COB start writing new album

Yeah I know a lake won't freeze over at minus 1, but at minus 4 there should be indications of winter such as snow. Ok the cover art is mostly white, well fuck this I don't really mind.
RRF is actually pretty good, to me it's better than blooddrunk and AYDY. The first three songs are sick, especially shovel knockout that song is really awesome. Pussyfoot miss suicide isnt bad either, and after a few listens cry of the nihilist has grown on me too. And the solo on ugly is awesome too. To top it all off RRF has a very good production as well so I don't see why you think it's their worst album, when it's the closest "return" to their former selves you will probably get.

Anyway, I really hope they give us something soon as well, since it's been nearly three weeks since they said Henkka's interview would be released.

This. Exactly this, both on RRF and on Henkka's interview, it's about time I'd guess.

Personally Im totally confused over Joonas, he goes from one corner to the other....But hey wtf, we all know he breathes COB. Joonas you would prolly go crazy over how the cables in the studio were layed out dude :-P


Out of the topic, what happened to the Scythes of Bodom blog? Sleeper you gave up?

Scythes Of Bodom the blog was if I remember correctly started by Stella as before or close to the time when SOB the page went down, but she'll correct me on that. Scythes Of Bodom used to be an absolutely amazing COB fansite, but it's owner/creator/main drive got tired of it sort of and stopped it, and that includes server/page down, all content unavailable anymore, which is a shame because it really was like a COB bible, don't expect to find anything if it wasn't there. Plus they had great interviews with the band members and a ton of cool stuff, which leads me to...

Why should there be a Scythes of Bodom when the band doesn't care about giving any information or to excite their fans on the eve of their new albums.

...I don't think it's on the band really, since the force driving SOB was Zarok, who put a lot of effort into it. The band just agreed to help by granting him his requests for interviews, but the rest was hard work by Zarok, Lari and the other contributors, which ultimately was the reason it was taken down: they didn't want to/couldn't put the effort anymore. Great loss though, most insightful interviews Alexi gave were their yearly interviews, and that info ticker we got for BD was pretty cool.
since the force driving SOB was Zarok

Not true, really. He held the keys to the website, tho. Don't give the credit to a German guy when it really belongs to a Finnish guy. And it was him who just bored of the whole thing and 'disappeared'. I understand him tho, since we had similar taste about Bodom. But who needs SOB when there's me, and who gives a fuck about a web site that died like five years ago? I've put up like five thousand posts since then which is more than SOB ever had. Is it like SOB is the only source with legit views and info? Nah bra. They have Sleeper as contact now to post every news, and there's not even many active members anymore. I'm sure anyone could get interesting info from the band but the people who have the connections don't have the creativity or interest to ask, and the band itself doesn't care to reveal things anymore, so it's all boiled down to two things: Joonas speculation and Sleeper posting news linked by the band, and of course the guitar covers. There's really nothing else, all we can do is wait for official news. I'm really interested to find out what kind of an album they've come up with after such secrecy.
How about you get off your high horse at first.

I respect your point of view and your opinions (allthough they are not well underpinned) but
But who needs SOB when there's me
is a bit much, even for you.

On the contrary, I have to agree with Joonas on the Blooddrunk matter though.
RRF is well produced and the tracks are well written with much detail to the riffs and an overall fitting sound for the tracks but I just can't listen to most of it (Only Roundtrip, SK and RRF find a rare spin in the CD Player). BD definitely has a 'bad' guitar tone (I love it, it fits the record perfect) and has songs which I don't like too (Smile, DWEDFN) but it has this really dark and gloomy atmosphere on some songs which I miss in RRF.

Its just like that with Slayers Hell Awaits, most of the people I know hate the sound, I think, it is perfect for the record as it takes a much darker approach than anything they have released before/after that (I'm not comparing BD and Hell Awaits here so don't even try to sue me here (: )
Jaska's Facebook:


Sorry for being away for awhile.
I had a little holiday and also went skiing in Austria last week. Mean while the other guys have been working their asses off in the studio. They did good job, I must say.
Right now I am listening few mixed songs with a BIG SMILE and satisfaction! It sounds so good.

I wish I could show you some samples and make you all feel as good as I do!!

