COB start writing new album

I still can understand, what the did to Alexi and what happened to his vocals. This shit tottaly sounds like original and killer CoB. I mean i know they got a free hand in everything but... how can something be awesome like this?
Bodom Blue Moon could have been so much better, alot of potential on that song :/. Aside from all the new stuff thats been floating around they are still yet to post part 3 of the track by track. Their strategy seemed pretty good up until now.
Bodom Blue Moon is fucking great. Dunno what y'all are on about. The entire goddamn song is orgasmic. It's creative as fuck and it has some really great riffs and melodies. Plus, the solo is one of Laiho's best (of newer Bodom anyways).
BBM sounds pretty good to say the least, not sure what you guys mean by "dark atmosphere" - as if Bed of Razors or Beach Terror (or lots of others) has no "happy" chorus. It's the english football chant type of chorus, COB is familiar with it for sure.
These songs don't sound like I expected at all. Bodom Blue Moon has that back and forth heavy to cheery see saw going on, but that chorus melody is lacking a little bit. I like it a lot, though. It's really, really good but JUST off from being amazing. I might change my mind after more listens. Surprisingly, your days are numbered is the song that's stuck in my head. Those chords are just catchy as hell, especially that simple chord progression with keyboard ambiance. It sounds like a shit song on the first listen but it grows on you quite quickly. Another song that's very good but not quite great. That pop'y chorus sort of kills the mood when it comes on.
Loved the song from the get go. Pretty fuckin awesome I gotta say. It's a mixture of many bodom songs when you think about it, but that's what makes it good.
imo i must say that already this album far exceeds the last 2 albums. it already has more songs than the other albums that i really like, and i usually like very single song from every album. hopefully the rest of them are at least as good. even YDAN which is supposedly a filler is a solid track.
Alexi's vocals are really good in BBM. It saves chorus from that weird guitar playing. Distinguishable words would've helped a ton.
Good to see YDAN growing on some people. I agree that it was underwhelming on the first listen, but it's got good replay value. It reminds me of Batman for some reason.
Bodom Blue Moon is fucking rad. That chorus melody that is played in unison with the keys is so damn cool. The songs ties back to intro melody very well.

The Days Are Numbered is a nice throwback to their earlier work while retaining their sound from RRF. Nice mix of blackened and thrash riffs, with a well composed solo. Overall pretty impressive.

Halo of Blood has COB's most black metal sounding riffs. Tremolo picking and pure evil and aggression. This was a nice surprise, and probably is one of the best tracks on the album.

Transference, while being a solid track, is too repetitive and frankly sounds like a left over track from FTR. Highlight of the song was the dual guitar interlude with the phaser effect. Nice throwback to their older material.

(side opinion: Dead Man's Hands is laughably bad. Alexi trying to sing with his Finnish accent in a low key just doesn't work. Maybe once I hear the whole track I will change my mind)

I really wasn't expecting much with COB these days, but I have heard Alexi has cleaned up his drinking habit and stop being such a fucking drunk. That is so great and I think it shows in these new tracks. I know he'll never be straight-edge (if he does, I can give him some words of encouragement HA!) but focusing your career on being the best at what you do should come before drinking. Anyway, I don't expect this album to be Hatebreeder/FTR pt.II or even top 3 COB albums, but this will definitely be better than the last two albums.


All the lolz. All sorts of crazy bitches here in Montreal including my friend who shouted "alexi fuck me" at every show. fucking /facepalm.
well we're so impatient about this album :D anyway i gonna buy it when it'll be released in Poland :)

Lol yeah I actually pre-ordered it off the COB site (which was dumb 'cause I had to pay $70) but I'm sticking with that order as opposed to the North American store because I like the white T-shirt more lol
Just got through the first listen. Pretty fucking awesome but I can see this being the biggest grower of all of their albums. Some of the leads are so weird and hard to take in on the first listen. Standout tracks would have to be BBM, TDAN, DMHOY and AT. 1:40 in AT is easily the greatest thing COB have written since HCDR. Sounds straight out of FTR/HB. Also, the production is up there with FTR.
One Bottle And A Knee Deep <3
Better album than all the three latest albums, but lacking more epic melodies over the riffing. Still veeery good.