And I'm about to back up that point by coming here to post LOL
How cool is that? If now people like Jose, Ensi and so on would come back here just to lol on Joonas, I would really start to wank
Is there any way I can get just sleeper's posts to show? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much craziness and speculation from our local master at the art and then fightback from the rest, I'm behind on my info![]()
I don't think he's ever changing, but I see he changed his mind again, I remember him actually liking RRF when it came out. I guess he's back to cool "old is king new sucks" bandwagon![]()
I just say my interpretation of what COB's music should be like (if I was their album producer I'd say this) is to have more atmosphere and more lead-melody orientation and more emphasiz on vocals. But this is no ultimate truth. Even the green and blue albums are very different. Compare Warheart and Follow the Reaper vocals and atmospheres, it's very different, even inside the albums there's huge differences. Hatebreeder jumps from an eerily atmospheric dark black metalish style to a near folk-metalish vibe between songs, while FTR has both the epicly bright sound and also the darker depressing elements. It's down to songwriting, but I would just like them to use the epic original theme, with great vocals, melodies and atmosphere of old mixed with the experimental keyboard sounds and heavier sound of the new style, etc... I had to cut this message short cos I started talking about my vision of the theme and it just got too deep and it's 4 am so I'm bound to regret everything I type now.
They've already released that album, it's called Hatecrew Deathroll.
You just can't compare Trashed, Lost & Strungout / Knuckleduster to the (crappy) singles previously released by the band: Children of Bodom, Downfall, Hate Me!, You're Better Off Dead... it's going to be their best album easily, especially as it comes a year later than planned so there will be lots of time, no filler songs or anything! If the rest of the songs on the album will be anywhere near the two already released songs it will be worth the money... for anyone who doesn't even like metal. Just hope they release the lyrics, why didn't they give 'em out for T,L&S etc? So fucked up!! Well, I'm frustrated enough as a year more is a pretty damn long time to wait. It can be average, it can be ultra good.
I think the song Hatebreeder would've had the potential to be one of the best songs of COB. Not sure but I read somewhere they were intending to make a remix version but turned it down. The song is stupid but has some nice riffs. I'd like the song to begin with this calm flute-like keyboard voice as in the Tokyo Warhearts version, and I like the way it is there better: first drum beat high, second low and third high again (the overmixed album version does it the other way which is worse) and then a huge more aggressive boom, sort of compromising and connecting the album and live version properties. And the song could be more moody and dark, cleaner and more metal, you know.. downtuning the guitars and having a more malice echo to them is what they should do and return to more classic keyboard elements. They could do this for their new album and name the song something else, like.. Snakebite.. you know there's this atmoshpere in the song that something's lurking in the dark and you know it's gonna surprise and kill you.. and the famous Skin Head drink is called Black Snake Bite (beer, cider and blackberry drink). Just make it a classic instead of ridicilous.. There's this nice feeling of a hopeless escape in the song. Oh yeah, and also make a cover of Pamela Andersson's Violator, sharp violins, like Alexi's guitar.. hehe.. Tell me what do you people think..
Well it's too bitchy to explain the same shit over again.
So am I, at least once a weekDunno about the others but I'm still here![]()
We definitely need a new song or album to talk about...
Well believe it or not, the album should be written complete about now... it will be released next spring. They're just keeping mute about it.
I'd just like a 10 second sample as quick as possible when the album is ready, or just a short rehearsal sample, to see how the style is.
I had a revelation. It said that the new album will feature a song title with a word 'psychotic' in it. It might even be the title track. Also, the cover art colour will be dark blue. I'm just leaving this here.
Thinking about that, what would disappoint me most would be if they returned back to their old stuff. I really can´t figure out anything more terrible than a band that´s doing the same again and again, same shit in new clothes. If I want that, I can listen to any random pop or R´n´B stuff around, it´s pretty much all the same. But I want bands to evolve, even if it may happen that I don´t like the way they´re taking, but then that´s my own problem.