

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
so last night i was smoking with some friends in a van down by the...beach. :Smug: and as we're sitting there we hear a knock on the window and see a couple popos standing outside the car...they ask us what we're doing, see the bongs on the floor, ask us how much weed we have...then we had to get out and sit on the ground while they searched the car. fortunately we only had a little bit between the 5 of us so they ended up just giving us a $100 citation for the group, but i was sure they were gonna book us, especially after they called up another car. kinda intimidating hearing them talking about "code 124 narcotics offense" or whatever into their radios. fortunately they weren't really assholes and didn't lecture us or anything.

the best part was when they were searching the van, and they had my friend's vaporizer, 2 or 3 bongs, and a couple pipes sitting on the ground...i was so cheeched, pretty much staring at my feet with my hat pulled down over my eyes, so i only heard what they said...the one watching over us said to the others, "how much have they got?" "a bunch" "can i see?" "come check it out"...(pause)..."jesus!!" "yeah these guys are veterans" :tickled:

fuck this country's retarded marijuana laws.
not trying to start a debate, but it's funny that the only ones bitching about America's drug laws are the ones who use 'em. duh.

for medicinal purposes, sure, us the drugs. it eases someone's pain. but using them as a crutch, nah.

glad you weren't arrested.






J. said:
not trying to start a debate, but it's funny that the only ones bitching about America's drug laws are the ones who use 'em. duh.

for medicinal purposes, sure, us the drugs. it eases someone's pain. but using them as a crutch, nah.

glad you weren't arrested.
well yeah, we're the only ones bitching cuz people that don't smoke don't care basically...there have been so many studies showing marijuana isn't addictive, doesn't cause long-term health problems, is no worse for you than alcohol, etc. but there's a social stigma regarding marijuana that people just don't get past. imo, no victim = no crime.

and it's not a crutch, i can have fun without my sweet, sweet, precious weed, greenest of the green--what's that? you want me to smoke you? but i'm in the middle of a trial!
cthulufhtagn said:
there have been so many studies showing marijuana isn't addictive

These studies must have been done by stoners. What a load. Half the people I knew in college couldn't go a day without taking a puff.
cthulufhtagn said:
well yeah, we're the only ones bitching cuz people that don't smoke don't care basically...there have been so many studies showing marijuana isn't addictive, doesn't cause long-term health problems, is no worse for you than alcohol, etc. but there's a social stigma regarding marijuana that people just don't get past. imo, no victim = no crime.

It's true. I could literally write a paper about this stuff... infact, I actually did. I handed it in an entire week late (which means I automatically lose 50%) credit, but I ended up getting a 90/100 on it because "This paper is so excellent that it would be a crime for me to apply the penalties... just try to hand your work in on time, you lazy bastard."
J. said:
These studies must have been done by stoners. What a load. Half the people I knew in college couldn't go a day without taking a puff.
no it's true, it's not physically addictive...it has a limited potential for psychological addiction but far lesser than any other drug...and lest we forget, alcoholism is far more widespread.
J. said:
These studies must have been done by stoners. What a load. Half the people I knew in college couldn't go a day without taking a puff.

right on ... all the people I know that smoke weed ... they do it all the time.

can anyone say ... wake and bake? :tickled:

heck ... there are some on this board :loco:
get rid of the crutch and drop the bong in your hand
open your eyes and come to the riff filled land
lurch70 said:
right on ... all the people I know that smoke weed ... they do it all the time.

can anyone say ... wake and bake? :tickled:

heck ... there are some on this board :loco:

exactly. isn't it also funny that the ones saying it's not addictve are the ones doing it? Denial, much?
Glad you weren't arrested, and jesus fuck man, how many bongs and pipes does a small group of dudes need? :tickled:
J. said:
not trying to start a debate, but it's funny that the only ones bitching about America's drug laws are the ones who use 'em. duh.
Wrong. I know several people that don't smoke (one of which has NEVER smoked) that agree that the pot laws in America are stupid. Marijuana can be psychologically addictive, but it isn't physiologically addictive. Unlike nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, vicodin, morphine and others. You know, the legal drugs.
One Inch Man said:
Glad you weren't arrested, and jesus fuck man, how many bongs and pipes does a small group of dudes need? :tickled: Wrong. I know several people that don't smoke (one of which has NEVER smoked) that agree that the pot laws in America are stupid. Marijuana can be psychologically addictive, but it isn't physiologically addictive. Unlike nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, vicodin, morphine and others. You know, the legal drugs.

