Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

Right screaming/growling comes from the right inspirations (like everything in music)
It matters how old are you and how long you've been need firtstly to learn how to "damage" your throat
Then as the time passes you will becoming more brutal and growly...This video may help you...the best technique in my oppinion (tested by me)
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Right screaming/growling comes from the right inspirations (like everything in music)
It matters how old are you and how long you've been need firtstly to learn how to "damage" your throat
Then as the time passes you will becoming more brutal and growly...This video may help you...the best technique in my oppinion (tested by me)

why everyone who records a vid and posts on youtube, says that he 'isn't in his best because he got sick, or is too lazy"?
fuckers, do it right ffs
Damage your throat? What the fuck nonsense is that? Must be the "I want to growl for 10 years then speak like an old smoker at 30" technique. Who needs foresight though eh?
Nihil: Your growls sounds pretty awesome. How did you start out? I'm doing the Tony Bullard/Dog Bark/Sigh technique, but I don't think it sounds as good as it doesn't feel too good on the throat after a while. Got any pointers?

here i done vocals for Eaten, but I'm not sure am I doing the screams right
check it out and comment :p
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@GutgoreRipper; From what I can hear, it sounds good, but it's really hard to distinguish YOUR growl in this mix, you should consider getting yourself some recording equipment!

Stay brutal!