COB start writing new album

Hauskintahan tässä on se, että suurin osa musiikillisista puristeista on juuri näitä 40v ikineitsyitä rässäreitä (as in sädäri), joille ainoa musiikki on tätä 80-luvun rässiä/bläkkistä/dödistä. Tämä toimii ihan molempiin suuntiin, eikä vain silleen, että nää ns. vanhemmat musiikinkuuntelijat pitää tenuja automaattisesti vammasina, jotka ei ymmärrä "kunnon" musiikista mitään. Se on täysin perspektiivistä kiinni. Mielestäni thrash metal on nyt vain ärsyttävää (yleensä) kromaattista paskaa yhdellä kompilla varustettuna. Jos joku tykkää, niin en tuomitse. Saan silti ilmaista oman mielipiteeni ja kuunnella Skrillexiä 9001:n subbarin voimalla siihen asti, kunnes joku hevipuristi tulee hikisessä rässiliivissään sanomaan, että "vitun homo lol mitä paskaa etkö ymmärrä kunnon musiikista mitään :-------D" ja laittaa soimaan Burzumin ekojen demojen master-nauhat. Pointtini siis on lähinnä se, että yleistät ihan vitusti, sillä noita puristeja löytyy ihan vitun varmasti omastakin ikäluokastasi ja todennäköisesti vielä enemmän kuin näistä "teineistä". Et vain huomaa tätä sen takia, sillä he kuuntelevat näitä vanhempia bändejä, eli puristien kesken ns. oikeaa musiikkia. Mutta en minä heitä tämän takia ala tuomitsemaan, saavat tykätä niin paljon kuin haluavat, mutta heidän asenne musiikkiin on mielestäni ihan perseestä. Lepuutan salkkuni ja poistun voittajana o/

EI, kyllä mä vihaan puristeja oli ne sitten 12, 20 tai 60 :D
Itte vaan kuuntelen niin paljon erityyppist kamaa ja huomannut, että sehän avartaa maailmaa mukavasti niin siksi haukun suakin, koska oot puristi :D

Tiedän kyllä täysin mitä tarkoitat sädärin tyyppisillä henkilöillä :D :D :D En kuulu siihen ryhmään. En tosin tiennyt, että hän on neitsyt.

EDIT: En tiedä kuinka hyvin tunnet noita sun käyttämiä sivistyssanoja, mutta ihmettelin vaan tota "kromaattista"-sanan käyttöä :D En tiedä mikä sun tietämys on musiikin teorian saralla mutta ihmettelen vähän sanavalintaa :D selventäisitkö.
Yleensä kaikki Bodom-vihaajat on teinejä ketkä kuuli kaverilta, että Bodom on gay bändi eikä sitä saa sit fanittaa. Tai sitten vanhoihin thräsh bändeihin takertuneita, keille musiikissa on tärkeintä raskas äänimaailma. Tai sit näitä ketkä kuuntelee metalia näyttääkseen isommalta, ja Bodom ei sovi siihen kimakoiden laulujen ja melodioiden takia. Ite en pidä bändin uutta suuntausta hyvänä koska laulut on monasti hirveät ja musiikista puuttuu fiilistä. Tietysti joskus kiva kuunteluttaa Bodom-vihaajalle ETID tai SNBN ja pyytää analysoimaan mikä siinä on pielessä. Uudesta matskusta nyt löydän itsekin vikaa, mutta kyllä on kusta päässä jos noi vihreän ja sinisen albumin timantit ei uppoa.
Itte vaan kuuntelen niin paljon erityyppist kamaa ja huomannut, että sehän avartaa maailmaa mukavasti niin siksi haukun suakin, koska oot puristi :D

Voi hyvää päivää :--DDD Sä et ilmeisesti todellakaan osaa lukea (tai sitten et vain tiedä mitä puristi tarkoittaa), sillä mainitsinhan juuri aiemminkin kuuntelevani Skrillexiä (joka on dubstepia FYI). Itse kuuntelen kaikkea dubstepistä dödikseen ja sen kautta post-hardcoresta d'n'b:hen ja ns. "hevi" on imo ihan vitun naurettava ja antimusiikillinen genre näiden muiden joukossa ja muutenkin metallikulttuuri on ihan perseestä noin lähtökohtaisesti.

