COB start writing new album

It's like nobody cares when it comes out and then it's so hasty like nobody cares to listen too long for one song so just quickly to the next one...

Just let it be diamond. Let it be like the next real COB album since FTR.

Orchestral hits with that cold blue soundworld. Epic melodies. Killer riffs. Creative lyric/vocal work. Come on...
By the looks of it there's no part 2 video today :( They better fucking upload it tomorrow then.
By god, that horrible lyric video. I hope someone gets fired and/or punched in the nuts.

>Lyric video done right;
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Awesome. Fucking powerful and atmospheric, but not my favourite style of vocals, as these kind of vocals kill the atmosphere.
Fuck yes! It's a bit annoying seeing there are new posts in this thread thinking there are new samples or at least a discussion bout the new album when there are now mainly posts about random band's videos posted -_-
or some random whine about what to post. Just joking :) you're right.

And the link with the miniature.

Track by track video part 2 is out! Listen to snippets of the songs & comments by the band on the next four tracks from Halo of Blood:

04 Transference
05 Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming)
06 Your Days Are Numbered
07 Dead Man's Hand On You

Why did they put the soundlevel much more down while they are talking for the new songs :(

"Dead Man's Hand On You" is the very slow song of the album (don't remember if it has already been said).
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Haha Bodom Blue Moon sounds shitty Blooddrunky, all the other songs so far are FTR/Hatecrew typish with blackmetal influences. Already the best album since Hatecrew Deathroll. But can't beat the ol' ones. The guitar tone, the vibe, everything was just a notch better in the old days, guess they can't return to that/won't since using the GP-1000 and Jackson's are out of the question, and they're not teenagers/young adults anymore, there isn't enough drive and anger.
Your Days Are Numbered sounds best so far

Yeah, that one and Waste of Skin are awesome, the two slow songs are good too, reminds me very much of Angels dont kill....but slow bodom songs are not for everybody, I've enjoyed every slow bodom song so far since Everytime I Die
Yeah, I'd definitely need more than a 5 second verse example to think anything about it. And I'm not about to give myself a headache trying to listen to the overly silenced track behind the commentary.

Still, Bodom Blue Moon felt a bit like AYDY, but the part of AYDY that I'm kind of okay with.
Yeah, I'd definitely need more than a 5 second verse example to think anything about it. And I'm not about to give myself a headache trying to listen to the overly silenced track behind the commentary.

This! I really don't feel there can be made any judgement on this account.

Also saying
Already the best album since Hatecrew Deathroll.
is extremely premature.
Yeah, I'd definitely need more than a 5 second verse example to think anything about it. And I'm not about to give myself a headache trying to listen to the overly silenced track behind the commentary.

Still, Bodom Blue Moon felt a bit like AYDY, but the part of AYDY that I'm kind of okay with.

yeah yeah, i mean i don't judge songs without listenin couple times the whole album, but those parts, waste of skin and your days are numbered ftw