Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

VictorB, sounds like you are starting to figure it out. Your growls are still a bit weak and somewhat inconsistent as of that recording but it's definitely in the right direction. With practice you should have better control and it could sound brutal.

here i done vocals for Eaten, but I'm not sure am I doing the screams right
check it out and comment :p

Gutgoreripper. Same as before, needs better recording, speakers too loud, growl sounds monotonous/unenergetic. You need to make an audio file and record it properly, the videos you post do not help. Hell, with a shit mic (the webcam one even) and a really basic program you could at least make something that isn't a wall of sound. I'll even link a reduced vocals version of Eaten (again done years ago for this very thread). It ain't great but your growls should cover up whatever is left on the track. It's only good for growling over. If you want it, otherwise maybe some other person may want the thing who knows. Vocals Reduced.mp3
skip the highs ur better at the lower :P

haha sorry I was away from these boards for a long time and just remembered I posted in this thread for advice.

Lol, thanks for liking my low growls, I taught myself those, no help from Youtube or anything...I run short of breath on them very easily though.

Still, I would like to be able to perfect my highs.

Is there any information out there on the web AT ALL that deals with Highs? What I'd REALLY like to know is how Thomas Lindberg of At The Gates does his shit--that man's screams are FUCKING EPIC, and he's been doing them, for like, 20 years!

Anyways, thanks for compliment, brah, hoping someone here can help me out, too, though! :D :rock:
Nihil: Your growls sounds pretty awesome. How did you start out? I'm doing the Tony Bullard/Dog Bark/Sigh technique, but I don't think it sounds as good as it doesn't feel too good on the throat after a while. Got any pointers?

- Find a way to grunt/scream that doesn't hurt your throat. Don't force your voice to do something it really does not want to do.
- Check your breathing and try to ameliorate your lung capacity through practise, physical exercise and a somewhat healthy lifestyle -no smoking, etc.-.

(If you are ever going to grunt/scream live, you'll need to last longer than three songs.)

- Unless you are only going to be doing grindcore or the lyrics are something to be embarrassed about, try to articulate while grunting. It will immediately give some more identity to your distorted vocals.

- Try to at least learn the very basics of regular singing, so you can put more melody in your extreme vocals.

- Lather, rinse, repeat, 'til needed.
Hehe, yeah I noted the sarcasm in your post, but since I already was recording I decided to try that scream out =)

Yeah should probably be louder, I feel like I can push it more than I'm already doing, I'll work on it. ;)