Best second wave Black Metal band

Best second wave Black Metal band

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Immortal & Enslaved. Both bands entire discography are full of win. Honorable mention goes to Darkthrone. Darkthrone has 6 albums I am very fond of, but the rest of their stuff I can live without.
Chose Emperor, but really it's kind of impossible to choose because each band different has like a different take on black metal even though they're all second wave. That's how I feel anyway.
Hard to choose, if dissection counts as black metal than I went for it, although I don't consider it "pure" BM. Burzum, Darkthrone and Immortal are just as great.

Also, Nattens Madrigal is a fucking awesome BM album, and Bergtatt and Kveldssanger are good too, but pretty much the rest Ulver have done is pretty bad.
Deathcrush and Grand Declaration of War are just about the only second-wave albums I enjoy, so Mayhem.
How could anyone vote for Satyricon or Marduk on this one? Ulver as well, the most overrated band on UM.

I'd be surprised if anyone picked Marduk but what's wrong with Satyricon? They always seem to get the shaft in black metal. :p
This is way too hard to decide. It's a tie for me between early Darkthrone, early Mayhem, and Immortal. Immortal being the most consistent of them all.

Burzum comes in a close second. While Varg wrote many of my favorite black metal songs ever, I don't like most of his pure syth stuff as much.

Then Emporer is third since I like symphonic aspects but not quite as much as i like just the pure black metal.

But seriously, i love them all.