Jaska commenting on the new album in reply to a question on fb today:

"Jaska, so we can say new album is gonna sound like kinda hatebreeder,follow the reaper? You said it sounds blackish in one of the photos.

Jaska Raatikainen: yes. it goes back in a way"
Ok, sounds good, albeit expected. Now remember: the most important thing isn't the sound or the technical properties, it's the overall affection of the music, altough I prefer sound world over technicality any day.
"It goes back in a way" means its gonna be real old school Bodom from when we did our 2nd album, in fact its as best and close to we could get to old times Bodom....

lol just teasing u Finnish guys, :-p Joonas
I had a dream about Jaska this night(LOL). We were talking about the music and stuff then I asked him about the interview. He said "I don't know what are the guys doing maybe they are too busy in the studio, or just forgot about it". So he had no fking clue... :D
The beard on Alexi looks awesome, but the background music was from the cover song, sadly.
Current Nuclearblast-magazine writes:
"Defined goal for Children Of Bodom in 2013 is to sound much more "back to the roots" and thus to directly take up the bands' classics like Something Wild and Hatebreeder. Furthermore they'll work together with Graham French again, the artist who has created the classic album covers of the bands' early era. Album release is planned for June, a European tour is about to follow in autumn.
Release date 07th of June, according to them.
Current Nuclearblast-magazine writes:
"Defined goal for Children Of Bodom in 2013 is to sound much more "back to the roots" and thus to directly take up the bands' classics like Something Wild and Hatebreeder. Furthermore they'll work together with Graham French again, the artist who has created the classic album covers of the bands' early era. Album release is planned for June, a European tour is about to follow in autumn.
Release date 07th of June, according to them.

Current Nuclearblast-magazine writes:
"Defined goal for Children Of Bodom in 2013 is to sound much more "back to the roots" and thus to directly take up the bands' classics like Something Wild and Hatebreeder. Furthermore they'll work together with Graham French again, the artist who has created the classic album covers of the bands' early era. Album release is planned for June, a European tour is about to follow in autumn.
Release date 07th of June, according to them.

Everything sounds really positive. But I still try to keep my composure. I know that it can't (and shouldn't)be compared to the old albums. But the news so far really is exciting!
Current Nuclearblast-magazine writes:
"Defined goal for Children Of Bodom in 2013 is to sound much more "back to the roots" and thus to directly take up the bands' classics like Something Wild and Hatebreeder. Furthermore they'll work together with Graham French again, the artist who has created the classic album covers of the bands' early era. Album release is planned for June, a European tour is about to follow in autumn.
Release date 07th of June, according to them.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. They actually have listened to some sense? Are my eyes lying? I thought I hear shit like this only in dreams. "Defined goal." Sounds like a master plan. I've got an eerie feeling the Lake and Reaper will indeed be back.

Alexi says he's psyched on how heavy the music is, he said this earlier too... but isn't the main focus on the old material on something else than heaviness? When I asked Alexi what he thinks is good about the old albums he said the "energy" in Something Wild and Hatebreeder. Is he talking about the vocals? Cos I think FTR is the most energetic.

Then again, Smile Pretty for the Devil was the first one composed for Blooddrunk and was supposed to sound "back to the roots". And it doesn't. It really isn't any particular element, it should be the whole thing.

I thought it's over for all eternity and there would never be a Bodom album again with the dark atmospheric energy of the old days and the Lake and Reaper... Fingers crossed. If it's back to the roots and still heavy as hell, then that sounds to die for...

It definitely was the right thing to do to move back to NB. I'd really like to know if Spinefarm manipulated the direction of their music. Let's see how this new stuff is. I just want another cult album to continue where FTR left off, and I hope the music comes from the heart. I don't even care to discuss if this new route is another marketing strategy (it would be the best one, to be honest...) as long as it sounds true and straight from the soul.
So far I've heard it will sound like:

-SW and Hatebreeder
-Between HB-FTR and FTR-HCDR
-Goes back in a way
-Heavy as fuck

That covers about everything. Sounds like they're marketing it so that everyone will hear what they want to hear. What does it truly sound like? Fuck knows, those 20 seconds in the clip is just 20 seconds, can't make conclusions on that. All I know is I want to have the great tabbers creating the guitar pro files for this, because if it isn't either Arcane or Mitch the tab sucks.