COB start writing new album

No Joonas, that's exactly what every artist ever says about his new CD.

Yeah, that's true also.

BD: "Aggressive and dark, better."
RRF: "Satanic, more melodic, best album" (bunch of lies.)
HOB: "Nordic black metal inspired, return to roots."
??: "Darker, better."
Your posts start to annoy me again. The high amount of bullshit in your comments is nearly at 100%.

My thoughts exactly.

Maybe he analyzed his posts and found exactly what needed to be fixed, and this time it indeed was more over-analyzing and more straightforward bullshit.
Speak for yourself Arcane, the last thing I personally need from this album is shredding. As if it lacks in metal these days. And why wouldn't we need a darker album? Cannibal Corpse promised a dark record, they fucking delivered, it was a huge success. Metal is bound to be dark, apart from its rocknroll roots (see RRF).
Your posts start to annoy me again. The high amount of bullshit in your comments is nearly at 100%.

What we want is an album like HOB or RRF again. We need less atmosphere, more technical parts and more shredding. We don't need a darker album. This is a fact. Nobody wants old Bodom back. The rythm guitars were boring, the guitar tone was lame, Alexis voice is now much better.
Nobody want's a second SNBN, KTS or Warheart. SNBN is boring as hell and Warheart is one of their worst songs ever (except the solo).

No, nobody wants a HOB/RRF like album, we need more atmosphere, unless you want Blooddrunk all over again. And those technical aspect introduced with HCDR mainly has become a bit over the top on HOB/RRF so much in fact that the songs just sounds like a bunch of riffs are just cut and pasted together, feels really forced and not natural at all. For the most part it sucks! Big time! Almost any guitarist could make a better natural flow in the songs than the last 3-4 Bodom albums. I don't want a remake of any album at all, I just want songs to have some of the same type of structure. With the leads to make the songs, and not the riffs. And with drums and lead guitars to be the prominent factor, and not rythm, bass and keys. Voice vise it is better now than SW and HB, but not at all against FTR and HCDR, in witch Alexi was in his prime. Guitar tone was better before, and that is a fact. To have Bodoms tone more crunchy with less low mids was a very bad idea in regarding what people expect them to sound like, while it really boosted the Thrash-metal feel....I personally don't like that type of tone.... Bodom nowdays sounds like Megadeth tone wise...
No, nobody wants a HOB/RRF like album, we need more atmosphere, unless you want Blooddrunk all over again. And those technical aspect introduced with HCDR mainly has become a bit over the top on HOB/RRF so much in fact that the songs just sounds like a bunch of riffs are just cut and pasted together, feels really forced and not natural at all. For the most part it sucks! Big time! Almost any guitarist could make a better natural flow in the songs than the last 3-4 Bodom albums. I don't want a remake of any album at all, I just want songs to have some of the same type of structure. With the leads to make the songs, and not the riffs. And with drums and lead guitars to be the prominent factor, and not rythm, bass and keys. Voice vise it is better now than SW and HB, but not at all against FTR and HCDR, in witch Alexi was in his prime. Guitar tone was better before, and that is a fact. To have Bodoms tone more crunchy with less low mids was a very bad idea in regarding what people expect them to sound like, while it really boosted the Thrash-metal feel....I personally don't like that type of tone.... Bodom nowdays sounds like Megadeth tone wise...

You can keep the irony if you find it.
I was referring sarcastic to Joonas homo "WE need this and that" posts, because most of his shit is exactly what I don't need again.

Is it really so hard to catch the irony? Next time I warn you guys when I'm ironical and sarcastic.
Translations in case anyone's interested:

-"Isoveli Janne Wirman paljastaa HS:lle, että ratkaisu Roopen lähdöstä tehtiin jo maaliskuussa. Sitä ei haluttu kertoa julkisuuteen, jotta uuden levyn studiotyö ei häiriytyisi. Nyt levy on masteroinnin viimeistelyä vailla valmis."

"Janne tells HS that the decision for Roope's departure was made in March. It was kept secret so that it wouldn't affect the making of the new album. The album is now ready except for mastering."

-"Levy oli sävelletty kahdelle kitaralle ja teimme vain päätöksen, että Alexi [Children of Bodomin lauluntekijä ja laulajakitaristi Alexi Laiho ] soittaa studiossa molempien kitaristien osuudet."

"The album is made for two guitars and we decided that Alexi would play both guitarist's parts."

-"Taustalla olivat bändin toimintatavan muutokset."

"Behind it all were changes in the way the band works."

