COB start writing new album

Dude... this is extreme metal, not that emo shit where it's all about looks not playing skills. You think Bodom would let their new management decide who plays in their band? You fucking tripping? Then why did they take Antti?
Yeah, sad to say so, but so it seems. There is no reason for band not to be satisfied by Roope's playing skills. For the last 12 years he proved he is everything Bodom needs for a rhythm guitarist. "They wanted to bring back youth-Bodom style and energy, and Roope wasn't fitting in" ...I mean, c'mon
And Antti does look younger...but he's there just for couple of shows, until they find someone who looks "badass"...maybe some dude who will wear fedora hat on stage too
Someone just thought in the new management that this will bring publicity...because most of fans are bitching how old Bodom is never going to be back and so on, they tried this "back to roots" fashion with HOB but it didn't work now they are trying drastic changes...
This is gotta be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard in my life.

"Roope doesn't look badass enough", still they throw Henkka on stage with lipstick and strings, and no-one in the band even tries to look metal except Alexi to a degree, Jaska even cut his hair recently... Like Roope looks any less badass than the Bodom fanboy emo bitches? Yes I agree he never looked right for Bodom, but to say that's the reason they fired him and need to teach all the songs to someone else and learn to live with another dude...

Roope just didn't like that kids' music anymore as much as Alexi would've liked. There needs to be passion and enthusiasm. And he was always different, a session-musician who stuck around.

Alexi: "Hey guys, I think we're gonna have to sack Roope, because he just doesn't look as evil as the rest of us. We need some emo kid with make up and grim face." Do you realize how gay and disrespectful it is to suggest Bodom are all about on-stage looks... they clearly are not.
But it wasn't Alexi's decision...the management wants them to look American. That's the point, following the trends. And Roope just doesn't fit there. To me Roope is as badass as he can be, but not to some people obviously...because as you see, they will tour with Lamb Of God. New goal for band - look American. Even Jaska cut his hair haha.

And every story in the media gives you more publicity. Let's fire one band member and have everyone talk about us again.
You're still tripping.

And Roope looked the most American. Hulk Hogan beard, etc. He's a thrash guy, not a melodic black metal guy.
Well, it's like just my opinion, man xD

Doesn't mean I'm right

But Alexi looks gayish American with that fedora hat, maybe they need someone who looks similar to him so that girls can get even more wet when they enter the stage :lol:
out via Nuclear Blast, October 2nd 2015

01. iHurt
02. My Bodom (I Am The Only One)
03. Morrigan
04. Horns
05. Prayer For The Afflicted
06. I Worship Chaos
07. Hold Your Tongue
08. Suicide Bomber
09. All for Nothing
10. Widdershins



Laiho commented on the new album: “We are close to putting the finishing touches on the new COB record I Worship Chaos and as much fun (but most importantly raw, literally bloody knuckled hard work) it has been making it, I’m more than happy and even more anxious to share this chaos with the rest of the world. So people, put your shades and helmets on, it will get very dark and it might hurt, in a perfect COB fashion of course!”
Wow what another awesome artwork, especially contrasted with the saturated, cold, and wet Halo of Blood artwork.
Looks awesome! I have to admit, the album titles are always pretty good!

Also the song titles sound promising!

01. iHurt
02. My Bodom (I Am The Only One)
03. Morrigan
04. Horns
05. Prayer For The Afflicted
06. I Worship Chaos
07. Hold Your Tongue
08. Suicide Bomber
09. All for Nothing
10. Widdershins
Translations in case anyone's interested:

-"Isoveli Janne Wirman paljastaa HS:lle, että ratkaisu Roopen lähdöstä tehtiin jo maaliskuussa. Sitä ei haluttu kertoa julkisuuteen, jotta uuden levyn studiotyö ei häiriytyisi. Nyt levy on masteroinnin viimeistelyä vailla valmis."

"Janne tells HS that the decision for Roope's departure was made in March. It was kept secret so that it wouldn't affect the making of the new album. The album is now ready except for mastering."

-"Levy oli sävelletty kahdelle kitaralle ja teimme vain päätöksen, että Alexi [Children of Bodomin lauluntekijä ja laulajakitaristi Alexi Laiho ] soittaa studiossa molempien kitaristien osuudet."

"The album is made for two guitars and we decided that Alexi would play both guitarist's parts."

-"Taustalla olivat bändin toimintatavan muutokset."

"Behind it all were changes in the way the band works."

-"Vaihdoimme manageria ja halusimme tehdä Bodomia taas ihan täysillä. Muut löysivät nuoruuden intovaihteen päälle, mutta tuntui, että Roope ei ollut enää ihan täysillä messissä."

"We changed our manager and wanted to do Bodom at 100% effort. The others found their youthful energy back but it felt like Roope was not completely in on it anymore."

-"Roope Latvala soitti Children of Bodomissa 12 vuotta. Hän nousi julkisuuteen jo kauan ennen Bodomia 1980-luvulla Stone-yhtyeessä. Suoranaisesta erottamisesta ei Janne Wirmanin mukaan ole kyse, vaan päätöksen kerrotaan syntyneen yhteisesti ajankäytöllisistä syistä."

"Roope played in Bodom for 12 years. He rose to fame long before Bodom in the 1980's in Stone. You can't talk about a straightforward firing, says Janne, the decision was reached together due to reasons relating to time usage." (I'm guessing that the others began training more than usual and Roope wasn't motivated enough for it)

-”Hyvissä väleissä ollaan, mutta tämmöiseen ratkaisuun nyt kuitenkin päädyttiin."

"We're in good relations but this is the solution we reached."

Sounds like he was let go for not having "youthful energy" whatever the fuck that means