Absolutely. A large sum of the people active in the NORML don't even smoke at all...
I have one friend that I would consider a pothead, and I have about 10 other friends (including myself) that smoke weed like 5 or 6 times a year.

None of this matters though, because footbalm already came into this thread, slapped it around like a redheaded stepchild and pwnd all our asses.
One Inch Man said:
None of this matters though, because footbalm already came into this thread, slapped it around like a redheaded stepchild and pwnd all our asses.

:lol: x 23625213235q35234234234324342342352366623523hb4h32
One Inch Man said:
Glad you weren't arrested, and jesus fuck man, how many bongs and pipes does a small group of dudes need? :tickled: Wrong. I know several people that don't smoke (one of which has NEVER smoked) that agree that the pot laws in America are stupid. Marijuana can be psychologically addictive, but it isn't physiologically addictive. Unlike nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, vicodin, morphine and others. You know, the legal drugs.

Hahaha, you are SUCH A HIPPY LEFTIST COMMIE :loco:
Marksveld said:
:lol: x 23625213235q35234234234324342342352366623523hb4h32
Seriously though, that post is fucking GENIUS. Anyhow, back to the debate. :tickled:

How many times you read the following headlines:




I love the convenient little statistics coming up on TV commercials now, the one that says "X% of driver fatalities had marijuana in their system." How conveniently worded is that statement?
marijuana.com said:

The detrimental impact of alcohol on highway safety has been well documented. Marijuana's opponents claim that it, too, causes significant impairment and that any increase in use will lead to increased highway accidents and fatalities.


In high doses, marijuana probably produces driving impairment in most people. However, there is no evidence that marijuana, in current consumption patterns, contributes substantially to the rate of vehicular accidents in America.

A number of studies have looked for evidence of drugs in the blood or urine of drivers involved in fatal crashes. All have found alcohol present in 50% or more. Marijuana has been found much less often. Furthermore, in the majority of cases where marijuana has been detected, alcohol has been detected as well. 77

For example, a recent study sponsored by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) involving analysis of nearly 2000 fatal accident cases, found 6.7 % of drivers positive for marijuana. In more than two-thirds of those, alcohol was present and may have been the primary contributor to the fatal outcome. 78

To accurately assess marijuana's contribution to fatal crashes, the positive rate among deceased drivers would have to be compared to the positive rate from a random sample of drivers not involved in fatal accidents. Since the rate of past-month marijuana use for Americans above the legal driving age is about 12 percent, on any given day a substantial proportion of all drivers would test positive, particularly since marijuana s metabolites remain in blood and urine long after its psychoactive effects are finished.

A recent study found that one-third of those stopped for "bad driving" between the hours of 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. - mostly young males - tested positive for marijuana only. 79 To be meaningful, these test results would have to be compared to those from a matched control group of drivers.

A number of driving simulator studies have shown that marijuana does not produce the kind of psycho-motor impairment evident with modest doses of alcohol. 80 In fact, in a recent NHTSA study, the only statistically significant outcome associated with marijuana was that drivers drove more slowly. 81

A recent study of actual driving ability under the influence of cannabis - employing the same protocol used to test the impairment-potential of medicinal drugs - evaluated the impact of placebo and three active THC doses in three driving trials, including one in high-density urban traffic.

Dose-related impairment was observed in drivers' ability to maintain steady lateral position. However, even with the highest dose of THC, impairment was relatively minor - comparable to that with blood-alcohol concentrations of between .03 and .07 % and many legal medications. Drivers under the influence of marijuana also tended to decrease their speed and approach other cars more cautiously.

While recognizing some limitations of this study, the authors conclude that "THC is not a profoundly impairing drug." 82
Hahaha, you are SUCH A HIPPY LEFTIST COMMIE :loco:
Well yeah, but why did what I said there have anything to do with that? :dopey:

Drugs aren't made illegal due to their danger, at least in the US. They are made illegal usually through misconceptions, lobby interests, or flat out prejudice. Now I'm not saying ALL DRUGS ARE SAFE LEGALIZE IT ALL no. What I'm fighting against is the hypocrisy of which drugs are legal, and which ones are not. Also this doesn't even get into the fact that drug crimes are racially biased, check out the statistics for punishment from coke (what rich white people use) and crack (what poor black folk use). It's disgusting.