Black Metal.

^ I'll check Radikální Ateismus shortly, thanks.

Kafka- I just had a hard time looking forward to this release. I kind of compare newer Drudkh to Winterfylleth. Consistent but not super impressive. Though Winterfylleth's last album I thought was actually quite awesome.
So the new winterfylleth is good, eh? I like the band a lot but their albums just seem to never end.

Anyone familiar with the band Saor? They/he gets rave reviews. The songs i heard were good but not mindblowing.
The newest Winterfylleth was better than the previous one but neither are near as good as the first two.

I found what I heard of Saor boring, but then I find Caladan Brood and most of that kind of stuff that everyone has taken to fellating boring.
So the new Peste Noire is good, but ridiculously obnoxious to buy. He's only stocking 20 a day at random times each day ... And it's 14 euro + 10 shipping for a fold out, booklet-less 6 panel digipak. I actually had a chance at it today but when I factored in the shipping cost, no way. No bare bones release is worth 24 euro.
Off the top of my head, Soar's album just seemed more forced and less natural in their approach.

In short, I was just disappointed with it, and still am to an extent. Maybe its because Roots to me was so fucking awesome, and when I heard another album was coming out, I went in with even higher expectations that ultimately werent met.
Off the top of my head, Soar's album just seemed more forced and less natural in their approach.

In short, I was just disappointed with it, and still am to an extent. Maybe its because Roots to me was so fucking awesome, and when I heard another album was coming out, I went in with even higher expectations that ultimately werent met.

It does feel forced at times. Moments are great, but others... again yeah, forced.
Personally, I'm glad to see the genre start to move on from the Satan stuff. I'm not some uptight religious person, but a lot of it was cheesy, boring, and played out IMHO.

I also prefer albums and bands that have at least decent mixing and production values. Again, that is just my preference when it comes to metal.

All of that said I really like BM bands Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Enslaved, Satyricon, and Darkthrone.

I am also really getting into Antestor, who is an unblack (or white metal, sorrow metal, or however one wants to classify them) metal band. I think that the vast majority of Christian oriented metal is terrible, but these guys are worth a look.
I tried but have found minimal enjoyment in Dimmu Borgir.

Have you guys heard Horseback? They're like a post-rock/ black metal amalgamation that sounds like Oranssi Pazuzu meets Cultes Des Ghoules. Can't get enough of this shit.

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Forum Black Metallers only seem to like Black Metal mixed with Shoegaze, Folk or Post styles, or is it just me?
If I posted Shitfucker I think I could actually feel the blank stares through my internet connection.