Another confession: I' a chronic Therapist. I only want to make people realize what's going on inside them, but sometimes people get upset because I make them realize things about themselves. That said, might as well live up to my name:
But I'm probably one of the nicest guys any of you guys will ever meet.
Well, you know what they say about nice guys, and where they finish, don't you? Because people tend to call you "too nice", by which they probably mean that you have difficulty discerning when it's a good time to be nice, and when things would be better handled by being a bit more assertive. Usually, when people say someone is "too nice", they mean that that person is a pushover who stays nice even when he should be sticking up for himself. It's good to be a nice guy, but letting people walk all over you helps no one.
Cara? Are you hacking people's accounts?
It's definitely the biggest cliche ever, but I still feel 100% guilty for being raped and assaulted.
You may not be wanting to hear this right now, but I'll take the chance. Instead of feeling guilty, why don't you congratulate yourself on being able to stay alive and functioning more or less normally after such a horrible experience? It's not that I don't understand, and all, but I'm just saying, you had a terrible experience, and you managed to continue your life (albeit with some hiccups), and as I understand it, you have all you need to start building a good life again. That's something to be proud of. if anyone should be feeling guilty, it's the bastard that did this to you.
I fiendishly love getting my nipple piercing caught on my bra during class if I move in an odd way, haha, no one else knows, mwuaha.
See? How can you feel guilty if you can still make confessions like that!
I have a massive superiority complex but I think its there to cover up whats really an inferiority complex
In my personal experience, a superiority complex is very often generated by a person who suspects he's less than he thinks he is, but is afraid to look closer, and so he acts superior to divert attention away from the shortcomings he doesn't dare define for himself.
Whenever i get down, i try to think and tell myself "I'm very lucky to have what i have now, there are homeless people out in the world that are hungry, people that are on deathbeds. Look at what I have, a job, a car, my own place, will be going to college next year, friends, a dad that changed who he was and i forgave him, and a step mom that loves me" There are so many people without those things so i tell myself to lighten up.
It's good that you stop sometimes and realize the good things you have, but that doesn't mean you should devalue the bad feelings you have. It's annoying enough when other people tell you, "stop feeling bad, be happy with what you have" without you doing it to yourself too. You have every right to feel bad, no person is undeserving of such a feeling. Just because some aspects of your life are going well, doesn't mean you don't have a right to feel bad for those that aren't. Then again, simply feeling bad won't solve your problem, nor is it constructive in any other way, I'm just saying you shouldn't feel like you don't have a right to be unhappy.