Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

haha yeah man, back to my birth country, great chicks :)

might comeback to Portugal after finishing studies though, with my Serbian wife that is haha

jebi se! idi u kurac konjino jedna! hehe
oh it's spelled: JEBI Se lol, I was way off....I played with a Serbian soccer team for 1 year (not in serbia; it was a semi pro team in canada run by the serbian community here) lol, all I heard was "Jebi,jebi,jebi"
oh it's spelled: JEBI Se lol, I was way off....I played with a Serbian soccer team for 1 year (not in serbia; it was a semi pro team in canada run by the serbian community here) lol, all I heard was "Jebi,jebi,jebi"

HAHA kidaj breeee = rip it offfff

oh man I miss playing soccer.. my foot is fucked so I'm waiting for that to go away

my dad was a pro goalkeeper, now he is a pro goalkeeping coach

so I guess you have a good opinion on us Serbs, even though we curse afuckinglot :rofl:
I did the first minute or so of Bleak. Scavneck, I was going to use the Buried by the Dead instrumental you sent me but it seemed as though it was off time, it didnt match the actual song correctly. Thats alright though. This vid isnt too amazing, I have a hard time growling right now because my allergies are horrible, I can barely breathe through one nostril and I can't hold a lot of breath for longer growls, but its decent.
I did the first minute or so of Bleak. Scavneck, I was going to use the Buried by the Dead instrumental you sent me but it seemed as though it was off time, it didnt match the actual song correctly. Thats alright though. This vid isnt too amazing, I have a hard time growling right now because my allergies are horrible, I can barely breathe through one nostril and I can't hold a lot of breath for longer growls, but its decent.

what shirt? that's barely a shirt, you are showing off again! What's all that stretching shit huh? Maricon Puto hahaha that was some funny shit at the beginning :rofl:

yeah I know the feeling, allergies are a bitch

but once a person has the technique down they won't fuck up too much if the throat isn't under too much attack, in your case that's clearly seen because..

I have the feeling there is some serious growling going on here, just a little bit more of dynamic/variation and that's it :)

can you do normal screams? like change from a growl into a powerful manly scream?

example: the beginning of Soul Evisceration

Soul Evisceration voice sample

it's 99% me, you will notice that because of the fuck up, I say Neurobiosis and it's supposed to be Necrobisis or something haha I'm not sure what's supposed to be said, when they (Peter and Michael) sing it it sounds like Necrobisis
Thanks. Yeah I can transition from growl to scream but my screams are very black metalish, grainy and raspy. I have yet to achieve a "smooth" scream, and I dont know if I ever will. My favorite growl to scream transition that I have recently perfected is pretty cool, I havent recorded myself doing it yet but to my ears it sounds quite evil, I cant really explain how I do it though. There is also this one thing I do that I have never heard anyone else do, it is like a black metal howl type thing, I use it in a couple of my band's songs, namely one about a werewolf.
I don't understand how you guys are able to perform that weird delay/reverb sound like mike does. It's hard to explain what it actually is. Obviously it's not an effect used. I can growl but it's really raspy and edgy, more like a glen benton as opposed to mikael.

Here's my best effort so far, I did it one take so I lose stamina at some points which does bring down the performance a little. But I had fun doing it, and I still think it sounds pretty good compared to all my other BS. For Satan.mp3

Hope you guys like it.
That was pretty good emetic, you do sound quite a bit like Glen. Could you elaborate on the delay thing you're talking about, if you cant explain it perhaps point out a vocal line in a song or something where it really stands out. If we can figure out what youre talking about maybe we can explain it or something.
I guess the best way to describe it is like, you have a sound recorder in your stomach that is echoing out of your mouth. It's very hard to describe but the only professional singers I know that have this ability are Mike and the guy from Septic Flesh. It's just a sound he has in his voice every time he growls. It's smooth and curvy ontop the rasp of his voice. So damn weird to figure out lol. Maybe they're just using the diaphram to the fullest extent, I'm not sure.
I guess the best way to describe it is like, you have a sound recorder in your stomach that is echoing out of your mouth. It's very hard to describe but the only professional singers I know that have this ability are Mike and the guy from Septic Flesh. It's just a sound he has in his voice every time he growls. It's smooth and curvy ontop the rasp of his voice. So damn weird to figure out lol. Maybe they're just using the diaphram to the fullest extent, I'm not sure.

Do you mean the kind of "soft" sound Mikeals vocals get? Kind of brutal but very smooth sounding as well. If yes....I have no idea how to do that either. I would post some of my growls now but I am too drunk, Germany lost I had to drink away the sorrow :( deutschlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand! I may tomorrow, then you will hear my godlike growls! :D not really godlike. whatever :D
I think I know what you are talking about.. and Mr.Wandering Taco has it more than I do am I right?

your new recording show's you are improving, I can hear the right vibration starting to appear
I think I know what you are talking about.. and Mr.Wandering Taco has it more than I do am I right?

your new recording show's you are improving, I can hear the right vibration starting to appear

Haha yeah, unfortunetly. You almost get the same thing though. But to my ears it sounds like you play with the pitch a bit to try and achieve the effect. Which IS coming along nicely.

And thanks, I think it depends on the day lately. I was ok, then complete shit and now I'm a tiny bit better magically. Also seems like I do better on an empty stomach which is odd..
I guess the best way to describe it is like, you have a sound recorder in your stomach that is echoing out of your mouth. It's very hard to describe but the only professional singers I know that have this ability are Mike and the guy from Septic Flesh. It's just a sound he has in his voice every time he growls. It's smooth and curvy ontop the rasp of his voice. So damn weird to figure out lol. Maybe they're just using the diaphram to the fullest extent, I'm not sure.

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I also noticed this. There are a few other vocalists that also have that. That effect is actually what I was mimicing when I tried to cover Mikael on the Master's Aprentice cover I posted way back. Most people said I got the right idea, but it needed work to get it sounding as good as mikael does:p. haha.

My more aggressive less growly vocals use that same technique by chance but much higher pitched.

Christian Alvestam also pulls the effect off in a different way, it makes the vocalist's sound larger or something.
I think it's gotta be the hardest technique to pull off in growling. I have no idea where to start haha. There's nothing that explains it and no beginning ground when you don't already have it.
Finally heard Miseration with Christian Alvestam just now. Way better than Scar Symmetry. Seven are the sins is a perfect song example of that weird ass tone.

Nearly forgot about another prime example: Kopulator :)