trust me. Whether you and your friends like them or not is a different matter though.
True, but whatever, it's my opinion that I don't like them, and I've heard and seen secondhand that they DID suck live.. but myeh, to me there's lotsa BETTER bands to be supported, but if you like them, hey... to each his own.. 11th hour is a pwning song though.. I'll give them that.. just most their stuff sounds the same, to me anyways, do you agree?
I think if you like a band, you can pretty much enjoy their live show, unless their sound is terrible or something, so I can see why your friends would say that they sucked live but as I said, they play their guitar parts very accurately 99% of the time and I know this because I've seen them twice and have their live DVD and I like to watch carefully and make note of stuff like this. They're actually more accurate than Mr. Laiho. Chris Adler is incredible, just wow.

I do think their songs very alike yeah, especially on the first 2 albums. I don't actually like the first one. The second has a handful of cool songs, 11th Hour being one, As the Palaces Burn is another but Ashes of the Wake is brilliant imo. Their songwriting is at its peak there and I pretty much love every song off of it. I haven't really listened to Sacrament much so I can't really comment on that.
Heartless_Name said:
Well, LoG is a good studio band, but not even that. I like 11th hour.. Blood of the scribe, a few other tracks.. but yeh, as far as them live goes, I heard they suck.. from all my friends who went to Unholy Alliance.. they're the reason I didn't go.. cause they suck live (that and I knew Bodom would only play 6 tracks tops), I saw them on the TV show 'Road to Ozzfest' and omg were they bad.. I think they were better under the name "Burn the Priest" and a great song by them is Ruiner... LoG drumming does rock though..

You say that you're so proficient in the metal scene and say LoG suck live?
They're known for their excellent accuracy at their parts. Though i hear many complain about their stage presence, but as far as being tight and coordinated, they are very much so. It seems, from this thread you base your band's opinions on heresey.
I know more about Children Of Bodom than any of you. They are by far my favorite band in the world. I am just dissapointed with the direction of the music and the lack of caring by Alexi. He was a god to me, he showed me the way. The music I write is mostly inspired by him and his thought in music are brilliant. but I can tell that he doesn't practice anymore. He drinks all of the time and doesn't care to nail the solos live anymore,......Just listen to Tokyo Warheats. They can't play Towards Dead End and Hatebreeder anymore that perfectly, it's too hard for Alexi. He fell off a car and broke his arm because he was drunk. Back in the Hatebreeder days, he never would have let that happen. He used to care more, he was a pro. I looked up to him. Now....I'm not so sure, we'll see how this DVD comes out...But from the looks of the setlist, the songs won't show half of what Bodom is capable of.........when I say that, I mean that they are capable of doing way more than "Are You Dead Yet". They used to play Hatebreeder and Towards Dead End, such hard songs for Alexi....the solos were perfect, the leads were unreal. Now....look at the new setlist, doesn't compare in difficulty.
Rock Hydra said:
You say that you're so proficient in the metal scene and say LoG suck live?
They're known for their excellent accuracy at their parts. Though i hear many complain about their stage presence, but as far as being tight and coordinated, they are very much so. It seems, from this thread you base your band's opinions on heresey.

Riiiight, I DID CLEARLY state... I was talking about my own second hand opinions. Based on what I saw on that TV show a few years back, and what my friends told me about Unholy Alliance, that is what MY OPINION was comprised of. I never said they weren't accurate... but you know, good try, trying to discredit me or debunk me or whatever the fuck you are trying to do/say.

*goes out and buys Hydra's parents some condoms* Please give these to them, so the world never has to deal with another one of you...

Rock Hydra said:
'...Though i hear many complain about their stage presence...'

See, heh. but I ain't gonna argue with you....jackass :Smug:
HateCrewDeathroll said:
I know more about Children Of Bodom than any of you.

Ok, good for you? What's with all the um, 'I know more than anyone, I have a CoB thong I wear so I'm better than you' and 'Bodom can't/don't play as well as they used to/are capable of'

All I have to say is A) who cares if you do or do not know more, there's always a bigger fish dude, get it? (Besides I only really care about the music and tours, and other knowledge just seems creepy to go outta my way to obtain, but good luck hunting in alexi's trash) and B) If you're so disappointed with CoB's performance, and wanna bitch about it 24/7... why not start your own band and show them how it's REALLY done, master man!
Eh, to be truthful I almost never come here (to post). I read this bullshit often though, and a few days back I was just I was bored and had a lot of free time (and will for the next few days) and I thought I'd try to um set some of the people straight, but apparently this board went to hell a LOOONG time ago. But myeh, if what I am doing is bitching, then at least it's not lsoer bashing on and criticizing a band that could kick my ass musically, escpecially when I'm in no position to do so.
Heartless_Name said:
Riiiight, I DID CLEARLY state... I was talking about my own second hand opinions. Based on what I saw on that TV show a few years back, and what my friends told me about Unholy Alliance, that is what MY OPINION was comprised of. I never said they weren't accurate... but you know, good try, trying to discredit me or debunk me or whatever the fuck you are trying to do/say.

*goes out and buys Hydra's parents some condoms* Please give these to them, so the world never has to deal with another one of you...

See, heh. but I ain't gonna argue with you....jackass :Smug:

Yeah...I fucked up. Reading comprehension bad...

But whatever, cause you come off as a prick...hardcore.
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