Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

I have not even been able to practice for many many months, let alone record something I would consider up to par. Sadly life has a way of interfering with it. After I move that'll be the nail in the coffin since I'm going to be stuck in an apartment, and I'm betting my neighbours won't put up with death metal. So I wouldn't expect to see me post anything anymore. Shitty situation.
Tip to musician's/growlers : Don't move into a place that restricts your ability to play, you'll get trapped:\
^ My fiancee states repeatedly that she'd want to be a man so she could growl and sing deep bass notes. This far I've managed to persuade her from eating man-hormones...but I guess it would be neat to sing bass duets and have confusing gay/straight/bi sex...yes? No?
Well anyway, she can growl really well and loud as fuck too (she's a classically trained singer and gives singing lessons so she knows all about the muscles and techniques and whatnot) but she can't get to the deep rumblings. Don't know if that's because she discovered growling a little more than a year ago and hasn't gotten there yet, but I would think that it has something to do with the vocal cords being smaller too, which would mean that she can never get that deep. Dunno.
Working on an original song, everything is done aside from vocals. Which I'll be handling soon. Thanks to Greiv0r for providing the drums