Why? Nothing suggests it's going to be great. The band won't even talk about it, which to me means they're not happy.
Of course I really really hope to be surprised.
? Nothing suggests itll be great, yet you hope to be suprised? Its bodom, why wouldnt it be great?
I don't give a fuck, and why do youThere's nothing to do here before there's some big news.
You must have a shitty boring life bashing someone on a forum you don't even know, and not even argumenting, just bashing for the sake of bashing. That's what makes you such a toad, it just reveals your lack of selfconfidence bro.
You're just close minded and think that the "true" bodom lies in their early, alexander years...
They wouldnt do what theyve already done because its been done.
Maybe they are just doing what they want? Expressing how they want with what tones, melodies, riffs they see fit, or come up with?