COB start writing new album

So long time until news you can chat about what your dog eats for dinner if you ask me.

This has been the most painless waiting game, there's not been any news at all so we've no surface to speculate and draw expectations from, and the longer bands thrive the less you expect thrilling changes. This album has to sound radically different if they want to spark interest, not just in terms of guitar tone and slight sound change, but the style of music has to either reinvent itself or be thrown to unexplored depths, or else the songs have to be truly great. If it's another HOB/RRF it's gonna be a long snorefest and that instant we'll start looking for other bands.
"4" guys did the album. Of course Laiho did both guitar parts himself, so he didn't have to teach every part to Roope and make him understand how he wants it to be played, hoping he's emotionally dedicated despite the bitterness of leaving, and then say okay thanks bye. Roope wasn't needed in the recording because he wasn't gonna continue with the band. Laiho composes the guitars anyway so why the hell would he put the effort of transferring that musicianship onto another person. It would only cause extra work and loss of album profits. Just to repeat a few times so people won't ask it again.
Guess he was just hanging around.

Who knows, maybe he's ill, maybe his mother is ill, maybe he has enough money to base a nice home and live happily the rest of his life. How can we know anything when this band isolates itself from the fans.
I do not have a problem with Antti joining the band for their upcoming commitments. In the long run I would like them to get a proven, tour hardened metal guitarist.
From Helsingin Sanomat today

This offers some insight into Roope's departure:

"Isoveli Janne Wirman paljastaa HS:lle, että ratkaisu Roopen lähdöstä tehtiin jo maaliskuussa. Sitä ei haluttu kertoa julkisuuteen, jotta uuden levyn studiotyö ei häiriytyisi. Nyt levy on masteroinnin viimeistelyä vailla valmis.

"Levy oli sävelletty kahdelle kitaralle ja teimme vain päätöksen, että Alexi [Children of Bodomin lauluntekijä ja laulajakitaristi Alexi Laiho ] soittaa studiossa molempien kitaristien osuudet."

Taustalla olivat bändin toimintatavan muutokset.

"Vaihdoimme manageria ja halusimme tehdä Bodomia taas ihan täysillä. Muut löysivät nuoruuden intovaihteen päälle, mutta tuntui, että Roope ei ollut enää ihan täysillä messissä."

Roope Latvala soitti Children of Bodomissa 12 vuotta. Hän nousi julkisuuteen jo kauan ennen Bodomia 1980-luvulla Stone-yhtyeessä. Suoranaisesta erottamisesta ei Janne Wirmanin mukaan ole kyse, vaan päätöksen kerrotaan syntyneen yhteisesti ajankäytöllisistä syistä.

”Hyvissä väleissä ollaan, mutta tämmöiseen ratkaisuun nyt kuitenkin päädyttiin."
and if I'm not mistaken, Janne confirms that Alexi recorded both guitar parts, right?
also google translate says: Alexi: "It's a hell of a lot darker and better than the previous record."
this sounds promising...
cob Fan page said:
According to the - Helsingin Sanomat Janne said Roope was no longer in COB since march because there was a background change mode of operation in the band and also a change of the manager. Plus the band decide to "recall" the youth Bodom enthusiasm and they didn't fell Roope was following it...

"The album was witten for two guitars and the band made the decision that Alexi plays both studio guitars shares"

The album is pretty much done according to Janne, they expect by the end of this week announce the release date. For now, we are waiting for the summer gig's next week with Sweden Rock festival.

Are they fuckin' sirious to kick out Roope?
Thanks Joonas for your "we need old Bodom back" shit.
It seems they listened.

I didn't notice, yeah, Alexi says the new album is a "darker and a hell of a lot better than the last one." That's exactly what we need, cos Halo wasn't dark at all apart from the title track, and it's a boring album when you think about it now. Really missing some Satanic action on a Bodom album. Maybe they analyzed and found exactly what needed to be fixed, and this time it indeed was more darkness and more exciting songs.
No Joonas, that's exactly what every artist ever says about his new CD.
It seems they listened.

I didn't notice, yeah, Alexi says the new album is a "darker and a hell of a lot better than the last one." That's exactly what we need, cos Halo wasn't dark at all apart from the title track, and it's a boring album when you think about it now. Really missing some Satanic action on a Bodom album. Maybe they analyzed and found exactly what needed to be fixed, and this time it indeed was more darkness and more exciting songs.

Your posts start to annoy me again. The high amount of bullshit in your comments is nearly at 100%.

What we want is an album like HOB or RRF again. We need less atmosphere, more technical parts and more shredding. We don't need a darker album. This is a fact. Nobody wants old Bodom back. The rythm guitars were boring, the guitar tone was lame, Alexis voice is now much better.
Nobody want's a second SNBN, KTS or Warheart. SNBN is boring as hell and Warheart is one of their worst songs ever (except the solo).