Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

That's cool man, women respect men that are handy man's here haha. I got the hairy body, the charm, but ain't got the talent.. haha

I really find it cool when people can build stuff by themselves, can you draw too?

I used to have sculpture at the art school, was damn cool, we built our own metal tools and just made the whole experience far more personal, my work was 2nd best as I recall :)

Shit I'd explain it but Formula 1 has started, and after that the Electrotechnique exam.. uuuuuu.
Hey guys lots of useful stuff in this thread, I've been screwing around with growling for some time but I actually intend to do it in a band now so I want to get more serious about it, I have a practice routine of growling to Bleak by Opeth so far just because I've read that Akerfeldt has really good growling technique and the opening lyrics are a lot less rapidfire than a lot of other vocalists.

I have a few questions though that are kind of setting me off, first of all, I'm 17, and I heard that's about the best time to start growling because your chords are fully developed and stuff and there's less chance of ruining them, but my question is moreso, say I didn't practice at all, would I just be naturally more capable as I got older (within reason, not when I'm like 60 lol). This is more out of curiosity and to find out how much body size and things affect growling (tying into this I've noticed lots of really good growlers are ripped, does this play any part in ability to growl in any way? I know there are exceptions like Akerfeldt being rather skinny but I'm still curious)

My second question is, how long could most of you just hold growling an "ooohh" sound for when you started? My tone seems ok (I'm seeing Amon Amarth and Belphegor tomorrow in Toronto, so I may ask some people in line for assistance) but I can only hold it for 3 seconds before I've completely compressed my stomach and I'm out of breath completely (Well I can expell air for 2-3 more seconds but the harshness is gone completely) Is this extraordinarily low? It seems to me it is, but I don't know anyone who is just starting for reference.

Anyway that's all for now, some awesome vocalists in this thread, and thanks for help in advance!
There is a theory that fat people can sing better (Opera), don't know about growling, but I know being fit helps, sleeping well, but most importantly developing the muscles in your neck and throat, Akerfeldt smokes and is pretty skinny, but he's singing muscles are probably very fucking developed and he's throat is loosened up, just like Tagtgren.

I could hold my first barking growl for a bit more than 10 seconds.

Today I can do a 30 seconds long scream, the "frying" growl I haven't really measured but it's not less than 15s for sure.
Hmm that's good info about Akerfeldt then, what do you mean by a barking growl though? I might upload a clip of me growling sometime this week to see about being quieter or something to conserve air, I think it might just be low lung capacity because of smoking and not being fit, and I plan to start rigorously working out soon so hopefully that will help get me in better shape.
I could hold my first barking growl for a bit more than 10 seconds.

Today I can do a 30 seconds long scream, the "frying" growl I haven't really measured but it's not less than 15s for sure.
Damn man, Ive been getting better but theres no way I can hold it that long. Im prolly barely pushing 10.
I might be exaggerating a few seconds about the growl, but I'll measure it when I can't wake anyone up.

I measured the scream and it was 30 seconds, but keep in mind that the last 5 seconds sounded like shit haha.

There's a dude at youtube who did 47 seconds, and I think it's real, it's crazy. But after 30 seconds it doesn't sound good.

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I've been smoking less recently and might stop alltogether, as I can manage about 7 seconds at the moment- although I still have pretty poor control over my breath, so it might partly be that too.
Incredibly helpful post, thanks a lot George

EDIT: One thing I believe I forgot to ask in my last post, is I've been doing breathing excercizes where you breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, then exhale for 4, then move it to 6/6/6 8/8/8 etc, and it's really useful for using the diaphragm more, but as far as exhaling goes, I read that your breath shouldn't be percussive when exhaling, and just be soft if you hold a hand up to it, but when I do that, if I'm doing 4/4/4, I have to exhale for about 15 seconds to get all the air fully out, then I have to take a huge breath or I feel well..out of breath, this could just be due to low lung capacity (extremely out of shape, smoking, etc) but I'm wondering if there's a way to expediate the proper exhaling process.
I don't know if you should really try :p

Everything is wrong, just read the stuff that's on this and other pages, I don't think there's nothing new we can tell you.. Me, Emetic, fleshmountain, Furious George, Delta, all said more than enough to help you throw :)