Ja tosissaan kromaattisella tarkoitin lähinnä sitä, että kitarariffeissä käytetään aivan vitusti perättäisiä säveliä, joka kuulostaa aivan vitun alkukantaiselta ja kehitysvammaiselta ja siltä, ettei kappaleen kirjoittajalla ole vitunkaan tietoa musiikin teoriasta. Oikeasti rässiä voisi verrata tähän seuraavaan kappaleeseen, tämä vain eroaa sillä, että tämän kuuntelulla on jotain huumoriarvoa toisin kuin thrash metalilla, jossa keski-ikäiset miehet laulaa tosissaan metalliveljeydestä.

Mutta joo, todettakoon tähän loppuun vielä, että debatin diskurssi on alkanut saada provosoivia tendenssejä, joten alan käyttää pseudointellektuellismia edukseni.
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Mutta joo, todettakoon tähän loppuun vielä, että debatin diskurssi on alkanut saada provosoivia tendenssejä

Ikään kuin tuo ei pätisi 99% tämän laudan keskusteluista
Fakta nyt on se, että kaikki vanhenee: ne vanhemmat fanit jotka täällä aiemmin pyöri, on joko siirtyneet muihin bändeihin tai muuten vaan eivät jaksa ravata täällä. Luonnollinen poistuma täytyy nuoremmilla ja siitä saamme nämä "teinifaneiksi" haukutut, joiden vika on se, etteivät sattuneet syntymään 10 vuotta aiemmin. Paitsi että kyllä niitä muitakin vikoja taitaa löytyä. Mä en ees oikein tiedä miks kirjotin tämän viestin. Ihasama.

Maybe it's time to switch back to English?

Olet oikeassa ):
Surullista todellisuutta.. (tai ei??)

Nah, Finnish is perfect (;
Alexi needs to tap into his super-conscious creativity again to produce a great album, meaning he should isolate himself from the filth he's been bombarded with from his surroundings and be able to "hear" the music he's supposed to write and just compose it down, instead of getting frustrated on a sheet of paper thinking how the hell did he do it in the past. Just something I've studied about brain capacity. All the great artists seem to have their creative ideas as if fed to them from above, while they just sort of transmit it onto paper. Mere forcing and hard work can only result in something like RRF. This is why I'm 'against' the "jamming on a recorder and seeing if something good comes up". Alexi's heart flow is obstructed and he should open it. Thus another Follow the Reaper will be allowed to born...

If I was Alexi, I'd rent a cabin in the woods this Fall, alone for a week or two, have fun and interesting times gathering ideas, walk the lake at night and let the music and ideas flow to the ears. If he hangs around even with his band mates, the deep visions of perfect music will blur instantly.
Exact, I just can't imagine how he could write songs if he's going all the fucking day drinking, he have to be alone and in his world, no jamming, he only have tothink what he really want to do, cause the talent is still there
As posted on another thread... COB says they have no ideas for the new album yet, well here's some:

Idea 1 - Lake in the artwork again.

Idea 2 - No thrash producer.

Idea 3 - Try to make solos seem naturally evolving from the melodies of a song. RRF was mostly quite boring on the solo front.

Idea 4 - Create an interesting soundworld. Guitar sound needs to be more mean and more personal. A personal keyboard sound theme for the album. Soundworld color could be green, violet or dark turquoise, corresponding with artwork (as those are the most mysterious and spiritual vibes in music as opposed to yellow, red, black...) I like the soundworld in the (live) intro Janne made for RRF, this is the shit I like. It also proves how creative use of drums can make huge influence on the vibe (continuing first 7 secs of the first song). The warm soundworld at the beginning of Not My Funeral actually fits the chaotic riffing, which then turns into a cold soundworld reminiscent of the early albums with the keyboard part, but after that the promising beginning is cut short with spiritless thrash soundworld that ensues thorought most of the album. The warm sound is ominous for rock music and particularly doomy riffs in metal, but when there's not enough creativity it's a certain mood-killer and becomes spiritless thrash.

Idea 5 - Atmosphere! Atmospheric keyboards, moody (simple if necessary) guitar riffing/melodies, clever use of drums.

Idea 6 - Thought-out use of orchersta hits to create aggressive feel.

Idea 7 - Brutal, perilous, moody guitar composions. Not just technical riffs. Listen to Hypocrisy.

Idea 8 - Try different things with song constructions. Be creative.

Idea 9 - Compose by listening to the ideas that ascend from the heart - not by "jamming shit and seeing if something sounds good."

Idea 10 - Some more electronic keyboard experiments, there was some good shit on Blooddrunk especially. Weird keyboards combined with drums serve better than having bad guitar riffs all around just because they have to be there.
In Blooddrunk (album) there's the worst keyboards of Children's discography. One Day and Smilex are the only that have cool sounds, but the rest is fucking boring.