-"Vaihdoimme manageria ja halusimme tehdä Bodomia taas ihan täysillä. Muut löysivät nuoruuden intovaihteen päälle, mutta tuntui, että Roope ei ollut enää ihan täysillä messissä."

"We changed our manager and wanted to do Bodom at 100% effort. The others found their youthful energy back but it felt like Roope was not completely in on it anymore."

-"Roope Latvala soitti Children of Bodomissa 12 vuotta. Hän nousi julkisuuteen jo kauan ennen Bodomia 1980-luvulla Stone-yhtyeessä. Suoranaisesta erottamisesta ei Janne Wirmanin mukaan ole kyse, vaan päätöksen kerrotaan syntyneen yhteisesti ajankäytöllisistä syistä."

"Roope played in Bodom for 12 years. He rose to fame long before Bodom in the 1980's in Stone. You can't talk about a straightforward firing, says Janne, the decision was reached together due to reasons relating to time usage." (I'm guessing that the others began training more than usual and Roope wasn't motivated enough for it)

-”Hyvissä väleissä ollaan, mutta tämmöiseen ratkaisuun nyt kuitenkin päädyttiin."

"We're in good relations but this is the solution we reached."
Internet is sarcasm-proof, Arcane :lol: Your post looks dead serious on the screen.
How can someone call SNBN a boring song... It's the COB song, the one that made them break into the heavyweight. Those notes are the hundreds of blazing knife strokes on that legendary night. I guess it must be sad to "see through the music" with technique detecting ears, while then you can enjoy RRF while the rest think it's nothing but a skeleton of true COB washed up by dry desert sand winds.
Translation of the entire interview. Google Translator mostly, but whenever it went too far from the real meaning I edited it to make it understandable. Should be fine/understandable now, except for the occasionally horrible grammar.

Finnish extreme metal band Children of Bodom made a secret gig in Helsinki on 30 May in Nosturi just days after the band announced that Roope Latvala is no longer a part of the band.

Latvala (p. 1970) was replaced in the six-song concert of Children of Bodom by keyboardist Janne Wirman's (p. 1979), little brother Antti Wirman (p. 1982).

"As an experience the secret gig was absolutely great. When it all pro atmosphere ( :D ) [professional] all fumbling and stressing exits and you are able to concentrate on playing perfectly well.", Says Antti Wirman.

Big Brother Janne Wirman revealed to Helsingin Sanomat that the decision to Roope's departure was made as early as March. They did not want to tell the public, so that the new album studio work is not disturbed. Now the disc is finalized except for mastering.

"The album was written for two guitars, and we made a decision that Alexi [Children of Bodom guitarist, songwriter and vocalist Alexi Laiho] plays both guitarists shares in the studio."

In the background was the change in the band's mode of operation.

"We changed the manager and we wanted to do Bodom again at full speed. Others found the enthusiasm of youth on the turn, but felt that Roope was no longer wholly in on it."

Roope Latvala played in Children of Bodom for 12 years. He rose from the public a long time before Bodom in the 1980s, Stone-band. Outright dismissal was not the case according to Janne, but the decision was reached mutually due to time related reasons.

"We're in good relations, but this is the decision we came up with."

Children of Bodom still wants to play gigs with two guitarists.

"We had to think about the guitarists familiar to us and a man who knows how to play those songs. We ended up with my little brother Antti during this summer gigs. Any other is not currently agreed upon."

Antti has played in the past in, for example, Craydawn-, Battagia- and The The Scourger band. He still plays with his brother Warmen-band one project at a time.

"Even as a child I got lessons from Alexi [Alexi Laiholta], and this fit my life situation perfectly. I checked the familiar songs CDs and we went with Allu through the rest on the way he wanted them to be played. Next week will start in Sweden and the last agreed Bodom gig on 1 August in Kuopio "Antti Wirman says.

Antti Wirman is also a new own band No Man's Land, which will make their first gig in August 14 On the Rocks. "It's a more traditional rock," he says.

Does your band prevent joining Bodom, if you receive an invitation to the autumn gigs or even a permanent member?

"My band members have encouraged the summer Bodom gigs. We'll need to figure it out if a question comes."

Alexi Laiho commented as follows Bodom's new disc Helsingin Sanomat this week with enthusiasm just a bit before Latvala's departure was announced.

"It's a hell of a lot darker and better than the previous record."

What with the previous disc (Halo Of Blood 2013) went wrong?

"I was satisfied with it too. This, however, sounds even better."

What is your favorite Bodom-production? The one now under mastering?

"It is about only after mastering. Can't know until mastering's done. It also varies."
The most accurate classification for Bodom's music would be 'megaman death metal', nothing really comes closer to them...
