Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

Going in the right direction here, I like the growl, but the high pitches get a bit annoying at times, you tend to exaggerate, if you were singing in Marduk then it would be fine. Don't change the volume level of the growls, try to keep the same level, even though you are screaming for victory doesn't mean it has to be louder, unless you are literally in the battlefield hehe.

You have the same fucked up mp3 version of that album haha.
lolz :lol:

Thanks for the hints :goggly:
Thanks for the feedback

Just curious, is it normal to feel light-headed sometimes after performing a growl? It seems I sometimes attempt to use too much air, and then get really dizzy afterwards and feel like I'm going to crash. I suppose this is probably just part of the learning process, hopefully I can get past this.

I was curious about the 1st page of this thread, found this and boy I do remember those fainting moments hahaha, they don't happen to me anymore, for a long time now, but they were the shitznit, the 1st stage of the "american dream".
Smoking doesn't really change your throat or voice, that would be some kind of crazy voodoo. If anything it tightens or restricts your throat. Which is something you can learn to do without smoking.
Hey there folks, I have been working on some higher pitched vocals fairly recently because I have always prefered range over depth. So I decided a couple months ago to do a quick recording/cover of a Cradle of Filth song (her ghost in the fog) to see how it sounded. Now seeing how many people here will probably object to sacrilege like CoF, would anyone bitch if I posted said recording for evaluation, considering it's not even a growl at all?

I'm interested to hear some reviews since high shit is kind of foreign territory for me. I ended up sounding more like Chuck Schuldiner from Death than Dani Filth anyways. haha

Oh drunkeness
I recorded something very short on one of Stefan's songs ( don't worry scavneck i'm not out to steal your job ;)), is it okay with you if I post it Stefan?

Hahaha, I don't have my equipment right now and have loads of studding to do so take my place and I shall steal ideas from you later :D

And I don't have a place in there, it's not a project, me and him are having trouble finding a good band so we just do it for music's sake, could be if you or someone recorded some cool drums on it.
Fuck man I don't know what I was thinking wanting to post that here. I was drunk as shit last but the recording is pretty crappy to a sober person so I dunno about posting that shit anymore:P
It was a boring afternoon....
Wanted to kill some time and recorded a cover of "The Pursuit of Vikings"
Dunno if I nailed everything right
Music source is a Guitar Pro file from the Ultimate Guitar Archives

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I actually liked Bordi's cover quite a bit, it was inventive to use a guitar pro file:P Your growls still sound good over the midi, and Growls have a tendency to sound kind of strange without proper music in the back. I liked it
Yeah, they are still good, but I remember liking it more over some of your old songs, but might be the lack of proper music like Delta already said.