Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

That's because the mic doesn't pick up the "headsound" you're hearing. A very very sensitive studio mic can capture some of the source of that sound but a regular mic not so much. Dan Swano himself said that they used a state of the art mic to capture the full range of Peter's vocals. But that's a bit nitpicky I suppose.
so i sound better to someone who actually stands in the room than in the recording? o0
i thought what i cant hear in the recording is in my head, like when people hear their voices lower than they really are or something
2nd Attempt on Trail (much longer).

New mic, still not optimal but better, eliminated a lot of air distortion.

Thx a lot for the advice, didn't have big air problems this time and there's also less straining imo. In the last one everytime before the growls I took a big breath, that really is NOT helpful at all like I thought.
And together with the crap mic, it took so fucking long to record it while I had it so much faster this time.

Varied vox at the end.
It's still pretty bad dude, you are not doing it right, and it seams like it's too low, that's the barking technique you are trying to do, it's a technique for shorter growling, but it can be pretty "eloquent" if you are really good at it. it's a very loud technique so you need a human compressor in your throat, not to fuck up the level variation, not go from normal to too loud or too low.
imagine if mike/dan or blakkheim come here and upload a sample too that would be so great
Yeah but none of them are bored and waiting to release an EP anymore. So I don't know when we'll ever see Blakkheim post here again let alone any of the other guys lol.
sounds really good scavneck, it sounds so professional:D like it was computer enhanced somehow, not saying it was though. ill try to get the timing on that song better again and then see what comes out, i'll be using a better microphone too-not too much better quALITY, but the timing will fit better to waht I'm actually doing^^
Hey yeah actually, how do you control smootheness anyways? Mine are pretty gargle-y like. Just the amount of air you push out?
Hedon. You are obviously kind of new to this kind of thing so I'll try not to be too much of an ass, but you can't just upload the audacity file:p. When you upload that you are sending us a file that we need audacity to open, and even then it's only an information file without the sound (which is a seperate file). You need go back into audacity and open your recording,a nd then export it into an mp3.
well i've been growling for 3-4 years now, got used to it, i've heard milk is bad, tea is great, suger is bad (cuz it heals the cuts that u get from growls)

after growls drink somthin acidic like lemon juice, cuz it keeps the cuts, and alchole is good to,

theres a saying whisky is a death metal friend

heres an old video of me covering amon amarth [ame][/ame]

and if u wanna hear my voice in a band, for the lows check listen to a song called forbidden path (home recording, so the quialty sucks)

for the highs check (shitty stuido, cuz we cant afford a good one)

(im sorry about my english but working on it)
I tried doing the new Ascension take and I think I hurt my throat a bit-it's sore and it's impossible for me to go deep enough. I think it may be because I more or less went from 0 to 100 suddenly, so I'm going to wait a few days and hope it gets better on its own. After that, does anyone have tips on how to prevent this happening again?