Anyway, I like your post so much, a great contribution. Hope that Alexi or even Janne reads that and think about it.

I think that you want to go back, to the 99-01 era, and that nowadays it's just impossible. The best they could try is to do some experiments like in HCDR.
Don't know what Joonas is talking about again, because RRF has easily the best guitar tone on any COB album (everybody would agree with me). Alexis tone is even better on RRF than on TW. The solos... well, I'm happy that they aren't as bad as on BD but with the Ugly and NMF solo, they definitely have two better solos than on the last 3 albums. ...not to mention that the Ugly solo is one of my favorite COB solos (ETID solo is a bit better). The riffs on RRF are awesome - but that's all a matter of opinion. The riff in PMS at around 2:22 is brilliant. All in all I think that RRF is not their best album but it definitely has the best guitar tone, a really good mixing, 2 great solos, the best chorus in any song (SK), awesome riffs, great verse parts (NMF), songs like COTN with this catchy rythm changes are really cool,... I think it was a good step in the right direction. A bit more atmosphere and a bit more melodic parts on the next album and maybe 2 or 3 more melodic solos (I hate this pentatonic shit) - thats all I need.
What they need is blackmetal/trash riffing as the old albums, not progressive industrial stuff as the new ones, atmosphere on the old albums was created by more melodic guitar style. Like the whole songs used to be kind of like guitar solos. That's what they need to do again. Not crazy rythm changes, not moody keyboards as on Blooddrunk, and no more only pentatonic solo's! With few exceptions, Alexi has kind of played the same style of solo since AYDY? in all his songs.... Well I know he broke his arm a couple of times, yeah and he might drink enough to become retarded, but that doesn't mean he have to do everything so god damn similar... Bad live appearances, I can forgive, because of all the shit that's he been through since he got "famous", but he doesn't need to become totally sellout either. Listen to the fans and don't go all Metallica on us alright?
Don't know what Joonas is talking about again, because RRF has easily the best guitar tone on any COB album (everybody would agree with me).

Yeah the guitar tone is quite clear, but it's a positive thing only if it's taken out of the context, as the soundworld altogether is dry and spiritless. Sometimes a more characteristic guitar tone is more interesting. Biggest thing of course is the songwriting, and the soundworld has to adapt to it what fits best. I think the idea is to make the songwriting and soundworld gel on each album.

A bit more atmosphere and a bit more melodic parts on the next album and maybe 2 or 3 more melodic solos (I hate this pentatonic shit) - thats all I need.

Yes, lots, lots more atmosphere; you can't go wrong by creating atmosphere. You can still have testosterone riffs, they don't rule each other out.

atmosphere on the old albums was created by more melodic guitar style. Like the whole songs used to be kind of like guitar solos.

More lead orientation (like SNBN, Bed Of Razors, FTR., etc..) would surely be interesting... Guitar is so important in creating atmosphere in metal, and it doesn't reguire anything too technical... you know, alternate-picking moody melodies on the lower strings.

Listen to the fans and don't go all Metallica on us alright?

Well, there's one standard about the fan feedback and that is we want more atmospheric vibes in the music. It would surely be desired if Alexi wants to make good Bodom metal again, but if he's more into the rock style guitar music now then I don't know. When you think about Sinergy, it's mostly very rock'n'roll type metal guitar stuff, not really anything deep or atmospheric. But the best shit Bodom made is always the atmospheric stuff, even the more aggressive stuff like Hellhounds On My Trail intro, (let alone the 1:45 part) it's always atmospheric.
Don't know what Joonas is talking about again, because RRF has easily the best guitar tone on any COB album (everybody would agree with me). Alexis tone is even better on RRF than on TW. The solos... well, I'm happy that they aren't as bad as on BD but with the Ugly and NMF solo, they definitely have two better solos than on the last 3 albums. ...not to mention that the Ugly solo is one of my favorite COB solos (ETID solo is a bit better). The riffs on RRF are awesome - but that's all a matter of opinion. The riff in PMS at around 2:22 is brilliant. All in all I think that RRF is not their best album but it definitely has the best guitar tone, a really good mixing, 2 great solos, the best chorus in any song (SK), awesome riffs, great verse parts (NMF), songs like COTN with this catchy rythm changes are really cool,... I think it was a good step in the right direction. A bit more atmosphere and a bit more melodic parts on the next album and maybe 2 or 3 more melodic solos (I hate this pentatonic shit) - thats all I need.

Not everybody cares about solos. Also, guitar tone on RRF isn't anything special in my opinion.